[VS Mockup] 70's styled theme

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Well, I got to thinking, and I realized that there aren't that many brown themes out there. So, I decided to take a crack at throwing together a mockup of what I was thinking of.

Right now it's mostly just a recolorization of KoL's Olive Verde, but I will likely be changing things if I decide to go forward with this.

Still have to think some about title bars, start menu, etc, but here is the taskbar, which might give you all an idea of what I'm thinking of.

If there is a positive response to this, I may have to actually learn StyleBuilder and take a crack at making this an actual theme. :p

Anyway, lemme know what you all think, and whether I should go forward with this or not.



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I really like the theme, and would use it too - but there would have to be an alternate color to brown to make me do so.

Either that, or I would have to learn a bit more stylebuilder too and change it myself.

Whatever tho, it certainly warrants further development.

Nice job (Y)

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oh nos t3h bittorrent!!!!

anyways, its a great theme...maybe a diff color tho...kinda makes me wanna barf :/

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You wouldn't think so... but the scheme actually works...hope we see more of this....

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All right, cool! I'll start work on it today, and I'll post some screens and stuff as I go along!

A couple of you were wanting a second color scheme; I'll try and think of one that still fits with the 70's theme I'm going for, but isn't brown. If any of you have any suggestions on what colors to use for that, go ahead and post 'em here.


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Maybe they'd prefer olive green? Or is that not 70's? :D

Sorry that decade is before my name, though I do watch All in the Family from time to time. :)

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