iOS 9.1 Purchased Tones not showing under Settings

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Fair warning, this post will be long. I will include as many details as possible, in hopes that you guys can assist me.

Here is the back story. I have an iPhone 6s that was originally running iOS 9.0.2 and everything was great. I purchased an Alert from the iTunes store and when I purchased it I chose the option to 'Set as Default Text Tone.' At the time, this worked and my text tone was my newly purchased alert. Fast forward a few days and iOS 9.1 drops. My phone had issues applying the OTA, luckily I had done a full iTunes sync/backup before attempting the 9.1OTA. I put my iPhone into DFU mode and restored using the 9.1 IPSW file.

The restore went through and I began restoring the backup. The backup completed but my tone was no longer there. It was not in iTunes either. Possibly it did not backup into iTunes, but my previously purchased ringtone was there (this was bought on my iPhone 6). I thought no big deal, and after some fiddling with Apple Support I was able to redownload my purchased Alert/Tone. The problem now, is that when I go to Settings, then sounds, my Alert/Tone does not show up as an option for Text Alerts. However, it shows up under Ringtones if I select that under the Sounds menu. I thought this was strange, so I went back into Text Tone and searched to see if maybe it was under the Ringtones category there. Nope, it wasn't listed at all. I figured maybe something was screwy with the restore, so I set the phone up as new via restore, then I used iTunes to sync and restore my data. Still, I cannot select this tone/alert as a Text Tone.

The file in question is only 6 seconds long and is sold under the Tones/Alerts section of the iTunes Store. How can I get this to be a text tone again? If i try to rebuy the tone in question, the store warns me "this is already purchased, are you sure you want to purchase again?" Or something along those lines.

I have attached some photos detailing this, in case I was not clear enough.






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Yes, like mentioned in the first post these are purchased from the iTunes Store. Son of Flynn is showing up in the correct area (Ringtone). The super mario one is the tone that only seems to show up under "Ringtones" and only when I try to change Ringtone. The "Ringtone" category that shows up when I go to change the Text Tone does not show the Mario Bros one which is strange.

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I can no longer edit the first post but, this is solved. I emailed Apple and for whatever reason the store shows it as a 6 second tone, but iTunes is now showing it as 8 seconds which is 2 seconds over the limit. I emailed apple and mentioned they should take down the item as it is marketed as SMS / ALERT/ MESSAGING TONE and some how there are two duration's posted. Strange one as it let me select the item as a tone originally.

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