"All Lives Matter" = New racial slur according to BLM co-founder Marissa Johnson

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A prominent activist in the Black Lives Matter movement explained on Fox News recently why she and fellow activists believe the phrase “all lives matter” is a racial slur.


“‘All lives matter is a new racial slur,” Marissa J. Johnson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Seattle, said on Bret Baier’s “Voter Revolt” special. “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Lives Matter.’”




Ms. Johnson said the Democratic Party has “always” taken black voters for granted.


“What it’s gonna take to dismantle white supremacy is white folks actually gotta give up something,” she said. “You have to actually sacrifice yourself. You have to be willing to give up the things that you currently benefit from.”


Source:  The Washington Times

My opinion:  I think BLM is the next black-KKK or the New Black Panthers...an organization that does nothing more than promote "reverse racism".  Calling for the killing of cops and others that do "harm" to blacks...interrupting politicians (and other events) rudely to spread their BLM rhetoric as if it is more important than what the politician(s) (or whatever event) have to say.   Ms. Johnson then has the gall to say that I have to "gotta give up something".  Bull...everything that I've made/earned I've done on my own and through mentorship ... I'm not "privileged" just because of the color of my skin.  I joined the Air Force and as I progressed through the ranks it was because of my actions and my commitment, my supervisors and my fellow Airman that allowed me to achieve position/rank that I did...it didn't matter what the skin color was.


Sure, I will concede that some police on black violence was preventable ... but the BLM also needs to advocate to "their" people that they should stop confronting cops.  If a cop pulls you over ... comply with their requests and let the law run its course.  If you feel that you are wronged ... there is a court system (cops aren't judge/jury/executioner) for that.  In other words, the BLM movement would be better suited to educating and promoting the welfare of "their" people without going off and blaming people of the opposite color that they are at fault for whatever negative situation blacks find themselves in.


Hopefully one day, probably long after I'm dead, people will quit looking at skin color and instead realize we are all the same...and we do not need these racist organizations like BLM, KKK, Black Panthers, etc.


In the meantime...if someone comes up and yells "Black Lives Matter" (or even something like "White Lives Matter")... I will reply back that "All Lives Matter" ... because at the end of the day ... all lives do matter.


Edit:  Mods ... if this is better suited in the "Soapbox" ... please move.

Edited by jjkusaf
Soapbox? Clarified New Black Panthers
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BLM....what a joke.  People get abused by cops no matter if they are black, asian, and  yes white.  This whole thing was blown out of proportion and BLM made it to be racial buy singling out their race and shouting chants like "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon"  Not to mention that a lot of their protests have been fare from peaceful.

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“What it’s gonna take to dismantle white supremacy is white folks actually gotta give up something,” she said. “You have to actually sacrifice yourself. You have to be willing to give up the things that you currently benefit from.”

Ohh, I dont know.  Some white people's mind set needs to change but then again, so do black people's mind set.   Start with protesting peacefully and bringing issues to light maturely.    Not a bunch of angry people shouting in public places making themselves look like lunatics, ignoring those who have nothing to gain from any of this but attention to themselves, and stop the rants/chants inciting violence. 

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I swear, the USA has got to be just about THE most racist place on the planet, and all caused by a minority of people..  I really feel sorry for all normal folks there, having to put up with all the complete and utter a-holes ruining it for everyone else.


We are all ONE race, folks;  the human race.


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5 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

We are all ONE race, folks;  the human race.


Not according to BLM...  If they were true activists and for human rights, they would be trying to ensure that all races are treated properly and equal.  But hey, I better be careful...that is the new racial slur!! :rolleyes:

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16 minutes ago, techbeck said:

BLM....what a joke.  People get abused by cops no matter if they are black, asian, and  yes white.  This whole thing was blown out of proportion and BLM made it to be racial buy singling out their race and shouting chants like "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon"  Not to mention that a lot of their protests have been fare from peaceful.

You are wrong on so many levels that it is beyond logic.

