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Without further ado, here are the games coming your way on 6th October:

Broken Age (PS4/PS Vita)
Super Meat Boy (PS4/PS Vita)
Unmechanical Extended (PS4/PS3)
Kickbeat (PS Vita/PS3)
Kung Fu Rabbit (PS Vita/PS3)
Chariot (PS3)

Did I totally miss the vote?  If so... what were the options and which of those games was the winner?

If I didn't miss the vote did I misunderstand? I thought one of the two PS4 titles each month would be voted on by the community from three choices... I did the one last month for the Sept. release but don't recall seeing anything about a vote this month for the October games.  I've been PC gaming (Witcher 3) mostly this month though so I may have just totally missed it.

As for the games I kickstarted Broken Age, picked up another copy as part of a humble bundle, may have even gotten a steam code from one or both of those, and now I'll have it for PS4, rofl.  Seems like a weak line-up overall with just a bunch of indie games.

Also DriveClub PlayStation Plus Edition is apparently not going to be free for Plus members after Oct. 6th so if you want it and haven't grabbed it yet make sure to do so before the 6th.


Do people really expect to get AAA games every month? I agree some months seem pretty weak while others seem really good but I think the quality has been mostly great since Sony launched the service. MS obviously saw it as a point of difference between themselves and Sony so they introduced their own version.



Thankfully I use PS Plus for reasons other than the free games, as if I relied on that, I'd be sorely disappointed with yet another bunch of indie titles being thrown out there.

I understand the PS4 is the indies console of choice, but at least offer something decent occasionally.

Do people really expect to get AAA games every month? I agree some months seem pretty weak while others seem really good but I think the quality has been mostly great since Sony launched the service. MS obviously saw it as a point of difference between themselves and Sony so they introduced their own version.



I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an older AAA PS3 title every month.  I don't expect a AAA PS4 title at all so that's a pleasant surprise when it happens (and I'd say when they do that they could skip the AAA PS3 title).

The PS3 should have a large enough back catalog at this point that they can offer up a AAA title each month, heck even if they only did Sony published titles they could probably do that.

I NEVER expect AAA Vita titles.

Overall I'm happy with the total of the games I get in the course of a year but that doesn't mean I can't point out which months I think are weaker than others and that I'm not a bit disappointed when that occurs.

Just my $0.02

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Do people really expect to get AAA games every month? I agree some months seem pretty weak while others seem really good but I think the quality has been mostly great since Sony launched the service. MS obviously saw it as a point of difference between themselves and Sony so they introduced their own version.



Yes, mostly since on PS3 there were AAA games.  I totally understood the first year or so not having them because the system was new and not that many AAA games were even out much less could be available for free, but now we're creeping on two years since launch.

That was a common complaint anyway.  Hell, people still say that about some of these indie games.  We've had Injustice, Ground Zeroes, and inFamous: First Light, and Driveclub.

Even on PS3 it took a while to get AAA games, but once they started the instant game collection there was Just Cause 2, inFamous 2, Starhawk, Borderlands, Re5, Darksiders, Vanquish, Spec Ops, Demon's Souls, XCOM, Uncharted 3, Dragon's Dogma, Borderlands 2,.....   Most of those games were well over a year old, even 3 years old in some cases.

I just figure by now a Killzone: Shadowfall or something could be available.

That said, I've absolutely gotten some gems on my PS4 from this.

The way I see it is it's better if I get games I probably wouldn't otherwise have bought. A lot of the indie stuff while it's cheap gets drowned out by AAA releases. When we do see full retail games it always tends to be stuff I bought at release, or in the months after release. When you get an indie title on PS+ the day of it's release, or very shortly afterwards, there's a good chance I haven't bought it already. Stuff from 1~2 years ago is hit and miss, especially on the retail front.

The PS3 offering is whats poorest this month.

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