Changing NIC adapter number in Windows?

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I have a media server that I recently installed a front-bay LCD in. The idea was that it displays CPU and RAM usage, and the current network up and down speeds. The resource monitoring worked absolutely fine, however the net speeds are proving to be something of an issue. The software only lets you pick adapter numbers ranging from 1-9. Running route print shows that my ethernet adapter is listed as adapter no. 12.


Is there any way of altering this? I realise this is hardly essential system maintenance, but it'd be nice to get this working.


(Or, if anyone knows of an alternative to LCD Smartie that would do the trick, that could also work?)

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what are you looking at that says your #12?


you talking this index number?


C:\>route print
Interface List
 26...00 ff ee 16 b9 3c ......TAP-Windows Adapter V9
 19...00 ff 90 66 3a 89 ......Juniper Network Connect Virtual Adapter
 15...54 33 9d a4 80 10 ......Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For SecureClient
 11...3c 97 0e 99 df 75 ......Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
 14...a4 17 31 f9 fe 5b ......1x1 11b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter
  1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1


another way to do it is

C:\>wmic nic get name, index
Index  Name
0      WAN Miniport (SSTP)
1      WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
2      WAN Miniport (L2TP)
3      WAN Miniport (PPTP)
4      WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
5      WAN Miniport (IPv6)
6      WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
7      Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
8      WAN Miniport (IP)
9      TAP-Windows Adapter V9
10     RAS Async Adapter
11     Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
13     Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
14     1x1 11b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter
15     Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
16     Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For SecureClient
17     SecuRemote Miniport
18     SecuRemote Miniport
19     Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
20     SecuRemote Miniport
21     SecuRemote Miniport
22     SecuRemote Miniport
23     Juniper Network Connect Virtual Adapter
24     SecuRemote Miniport
34     Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter


What you notice is these don't always match up.. See in route print shows the index of my intel gig as 11, but in the wmic shows it as 7


Yet another way

C:\>netsh int ipv4 show interfaces

Idx     Met         MTU          State                Name
---  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------------------------
  1          50  4294967295  connected     Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
 14           5        1500  disconnected  Wireless Network Connection
 26          20        1500  disconnected  Local Area Connection
 11          10        1500  connected     Local
 15           0        1500  disconnected  Local Area Connection* 11
 19           5        1400  disconnected  Local Area Connection* 17

Off the top I don't know of a way to change this without deleting interfaces and letting it reindex... Let me look about..


hmmm how to reindex those?  But I would be curious to see your output of the wmic and netsh method..  Can we see your output, your best best would be to prob uninstall your interfaces and only install the one your wanting first so that its index is lower, and then adding your other ones..  You might be able to directly edit the registry to change these...  But can not really play around too much with this machine - need it to work ;)  Let me see if can get the index to change on a vm...

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Sure, here's the output of all three commands:



I was originally going on the output or route print. Given that the netsh output also shows it as 12, I'm assuming that it's most likely going to be 12.


I'm guessing that the easiest solution here would be to simply uninstall the WAN Miniport interfaces? Although in terms of reindexing, I have no idea. Is that something that Windows would do automatically when it boots?

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Its just a guess that removing the miniports for stuff your not using like PPPoe, etc.. Not sure it will reindex..  But if you remove them all and just add your nic back you would hope it would reindex.. Will have to test on a vm to see.


Odd that wmic shows it at 7, while route print shows it at 12... Did you try picking 7 in your setup to see if you get any data?

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Nothing on 7 unfortunately.


Also, it would appear that the most I can do is disable the WAN Miniport interfaces in device manager, which seems to makes zero difference...

Uninstalling them does absolutely nothing, device manager will refresh quickly, and the interface will still be there.

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