What should my memory timings be set to?

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  Digitalis said:
I have this memory - http://www.geilusa.com/proddetail.asp?linenumber=35, i heard/read that setting timings in the bios can improve performance... i tried the 11-2-2-2 but it woulnt boot so i had to reset :(

what are your computer specs? (what do you have?)

cpu - 2500+ barton @ 3200+

mobo - msi kln2 delta, nforce2 chipset

vid - radeon 9000 pro 128mb

mem - GeIL PC3200 400MHz DDR SDRAM

Im kinda new to the overclocking memory thing and just want to know what are some good settings i can use in the bios to give best performance.

yeah well, why do you want to run your timings at 11-2-2-2 for? You should just run them at the default they have. CAS timings won't matter a whole lot. If you want to OC more supposedly looser timings help.

My 3500 default is 2-3-3-8. I can run it at 2-2-2-6 but it seems to run better at what the default is. So I keep it there. Benches one can read say it is faster though with lower CAS, but so what?

Hell dude if you want better performance and you CPU isn't locked. Try running 10.5 x 212 instead of the 11 x 200. If not then run 11 x 204 at least.

  Digitalis said:
ok ill try the 11x204, also i should lower my cas# latency from 2.5 to 2 ? Im kinda confused cause from the site( http://www.geilusa.com/proddetail.asp?linenumber=35) it shows 2.5.. meaning it only support 2.5?

no, your RAM should be running it's default spec. If you allow the auto settings. If you know it will run 2.5 but isn't. Then manually set it to 2.5-3-3-8.

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