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Just now, techbeck said:

Really...thanks for your insight.

Yes really, Law Enforcement does not go around abusing people and referring them as Bacon, The statement under your user name says it all. One has to keep in mind that Police do not prevent crime, they respond to it. Blue Lives Matter as well

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2 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

Yes really, Law Enforcement does not go around abusing people and referring them as Bacon, The statement under your user name says it all. One has to keep in mind that Police do not prevent crime, they respond to it. Blue Lives Matter as well

I said black lives movement had chanted pigs in a blanked fry them like bacon...not that cop call others bacon.  I said that all races have been abused by cops.  Not that law enforcement  goes out looking for trouble.  And people get abused by cops is a fact.  Not as much as lots like people to believe and there are more good cops than bad...but there are a few bad ones that label the whole group.  Which is wrong.


And the statement under my name....whatever.  It is a funny quote from a movie, that is all.

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4 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

Yes really, Law Enforcement does not go around abusing people and referring them as Bacon, The statement under your user name says it all. One has to keep in mind that Police do not prevent crime, they respond to it. Blue Lives Matter as well


Eventually, you have to start reading BEFORE responding....

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Black lives matter....


What a bunch of hypocrites.  If something goes wrong, burn everything, loot everything, but be sure to look the other way when we do it. And yes, all lives matter, we are all part of the human race. Being black does not magically make you special.

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1 minute ago, AnotherITguy said:

Black lives matter....


What a bunch of hypocrites.  If something goes wrong, burn everything, loot everything, but be sure to look the other way when we do it. And yes, all lives matter, we are all part of the human race. Being black does not magically make you special.

I agree with everything but you have to understand why the African American population would be protesting and the circumstances around it.  African Americans make up around half of all incarcerated people in U.S. jails, they are incarcerated wrongly more often than other races and the poverty levels among them are higher.  


Now, this isn't an excuse for anything, just to help people understand.  

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The number of people that get abused by the Police is Blown way out of proportion. What happened in Ferguson  is a Prime Example. Take NY City , They have 34,000 Uniformed Officer's and 51,000 total employees. If you take a cross section of every city's Police Department in this country they will fall way short of The Professionalism That The NYPD had due to money.  They simply are not trained as well. To have The AG Eric Holder slam the Ferguson police department without knowing the facts and saying that they all were racists is and was a disgrace to this countries government.  Look at the stats of the Murders committed in this country particularly  in Chicago. But no one dare speak on that. The truth is that Black on Black crime is leading in all categories.

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Just now, ctebah said:

I agree with everything but you have to understand why the African American population would be protesting and the circumstances around it.  African Americans make up around half of all incarcerated people in U.S. jails, they are incarcerated wrongly more often than other races and the poverty levels among them are higher.  


Now, this isn't an excuse for anything, just to help people understand.  

But they commit a huge percentage of all the crime so what would you expect the percentage to be, and BTW it is way over 50%. Many Black Children grow up without a father figure. Seventy Percent of all Blacks are born to unwed mothers. So who do these poor kids look up tp? The gang bangers on the streets.

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2 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

But they commit a huge percentage of all the crime so what would you expect the percentage to be, and BTW it is way over 50%. Many Black Children grow up without a father figure. Seventy Percent of all Blacks are born to unwed mothers. So who do these poor kids look up tp? The gang bangers on the streets.

Not way over.  About 60%.  The rest just shows a problem that needs to be solved.  

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7 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

But they commit a huge percentage of all the crime so what would you expect the percentage to be, and BTW it is way over 50%. Many Black Children grow up without a father figure. Seventy Percent of all Blacks are born to unwed mothers. So who do these poor kids look up tp? The gang bangers on the streets.

No no no.  It just can't be that.  Nope.  It's from not having enough money.  You know, socioeconomic background.  /s

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This is what I hear: Some black people are racist, so racism is OK. And when someone says "black lives matter" and the response is "all lives matter", that sounds like "no they don't".


