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On 1/31/2016 at 11:06 PM, pixelpixel said:

But you can strip must of those away from within Winamp. It is not hard to remove a plugin.

Winamp has a send to device feature which will allow you to send music to older apple devices without the need to open itunes.

I'm trying (consciously) to move away from Win32 for small apps - I'm trying to move away from x32 for, in point of fact, as much as I can get away with.  (It's why I'm quite peeved that VLC killed - or at least deprecated - VLC Win64.)

"Send to" should be, in fact, commonplace - it is a feature that Windows has had going back to XP, after all.  The reason Apple makes you jump through the extra hook is due to DRM - specifically the Bonjour service, which is itself leveraged by iTunes.  Groove can leverage Send To from within a playlist - either a single song on the playlist to the list in its entirety - including to Android devices.  (Lest we forget, "media device" is the default for Android devices connected to a Windows PC.)

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