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I need to go buy a board and some other stuff and I thought to myself, maybe there are Neowin users who snowboard. I wanted to see if any of you could post your equipment here. What brands? etc. So far Im just set with my bindings, but im not sure what board brand to go for. Im gonna say im a medium-advanced snowboarder.


Thanks for any board advice or suggestions.

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Option makes some really nice boards. I was thinking about getting an Option Vinson with Tech9 Bindings and some 32 Boots for this comming season. Going to ride my friends Vinson and Allian Backman in Jan before i decide. Also Tech9 makes really solid bindings about to years ago when i broke my strap (completely my fault) they send me 2 new ones for no charge, not even shipping. With service like that i dont think i can bring myself to get another brand.

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I dont have a price range. Im all for anything. And money isnt a problem.

Anyway Im gonna go searching for nice board today and Ill see what i come up with.

The reason I wanted to get good bindings is because last year I almost died because of bindings. After about a week of big airs and all sorts of tricks the binding didnt do what it should have done.

I was flying (moving really fast) down this mountain and then.. (pop)... i couldnt turn.. and i flew off a cliff.. only to find that my binding had snapped and that i was no longer in control. Let me just say flying into nothingness sucks ass and luckly for me. POWDER!!!! :heart: :heart:

So later Im gonna go test my skills and see if i can fly intentionally.

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I think the best way to buy things is the same way you put them on. Find a really nice pair of boots (i think your supposed to do this later in the day, when you feel swell a bit also only wear one pair of good snowboarding socks).Then if money's no object id just rent a bunch of boards/bindings and see which one i like the most, then buy it during the huge sales they have over summer.

What price range are you looking at ?

I spent most of my money on my board, which is a burton and spent very little on the boot and binding.

I did this my first time, wont do it again. I rather be bound well to a bad board then badly bound to a good board. Cheap boots can be very uncomfortable and cause blisters. Cheap bindings crack and the straps tend to pop for no reason at all.

I cannot emphasize this more strongly, TRY all your gear before you put up the money for it. Nothing sucks more when you and a friend decide to switch rigs for a bit and you realized how much better his is. (Even worse when he paid ~$150 less then you)

  • Buy boots locally, try on a bunch
  • Go to a good shop preferably by the mountain, ask them if you can rent a bunch of different boards/bindings throughout a weekend
  • pick favs, buy gear, rejoice, cry over summer, rob bank to fund trip to Argentina

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