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Arstechnica has a story on carriers screwing Windows Phone again

I find it incredible frustrating as app makers won't make apps since it won't sell. It won't sell because tmobile and others won't sell it. Then it becomes a self fullfilling prophesy and I must use Android like everyone else etc.

I can't even find the 940 and 940 XL anywhere. 

I am extremely frustrated as a t-mobile customer with a terrible Android phone. I can use lesser hardware with what I have for a 640XL phone and I do not want to invest in a 950 if it will be a dead platform before arrival. What to do

Arstechnica has a story on carriers screwing Windows Phone again

I find it incredible frustrating as app makers won't make apps since it won't sell. It won't sell because tmobile and others won't sell it. Then it becomes a self fullfilling prophesy and I must use Android like everyone else etc.

I can't even find the 940 and 940 XL anywhere. 

I am extremely frustrated as a t-mobile customer with a terrible Android phone. I can use lesser hardware with what I have for a 640XL phone and I do not want to invest in a 950 if it will be a dead platform before arrival. What to do

Buuld your own apps and become self sufficient ;)

Arstechnica has a story on carriers screwing Windows Phone again

I find it incredible frustrating as app makers won't make apps since it won't sell. It won't sell because tmobile and others won't sell it. Then it becomes a self fullfilling prophesy and I must use Android like everyone else etc.

I can't even find the 940 and 940 XL anywhere. 

I am extremely frustrated as a t-mobile customer with a terrible Android phone. I can use lesser hardware with what I have for a 640XL phone and I do not want to invest in a 950 if it will be a dead platform before arrival. What to do

there is no 940 or 940 XL, hence why you can't find them.

if you mean you can't find the 950 or 950 XL, it's because they haven't even been released.

I don't need so many apps but I still hope the store will expand as fast as possible. The carriers issue doesn't affect me directly but someone should do something about that and I don't think it's Microsoft fault.

Arstechnica has a story on carriers screwing Windows Phone again

I find it incredible frustrating as app makers won't make apps since it won't sell. It won't sell because tmobile and others won't sell it. Then it becomes a self fullfilling prophesy and I must use Android like everyone else etc.

I can't even find the 940 and 940 XL anywhere. 

I am extremely frustrated as a t-mobile customer with a terrible Android phone. I can use lesser hardware with what I have for a 640XL phone and I do not want to invest in a 950 if it will be a dead platform before arrival. What to do

I can't understand why Microsoft seems to hurt itself by limiting carrier sales of the new Lumia phones to AT&T only. T-Mobile claims that they want to sell it, but wasn't invited to the party.

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