The fact is a lot people don't really give a crap that a 12 year old was shot to death by a cop on a playground. If the boy Zimmerman murdered in Florida had been an attractive white girl, he would have been hung from a telephone pole on the spot, and we'd all have had the rest of the week off to celebrate he was dead. But since it was a black kid, well, he had it coming. Sure.


Everyone likes to say racism is dead because a black man was elected president. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where we used to be openly racist, now we lie about it. When you say that you can't be racist because black people are, it sounds stupid. We need to stop lying about these things, like the Confederate battle flag representing a 'heritage'. What heritage? The time you tried to destroy the United States? That heritage? Just stop.


Of course black people, and asian people, and whatever people can be racist. That is not a justification for YOU to be that way.


That's what a lot of you are saying. It's a lie, and if you were as smart as you think you are, you would realize that. The rest of us do.

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46 minutes ago, ctebah said:

I agree with everything but you have to understand why the African American population would be protesting and the circumstances around it.  African Americans make up around half of all incarcerated people in U.S. jails, they are incarcerated wrongly more often than other races and the poverty levels among them are higher.  


Now, this isn't an excuse for anything, just to help people understand.  

Well, maybe if they applied themselves in school, stayed out of gangs, and got jobs, they'd have different lives?


How their lives turn out is THEIR fault, not anyone else's.

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1 minute ago, FloatingFatMan said:

Well, maybe if they applied themselves in school, stayed out of gangs, and got jobs, they'd have different lives?


How their lives turn out is THEIR fault, not anyone else's.

Partially.  Environment plays a very significant part in the upbringing of youth.  It's very easy to tell people to get a job or do better in school but much harder to actually help them.  

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42 minutes ago, ctebah said:
36 minutes ago, Stoffel said:
36 minutes ago, Stoffel said:
5 minutes ago, Pishaw said:
1 hour ago, ctebah said:


Eventually, you have to start reading BEFORE responding....

This is what I hear: Some black people are racist, so racism is OK. And when someone says "black lives matter" and the response is "all lives matter", that sounds like "no they don't".


The fact is a lot people don't really give a crap that a 12 year old was shot to death by a cop on a playground. If the boy Zimmerman murdered in Florida had been an attractive white girl, he would have been hung from a telephone pole on the spot, and we'd all have had the rest of the week off to celebrate he was dead. But since it was a black kid, well, he had it coming. Sure.


Everyone likes to say racism is dead because a black man was elected president. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where we used to be openly racist, now we lie about it. When you say that you can't be racist because black people are, it sounds stupid. We need to stop lying about these things, like the Confederate battle flag representing a 'heritage'. What heritage? The time you tried to destroy the United States? That heritage? Just stop.


Of course black people, and asian people, and whatever people can be racist. That is not a justification for YOU to be that way.


That's what a lot of you are saying. It's a lie, and if you were as smart as you think you are, you would realize that. The rest of us do.

The White privilege is strong in this thread!

The White privilege is strong in this thread!

Not way over.  About 60%.  The rest just shows a problem that needs to be solved.  

It matters in what state you get the stats from.


I did read, I responded to a post, It does not matter who said it.

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1 minute ago, Gary7 said:

It matters in what state you get the stats from.

Obviously we are talking country wide.



I did read, I responded to a post, It does not matter who said it.

Obviously you didn't.  You completely misunderstood what techbeck was saying.  

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BLM....what a joke.  People get abused by cops no matter if they are black, asian, and  yes white.  This whole thing was blown out of proportion and BLM made it to be racial buy singling out their race and shouting chants like "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon"  Not to mention that a lot of their protests have been fare from peaceful.





This is the post I responded to. Like I said it matters not who said it. Maybe if He Used Quote you would understand.


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9 minutes ago, ctebah said:

Partially.  Environment plays a very significant part in the upbringing of youth.  It's very easy to tell people to get a job or do better in school but much harder to actually help them.  

And who is responsible for the environment they live in?


Yep, they are. When you crap in your own porridge, you don't get to complain your porridge has poop in it.



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