"All Lives Matter" = New racial slur according to BLM co-founder Marissa Johnson

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Just now, ctebah said:

Exactly.  Now you just have to realize that there are parts in the Western World that are worse than some 3rd world countries.  Some cities neighborhoods are worse than war zones.

That I know, and as I already said, people can LEAVE.  Don't tell me they can't, they can. If need be, they can just put one foot in front of the other, and walk away.


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The thing I really hate about this BLM movement is it isn't black lives that matter, it's a specific subset only.... If you are black Indian (and there are some that are VERY black) you are somehow inferior then a black African in the terms of this movement... even though you are "blacker" in color then a lot of them


why can't we just all be equal? oh that's right because we want to use every little thing to our advantage......

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2 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

That I know, and as I already said, people can LEAVE.  Don't tell me they can't, they can. If need be, they can just put one foot in front of the other, and walk away.


Walk away to what?  If a single mother lives in the hood and works two jobs (spending less time with her children) and doesn't have a Degree, and can ONLY afford their current place, where is she supposed to "walk away to?"  And since she's spending less time with her children, who may be growing up surrounded by gangs, drugs and crime, guess what they may be inclined to do?  There are thousands of similar examples.


Just because you or me chose a life without committing crime doesn't mean that a child in poverty knows how to make the same choice.  

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58 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

This is the post I responded to. Like I said it matters not who said it. Maybe if He Used Quote you would understand.


Errr, I quoted my text.  I didnt use the HTML quote because I was not quoting a specific article or another user.  It is well known the chant some in the BLM has made.  Not sure how you could have mistaken what I said here...



This whole thing was blown out of proportion and BLM made it to be racial buy singling out their race and shouting chants like "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon"  Not to mention that a lot of their protests have been fare from peaceful.

Which is really no big deal.  I understand you are ex law enforcement and this can be a touchy subject for you.

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Just now, ctebah said:

Walk away to what?  If a single mother lives in the hood and works two jobs (spending less time with her children) and doesn't have a Degree, and can ONLY afford their current place, where is she supposed to "walk away to?"  And since she's spending less time with her children, who may be growing up surrounded by gangs, drugs and crime, guess what they may be inclined to do?  There are thousands of similar examples.


Just because you or me chose a life without committing crime doesn't mean that a child in poverty knows how to make the same choice.  

I moved 40 miles away (next door for the US, but several towns distant for the UK), so don't give me that crap.  I found a job, I got a place, and I LEFT. Don't give me that crap that just because someone's in a crappy situation, that they can't do something about it. That's a defeatist attitude, and just belittles people in that situation.


If you want to leave, you absolutely CAN leave.  I never said it'd be easy, but it's not impossible.  Find a job elsewhere, and just GO.


As for said poverty stricken child. Does people being poor automatically mean they're unable to understand such basic things as right and wrong? Is America REALLY that broken?


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46 minutes ago, oldtimefighter said:

And... Another great discussion on Neowin by a bunch of white dudes about issues of concern to people of color in the US. #facepalm

If someone is calling me a racist or making racist remarks unchallenged like Black Lives Matter goons - then it is my concern.

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1 hour ago, ctebah said:

A single mother in borderline poverty doesn't get to choose where she's going to live.  This applies to every race.  Ignorant statements won't get us anywhere.  

Some get a choice, some do not.  Life happens and I have seen poor people, homeless even, rise above and go on to do wonderful things.  Sometimes they do it on their own, sometimes it is the help and kindness of others.  And then there are those who cannot seem to catch a break.  Choice is there, maybe not for all, but it is still there.  And some people have all the support in the world and turn out to have nothing in life.

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2 hours ago, jjkusaf said:

Source:  The Washington Times

My opinion:  I think BLM is the next black-KKK (or Black Panthers) ...an organization that does nothing more than promote "reverse racism".  Calling for the killing of cops and others that do "harm" to blacks...interrupting politicians (and other events) rudely to spread their BLM rhetoric as if it is more important than what the politician(s) (or whatever event) have to say.   Ms. Johnson then has the gall to say that I have to "gotta give up something".  Bull...everything that I've made/earned I've done on my own and through mentorship ... I'm not "privileged" just because of the color of my skin.  I joined the Air Force and as I progressed through the ranks it was because of my actions and my commitment, my supervisors and my fellow Airman that allowed me to achieve position/rank that I did...it didn't matter what the skin color was.


