Is it safe to buy a motherboard from newegg?

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Newegg has a bundle for a motherboard with I5 that I want plus other goodies. $510, plus with their bundle they throw in an HDD.

Microcenter has a similar bundle, the board they offer is a bit more (they're out of stock on the same board newegg has).

Reading reviews from people though, if you get the board with bent pins, your SOL for however long it takes.

Microcenter though comes to $535 with the same goodies as I would get from newegg. Now with microcenter, I'd get the replacement plan which is $20 more, so $556. I also have to pay for tolls to get there and gas...It's about an hour away. I figure if I get it from there, I can just drive there and exchange it for issues.

All in all, I'd like to spend the least, however, does anyone else think the extra cost is worth it for just going in person?

I've bought all my PC equipment from for years now, including multiple motherboards.  Never had a problem with any of their products.  Frankly, I've found their prices are consistently better than others.  Although, like warwagon, Amazon has great stuff too, and now that I'm with Prime, my shipping is always free.  

  On 19/01/2016 at 14:17, Dot Matrix said:

I've bought all my boards from NewEgg. I've had no issues with bent pins.



  On 19/01/2016 at 14:25, devHead said:

I've bought all my PC equipment from for years now, including multiple motherboards.  Never had a problem with any of their products.  Frankly, I've found their prices are consistently better than others.  Although, like warwagon, Amazon has great stuff too, and now that I'm with Prime, my shipping is always free.  


This.  I think I've bought every single mobo from NewEgg without any issues.

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  On 19/01/2016 at 14:13, warwagon said:

Heck no. I buy everything online. Heck with traveling. I use to use Newgg all the time. Now i'm Amazon.


If Amazon had this board I'd get it from them as I have prime too. 


For or what it's worth. I have newegg premier.  I have a promo code for 3 months free. 

I can pretty much echo what most have said on here. I've bought almost all my boards and components from Newegg, and occasionally Amazon since I have prime. I've had to RMA a thing or two with Newegg, and I've not had any issues with that either. Their customer service has been good in dealing with so far.

I've never had issues with Newegg.  I'd find it extremely unlikely you'd get one with bent pins as that would be something that would have to have slipped by the manufacturer's quality control since I don't see how they could get bent in the box with the way those are usually packaged.

I've used newegg for years when doing my builds. My last purchase was 5 months ago for an ESX build I did, I got a refurb server board and it's worked great since I've got it. I think you'll be fine. The packaging they used when shipping had plenty of padding for when the box gets banged up during shipping.

I'm not in the US, but I have heard of NewEgg. I've seen people linking or recommending items on NewEgg for years, so should I ever find myself in the US, NewEgg would be one of the places I'd buy from.

I'm also one of the "I love Newegg" club members. They've consistently made anything wrong right again without complaint or backtalk. Seriously, their return/replacement policies are excellent, and so are their prices.



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  On 19/01/2016 at 14:17, Dot Matrix said:

I've bought all my boards from NewEgg. I've had no issues with bent pins.


Not to mention that if you ever did, NewEgg's customer service is pretty good.  I returned an ASUS MB years ago (socket 939) because it was bad and the lady I talked with was super helpful and sent me a return shipping box.  Zero issues with my return and refund.

I buy most of our shops motherboards, SSD's, and RAM from NewEgg and have for years. They're cheaper than our authorized distributors and the parts carry the same warranty. Amazon can have good prices, and with Prime, usually one day faster delivery.

  On 19/01/2016 at 17:35, helpifIcan said:

Ditto unless someone else has a much better price.


Also, i asked this same question back in 2002ish... newegg is a well established company, awesome RMA too. They warranty policy is pretty straight forward

So this is what I just bought: 


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($214.99 @ SuperBiiz) 
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($146.99 @ SuperBiiz) 
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory  ($41.99 @ SuperBiiz) 
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 950 2GB Superclocked Video Card  ($144.99 @ Micro Center) 
Case: NZXT S340 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case  ($0.00) 
Power Supply: Corsair CX 600W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($47.98 @ Newegg) 
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM (64-bit)  ($87.95 @ OutletPC) 
Case Fan: NZXT Air Flow Series 83.6 CFM 140mm  Fan  ($0.00) 
Case Fan: NZXT Air Flow Series 83.6 CFM 140mm  Fan  ($0.00) 
Total: $684.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-19 12:52 EST-0500

The S340 case I won so I didn't pay anything for it. I added the two 140MM fans already.   Everything was bought at newegg.  

I did NOT buy windows 10 or the video card yet, that will be in about two weeks or so.  The video card and windows will come from amazon. My goal when I get this, is to install windows (I'm in the preview)  on the hard drive, make sure everything works, then when I get the video card and buy windows...Format it and go for it.  

Placed the order, and five mins later got a phone call from my bank verifying that it was me haha. 

Edit: checked order status, its all listed as packing currently.  Nice!! 

This is a first time build, so I hope I get it done correctly.  I think the hardest areas will be installing the CPU, I am worried about bending pins.  And installing the wires, like front header and power button.  I don't know why, but I read that stuff and it just doesn't "click". 

Edited by Dane
  On 19/01/2016 at 17:09, xendrome said:

What board is it?


Sorry I didn't notice your post earlier.  

Amazon had it up until a week ago then it went out of stock.  They said they'll get some soon, microcenter stated the same thing but newegg got it back in stock first and had better pricing that includes a HDD, saves me money later on. 

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