The Movie Quotes Game 2: Big, Badder, Uncut!

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Character A: What is your name?

Character B: Butch.

Character A: What does it mean?

Character B: I'm American, honey. Our names don't mean ****.

Nobody actually answered even though its easy so

Pulp Fiction (1994) Quentin Tatantino

Heres an easy one of my own :) - actually one of my favourite quotes ever

Its a mystery man......its a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma. The f***in' shooters don't even know - don't you get it!
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Life of Brian. In the amphitheater.

Stars the Python crew...director....Terry J or Terry G...let's say Jones.

Now mine:

It's too bad she wont live. But then again, who does?
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that fallen.. i think right at the start

How do you find a needle in a haystack?

Burn the haystack!!!

this one i can't find. it was buggin me so i tried to find it. the isreali priminister said something really close though i guess :p

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Can I kick-start this thread a little and throw in a new one. This quote is from one of the best movies I have ever seen and I recently watched it (again) :)

One..Two...Three...Four...Five........Six......Seven.................Oswald was a ***!!!
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"don't take no ****ing guff from these swine"

fear and loathing in las vegas? not sure, been a while.

"Doctor, are you familiar with the scientific precept known as Occam?s Razor?"

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Journalist - I mean - NASA spends millions of dollars to put man on the moon, and in the end it all falls down to you blokes. Well, how do you feel about that?

Other Guy - Alot better before you opened your trap!

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Journalist - I mean - NASA spends millions of dollars to put man on the moon, and in the end it all falls down to you blokes. Well, how do you feel about that?

Other Guy - Alot better before you opened your trap!

Sounds like "Space Cowboys".

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*Shamelessly nudges in a quote* :devil:

"If you hold back anything, I'll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think your bending the truth, I'll kill ya. If you forget anything I'll kill ya. In fact, you're gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now, do you understand everything I've said? Because if you don't, I'll kill ya."

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All from the same flick:

But in the end, we ****** it all up.  It should've been so sweet too.  But it turned out to be the last time that street guys like us were ever given anything that ****in' valuable again.
[narrator 1] But it's in the desert where lots of the town's problems are solved.  [narrator 2] Gotta lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.  Except you gotta do it right.  I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk.  Otherwise, you're talking about a half hour or 45 minutes of diggin'.  And who knows who's gonna be comin' along in that time?  Before you know it, you gotta dig alot more holes.  You could be there all ****in' night.
They had so much ****in' money in there you could build a house out of stacks of hundred-dollar bills.  And the best part was that upstairs the board of directors didn't know what the **** was going on.  I mean, to them, everything looked on the up and up.  Right?  Wrong.  The guys inside the counting room were all slipped in there to skin the joint dry.  They'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips.  They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes.  And it was up to this guy right here standin' in front of about two million dollars to skim the cash off the top without anybody gettin' wise...the IRS or anybody.  Now notice how in the count room nodbody ever seems to see anything.  Somehow, somebody's always lookin' the other way.  Now, look at these guys.  They look busy, right?  They're countin' money.  Who wants to bother them?  I mean, God forbid they should make a mistake and forget to steal.  Meanwhile, you're in and you're out.  Pass the jag off guard who gets an extra C-note a week just to watch the door.  I mean, it's routine.  Business as usual:  in, out, hello, good-bye.  And that's all there is to it  Just another fat **** walkin' out of the casino with a suitcase.

There's tons more classic lines in this one but I've already given the movie away.

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