Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Spying Cannot Be Disabled

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Looks like a few people here will get easily freaked out if a doctor checks their pulse rate and body temperature during a medical checkup.
And before someone says, 'We can choose not to have a medical checkup'.
Microsoft's answer: Yo dawg, we told y'all checkup(all the telemetry stuff) is recommended but optional but you dudes kept banging the wrong chicks (read: counterfeit software, not installing updates) and you got the 'viruses'. To make you stay safe and stable, we have to force you to do a checkup. You see some Docs (you know who) sell your Li'l john's data and let salesmen knock your door (ad companies) to sell you enlargement pills. We don't do that, cause if we did, people would be knocking your door by now but they ain't. Your records are safe at our hospital. If you think someone might steal it, its possible but only those dudes from 'Fast and Furious' can break in.

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If it were me, if I was mandated to be HIPPA compliant, I wouldn't assume that it is safe unless proven otherwise. I would make sure it is compliant.
I'd contact someone at Microsoft and get them to send you a statement that it is HIPPA compliant.

Not telling you what to do, but it's never a bad thing to CYA.

I called the provider of the medical software. They said that Windows 10 Pro is fine. No data files on the computer are sent to Microsoft.  We're upgrading the PC this weekend from 7 Pro to 10 Pro and then will use Bitlocker to encrypt the entire drive to make it HIPPA compliant. 

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We have a small medical office (three people), as a customer, that needs to be HIPPA compliant. I plan to upgrade Windows 7 Pro on their machines to Windows 10 Pro and turn on Bitlocker to meet the security requirements. I trust that Microsoft isn't scanning any files, just collecting telemetry, which I will disable as much as possible, along with turning off peer-to-peer Windows Update file sharing and the other odd things included in Windows 10 that aren't useful on a desktop PC. Anyone have facts that prove otherwise? If not, Windows 10 is safe for everyone. 

Boy hold off on that.

Hospitals are freaking still using XP for crying out loud and many are just migrating now to 7. Reason being FDA certification takes years and 6 figures for your platform. Your equipment may have features that only work with IE 8. Also It is downright illegal to use Windows 10 if it does monitor keystrokes. Worse, what if your insurance provider decides one day to ban Windows 10 and gives you a 48 hour notice to downgrade your whole office (no testing) or else it will cancel your policy due to the issues citied above.

Windows 7 unlike 10 is a reliable and proven platform with many service packs and updates. It is an industry standard. Just because it worked fine on your system at home (had 3 different bugs for 3 different times for me @home before downgrading) does not mean it won't have issues at work or software. Your staff is familiar with it and it won't go EOL until 2020 so what's the rush?

Yes, my comment ###### off neowinners but in conservative IT it means a lot when things just work and people who are IT clueless hold your feet to fire if any and I mean any bugs pop up brutally. I have experienced this 1st hand as 2 people I replaced were let go from the XP upgrade in 2014. If it is a 3 person show it sounds to me you are not an IT professional but a doctor or nurse. It is best to let real IT pros set it up as lost downtime or apps or insurance is a big problem for your employer. Most computer shops support small to medium sized businesses and can do things like setup your servers and manage things for you.

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It's not the OS you're fighting with, it's your own paranoia. 


And if people have nothing to hide, why are they so worried? I could care less what they or the damn NSA see or don't see. I have nothing worth bothering with on my computer anyways.


Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. Scorbing could you also send me your email passwords, I'd like to see what you are doing, who you are emailing and publish those because you know, you're not a bad guy right? You said it yourself, you have nothing to hide. Shoot me a PM and I can give you my email address. Also, its I couldn't care less, saying I could care less means there is less you could care, there is still something there.


Edited by Circaflex
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Boy hold off on that.

Hospitals are freaking still using XP for crying out loud and many are just migrating now to 7. Reason being FDA certification takes years and 6 figures for your platform. Your equipment may have features that only work with IE 8. Also It is downright illegal to use Windows 10 if it does monitor keystrokes. Worse, what if your insurance provider decides one day to ban Windows 10 and gives you a 48 hour notice to downgrade your whole office (no testing) or else it will cancel your policy due to the issues citied above.

Windows 7 unlike 10 is a reliable and proven platform with many service packs and updates. It is an industry standard. Just because it worked fine on your system at home (had 3 different bugs for 3 different times for me @home before downgrading) does not mean it won't have issues at work or software. Your staff is familiar with it and it won't go EOL until 2020 so what's the rush?

Yes, my comment ###### off neowinners but in conservative IT it means a lot when things just work and people who are IT clueless hold your feet to fire if any and I mean any bugs pop up brutally. I have experienced this 1st hand as 2 people I replaced were let go from the XP upgrade in 2014. If it is a 3 person show it sounds to me you are not an IT professional but a doctor or nurse. It is best to let real IT pros set it up as lost downtime or apps or insurance is a big problem for your employer. Most computer shops support small to medium sized businesses and can do things like setup your servers and manage things for you.

I agree with you. The only thing that baffles me is what doctors office would have used Windows 8? 

My dentist, general practitioner, urologist, the hospital where my wife works are all still on Windows 7. Until it breaks, don't fix it!!

They have too many things to do to be bothered with avoidable problems. Hell hath no fury like users temperaments when IT people come in to "fix" problems, that to their mind, doesn't exist. Very little, if any, of the Windows 10 features would matter to most medical offices today. 

