Windows 10 Build 10525 installed. now have the Annoying "Evaluation Copy" stamp.

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I've been running insider builds for a long time and have Windows Update set to the Fast Ring. This morning, it upgraded me to build 10525. I now have the Evaluation Copy stamp back but Windows does say activated. Anyway to make it disappear?   Or is it really trying to tell me something now. Just confused as to why it's back now.

It's says "Evaluation copy" because as an Insider, you're still one of the evaluators of the build.  If you don't want that, you should revert back to the released build.  Eventually, I imagine that these evaluation builds will be pushed out as updates.

Because you're in the Insider program and Microsoft decided to flip the switch with regards to the watermark.  If you don't want it you can uninstall it or take a look at these article(s) to see how to remove it.



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