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I can't remember when it started but I think for at least two months Groove has bothered me with some extremely annoying bugs. First, when you skip to the next song Groove flickers as if it would skip 5 songs. When that happens it can also take a while until the next song starts to play (it also happens with locally saved songs, i.e., it’s not a connection issue). Second, when one song ends and Groove is supposed to jump to the next one it often stops the playback. It often seems that Groove plays the track but there is no audio. As soon as you manually change the position within the track audio is back.

I find these Groove bugs extremely annoying. I use my mobile phone to listen to music all day long. Therefore, I constantly have to take my mobile phone out of the pocket and check why the music isn’t playing anymore or I have to click around on the controls of my earphones until music is back. It becomes even more annoying when I want to listen to music while I work out. For me, these bugs overshadow most of the other progress MS has made with windows 10 mobile and that’s a pity.

There are only a few feedbacks on windows feedback (at least in my region) reporting the same issues. My questions are: Do others here have the same problems with Groove? Is there something one can do against this issues?

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