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Currently Charter Internet - Offers the occasional Speedboost to about 20mb but not at the moment I tested it. Paying for 16mb connection so getting what I pay for. The 2Mb up is good for sending files to my web sites. :)

  On 17/03/2006 at 04:43, cyberfox2004 said:

Speed Test and test your connection speed! By measuring the download and upload rate from the following locations you are able to accurately judge your current line throughput or internet connection speed.

Is that still useful in those modern days?

  • 2 weeks later...

Download Speed: 1299 kbps (162.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 90 kbps (11.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Australia (Telstra BigPond) - Yeah I know I'm asking for it :p there are cheaper ISPs in my area but Telstra runs all the infrastructure and exchanges. We were with another one for abit but got jack of been screwed around, Telstra is ironically better (since whenever there was a line problem, the ISP had to contact Telstra to fix it and of cause Telstra took their sweet time since we were not their customer).

EDIT: What I got is about the fastest you can get in my area and paying a fortune for it too. If you live in the city you can get relatively cheap and fast connections....but further out in the sticks you get royally screwed over!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I left Time Warner due to horrible line quality issues and up and down speeds, I went with AT&T and I only get 3Mbps down and 384Kbps up but I have no packet loss, ping or jitter issues on my line whatsoever plus I am saving myself around $50/month. So here are my stats for now... (note I was getting over 60% packet loss with time warner)


  • 2 weeks later...

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