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Just block and in your router for outbound connections. 
Problem solved.

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I agree with you. The only thing that baffles me is what doctors office would have used Windows 8? 
My dentist, general practitioner, urologist, the hospital where my wife works are all still on Windows 7. Until it breaks, don't fix it!!

They have too many things to do to be bothered with avoidable problems. Hell hath no fury like users temperaments when IT people come in to "fix" problems, that to their mind, doesn't exist. Very little, if any, of the Windows 10 features would matter to most medical offices today. 

It is sad but true to geeks.

I guess another way of looking at it as technology has now matured  where cell phones are the next cool thing to upgrade. Not your computer. Mainframes have been at this stage since the 1980's now. But I have seen so many XP users still clinging and crying for that horribly outdated and insecure OS. I guess they do not know how bad it is as we fix their infections, windows rot, and constant problems that Windows 7 and great fix.

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Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. Scorbing could you also send me your email passwords, I'd like to see what you are doing, who you are emailing and publish those because you know, you're not a bad guy right? You said it yourself, you have nothing to hide. Shoot me a PM and I can give you my email address. Also, its I couldn't care less, saying I could care less means there is less you could care, there is still something there.


Not sure why i got quoted in this.

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How is mass surveillance and an annoying start menu that has to be replaced to be usable better Windows 7 exactly? It seems worse not better.

There's no way in the world I would say Windows 10 is better than Windows 7, even without any spying!! On any of my computers that I've tried it on, it's almost unusable!! I will admit that Windows 10 MAY be better than Windows 8/8.1, but that's not saying much! They both make me want to :x

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There's no way in the world I would say Windows 10 is better than Windows 7, even without any spying!! On any of my computers that I've tried it on, it's almost unusable!! I will admit that Windows 10 MAY be better than Windows 8/8.1, but that's not saying much! They both make me want to :x

Let me guess, that computer is very old or the specs aren't up to par?



Not sure why i got quoted in this.

because of your multiple comments in here, with the idea that "i have nothing to hide, MS isn't collecting anything private" mentality?

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Let me guess, that computer is very old or the specs aren't up to par?


Given that Windows 10 hardware requirements are no more than Windows 7's, that's rather a fallacious comment to make.


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because of your multiple comments in here, with the idea that "i have nothing to hide, MS isn't collecting anything private" mentality?

Yeah, not a single one of my comments was in that vein of "It doesn't matter i have nothing to hide". Please double check before quoting me.

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Yeah, not a single one of my comments was in that vein of "It doesn't matter i have nothing to hide". Please double check before quoting me.

Sure they are, just check out the first few pages.

It's not the OS you're fighting with, it's your own paranoia. 

It's paranoia to assume that telemetry data collection is detrimental to your life. It's not and the sooner people realise this and get over it, the better. Alternatively, Linux.

Unfortunately they need to because of threads like this.

No, but feel free to look at my anonymous telemetry data.

Not to mention MS isn't even collecting that. [emoji6]

Not to mention nearly everyone on here has probably passed a CCTV camera today... PRIVACY VIOLATION!

Any one on the internet.. PRIVACY VIOLATION.


Given that Windows 10 hardware requirements are no more than Windows 7's, that's rather a fallacious comment to make.


Doesn't mean it will work with ten. Some older hardware just doesn't have up to date drivers like old Intel chipsets and old Intel graphics resulting in lower performance across the board, I've dealt with systems like this and they ran fine with Windows 7.

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Anyone know how to stop my keyboard from spying on me? When ever I want to enter info into the computer, the keyboard always intercepts everything i type. Where is my privacy!!??!!

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Sure they are, just check out the first few pages.

Yeah you clearly can't read. Point out to me which one of those actually says i don;t care because i have nothing to hide?

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Boy hold off on that.

Hospitals are freaking still using XP for crying out loud and many are just migrating now to 7. Reason being FDA certification takes years and 6 figures for your platform. Your equipment may have features that only work with IE 8. Also It is downright illegal to use Windows 10 if it does monitor keystrokes. Worse, what if your insurance provider decides one day to ban Windows 10 and gives you a 48 hour notice to downgrade your whole office (no testing) or else it will cancel your policy due to the issues citied above.

Windows 7 unlike 10 is a reliable and proven platform with many service packs and updates. It is an industry standard. Just because it worked fine on your system at home (had 3 different bugs for 3 different times for me @home before downgrading) does not mean it won't have issues at work or software. Your staff is familiar with it and it won't go EOL until 2020 so what's the rush?

Yes, my comment ###### off neowinners but in conservative IT it means a lot when things just work and people who are IT clueless hold your feet to fire if any and I mean any bugs pop up brutally. I have experienced this 1st hand as 2 people I replaced were let go from the XP upgrade in 2014. If it is a 3 person show it sounds to me you are not an IT professional but a doctor or nurse. It is best to let real IT pros set it up as lost downtime or apps or insurance is a big problem for your employer. Most computer shops support small to medium sized businesses and can do things like setup your servers and manage things for you.

FDA certification only applies to certain medical devices, not your desktops at nurses stations and corporate offices. We have some FDA certified devices and they are some of the most insecure in our environment because we aren't allowed to patch them until the patch is FDA certified, etc. Most are stuck on XP. We have them on a separate VLAN with an A10 that restricts only the exact ports and protocols absolutely needed in and out.

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