The Movie Quotes Game 2: Big, Badder, Uncut!

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"Have 'em turn up the air conditioning, it's hot as hell down here.....Wait....we're far enough down, maybe it is hell!"

I'll take a wild guess... The Core

Here's a fairly simple one:

"I trust everyone, just not the devil inside."

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There's tons more classic lines in this one but I've already given the movie away.

Casino (1995) - Martin Scorsese

Robert De Niro

Joe Pesci

Sharon Stone

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Yeah I kinda gave that one too easy.

How bout:

"Bing what're ya doin' heah, I thaught I told ya ta go **** yer mother!"

LOL - another Scorsese great

Goodfellas (1990)

Robert De Niro

Joe Pesci

Ray Liotta

Gotta love that scene - classic Pesci :)

Try this one :-

Oh, that's a relief.  I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use the "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" defense.
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Oh, that's a relief.  I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use the "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" defense.

A Few good men (1992)

Rob Reiner

Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, etc..

Heres one from me:

In this world, a man, himself, is nothing. And there ain't no world but this one.
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I'll take a wild guess... The Core

Here's a fairly simple one:

"I trust everyone, just not the devil inside."

Nope...actually, it's from "Fail-Safe" Here's the info:

Directed by: Sidney Lumet


Henry Fonda as the President

Walter Matthau as Professor Groeteschele

and, a very young Larry Hagman as "Buck," a translator used to facilitate communications between Fonda and the Soviet Chairman.

Great's a new quote:

"Has anybody ever told you that you have a serious impulse control problem?!?"

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"Has anybody ever told you that you have a serious impulse control problem?!?"
Batman Forever (1995)- Joel Schumacher

Val Kilmer

Tommy Lee Jones

Jim Carrey

Chris O'Donnell etc.....

Here's a new one

You're useless, Beatrice! The only thing that pulls its weight around here is my goddamn truck!
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Men in Black 1 (1997)

Vincent D'Onofrio's character said the line I believe

Here's a new one:

Don't call me Dude. I'm not a stoner anymore.

Hint: It's not yet out on DVD :D

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Men in Black 1 (1997)

Vincent D'Onofrio's character said the line I believe

Here's a new one:

Hint: It's not yet out on DVD :D

Hmmm... I believe that's from Scary Movie 3.

How about this one...

" I know all about the UN. I studied at Oxford and Harvard... Majored in Western hypocrisy."

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"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning!"
Apocalypes Now. Starring Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando. I may be wrong but isn't that the very first line spoken in the film.
Lesbian? Her birthday's in March. I thought she was a Pisces.


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Okay How about:

"Stop me if you've heard this one:

Jesus Christ walks into a hotel,

He hands the inkeeper three nails and asks...

...Could you put me up for the night?"

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New one:

Longbaugh: I've... never killed a man.

Interviewer: I beg your pardon?

Longbaugh: I said I never killed a man.

Interviewer: I didn't ask if you had.

Longbaugh: You asked why I thought I was qualified, I think of that as qualification.

Interviewer: And I'm just wondering why that in particular strikes you as an important qualification for semen donation.

Longbaugh: I would say thats a big ****ing qualification - excuse me, a very important qualification.

Interviewer: No one's ever said that before.

Longbaugh: Have you ever asked?

Interviewer: No.

Longbaugh: You should.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here is a long one...

Hello?... Ah... I can't hear too well. Do you suppose you could turn the music down just a little?... Oh-ho, that's much better... yeah... huh... yes... Fine, I can hear you now, Dmitri... Clear and plain and coming through fine... I'm coming through fine, too, eh?... Good, then... well, then, as you say, we're both coming through fine... Good... Well, it's good that you're fine and... and I'm fine... I agree with you, it's great to be fine... a-ha-ha-ha-ha... Now then, Dmitri, you know how we've always talked about the possibility of something going wrong with the Bomb... The *Bomb*, Dmitri... The *hydrogen* bomb!... Well now, what happened is... ah... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of... well, he went a little funny in the head... you know... just a little... funny. And, ah... he went and did a silly thing... Well, I'll tell you what he did. He ordered his planes... to attack your country... Ah... Well, let me finish, Dmitri... Let me finish, Dmitri... Well listen, how do you think I feel about it?... Can you *imagine* how I feel about it, Dmitri?... Why do you think I'm calling you? Just to say hello?... *Of course* I like to speak to you!... *Of course* I like to say hello!... Not now, but anytime, Dmitri. I'm just calling up to tell you something terrible has happened... It's a *friendly* call. Of course it's a friendly call... Listen, if it wasn't friendly... you probably wouldn't have even got it... They will *not* reach their targets for at least another hour... I am... I am positive, Dmitri... Listen, I've been all over this with your ambassador. It is not a trick... Well, I'll tell you. We'd like to give your air staff a complete run-down on the targets, the flight plans, and the defensive systems of the planes... Yes! I mean i-i-i-if we're unable to recall the planes, then... I'd say that, ah... well, ah... we're just gonna have to help you destroy them, Dmitri... I know they're our boys... All right, well listen now. Who should we call?... *Who* should we call, Dmitri? The... wha-whe, the People... you, sorry, you faded away there... The People's Central Air Defense Headquarters... Where is that, Dmitri?... In Omsk... Right... Yes... Oh, you'll call them first, will you?... Uh-huh... Listen, do you happen to have the phone number on you, Dmitri?... Whe-ah, what? I see, just ask for Omsk information... Ah-ah-eh-uhm-hm... I'm sorry, too, Dmitri... I'm very sorry... *All right*, you're sorrier than I am, but I am as sorry as well... I am as sorry as you are, Dmitri! Don't say that you're more sorry than I am, because I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are... So we're both sorry, all right?... All right.
Aaaaaannnnd.... how about this one too:
Drink up, young man. It'll make the whole seduction part less repugnant.

Let me know if you need hints! :D

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OK i'v got two quotes from the best film i'v ever seen (I dont think its been mentioned so far in this thread)

Quote 1

My guess is that you'll never see him again
Quote 2
And like that, he was gone

Good luck!


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Quote 2 is from the Usual Suspects right? They are talking about Soze at the end of the movie.

Aaahh, got it in one, both quote from the film, love that film, watch it if you aint seen it yet.

Well done ECEGatorTuro :)

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