Sure, I will concede that some police on black violence was preventable ... but the BLM also needs to advocate to "their" people that they should stop confronting cops.  If a cop pulls you over ... comply with their requests and let the law run its course.  If you feel that you are wronged ... there is a court system (cops aren't judge/jury/executioner) for that.  In other words, the BLM movement would be better suited to educating and promoting the welfare of "their" people without going off and blaming people of the opposite color that they are at fault for whatever negative situation blacks find themselves in.


Hopefully one day, probably long after I'm dead, people will quit looking at skin color and instead realize we are all the same...and we do not need these racist organizations like BLM, KKK, Black Panthers, etc.


In the meantime...if someone comes up and yells "Black Lives Matter" (or even something like "White Lives Matter")... I will reply back that "All Lives Matter" ... because at the end of the day ... all lives do matter.


Edit:  Mods ... if this is better suited in the "Soapbox" ... please move.


have you actually studied what the black pathers did?


black panters weren't anti white.  they were anti corrupt white cops.  


i dont condone some of the things the panthers did dont get me wrong, but they were the end result of oppression.  enough pressure make anyone crack.



the kkk chose hatred... 2 different ends of a spectrum...

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55 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

Opportunities for change don't just present themselves. You make your own opportunity, or you sit in your own stink.  Some might give you a shovel, but they're not going to dig you out of the hole for you, that's your job.


And some people just have bad luck.  There are also people who have everything, and end up with nothing.  Life is funny that way.

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2 hours ago, jjkusaf said:

Source:  The Washington Times

My opinion:  I think BLM is the next black-KKK (or Black Panthers) ...an organization that does nothing more than promote "reverse racism".  Calling for the killing of cops and others that do "harm" to blacks...interrupting politicians (and other events) rudely to spread their BLM rhetoric as if it is more important than what the politician(s) (or whatever event) have to say.   Ms. Johnson then has the gall to say that I have to "gotta give up something".  Bull...everything that I've made/earned I've done on my own and through mentorship ... I'm not "privileged" just because of the color of my skin.  I joined the Air Force and as I progressed through the ranks it was because of my actions and my commitment, my supervisors and my fellow Airman that allowed me to achieve position/rank that I did...it didn't matter what the skin color was.


Sure, I will concede that some police on black violence was preventable ... but the BLM also needs to advocate to "their" people that they should stop confronting cops.  If a cop pulls you over ... comply with their requests and let the law run its course.  If you feel that you are wronged ... there is a court system (cops aren't judge/jury/executioner) for that.  In other words, the BLM movement would be better suited to educating and promoting the welfare of "their" people without going off and blaming people of the opposite color that they are at fault for whatever negative situation blacks find themselves in.


Hopefully one day, probably long after I'm dead, people will quit looking at skin color and instead realize we are all the same...and we do not need these racist organizations like BLM, KKK, Black Panthers, etc.


In the meantime...if someone comes up and yells "Black Lives Matter" (or even something like "White Lives Matter")... I will reply back that "All Lives Matter" ... because at the end of the day ... all lives do matter.


Edit:  Mods ... if this is better suited in the "Soapbox" ... please move.


have you ever been pulled over just for being white?  have the cops ever come to your neighborhood and rough you just because they could?


you honestly have NO clue.


I was born from nothing.  I was never a gang banger, nor a drug dealer... but because of the color of my skin and the neighborhood I live in, i was considered trash and treated as such.

this is referring to me and me only.  the kid who got in NO trouble. the kid who kept his grades up... etc etc...


when you looked at as scum, try telling the law that they got corrupt ones on the team...


i dont want a handout from anyone, more than willing to work for it.  but my skin color should hold NOT be the deciding factor of my fate...

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3 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

I moved 40 miles away (next door for the US, but several towns distant for the UK), so don't give me that crap.  I found a job, I got a place, and I LEFT. Don't give me that crap that just because someone's in a crappy situation, that they can't do something about it. That's a defeatist attitude, and just belittles people in that situation.


If you want to leave, you absolutely CAN leave.  I never said it'd be easy, but it's not impossible.  Find a job elsewhere, and just GO.

Again, I used an example of a single mother.  You do understand that the world doesn't revolve around you, right?  A single mother, or father, living pay to pay on two jobs may not be able to, as you put it, simply walk away and move to a nicer neighborhood.  


If people could do that, we wouldn't have "hoods"...



As for said poverty stricken child. Does people being poor automatically mean they're unable to understand such basic things as right and wrong? Is America REALLY that broken?

Obviously not, but in the absence of parents, children may often not be taught the difference between rights and wrongs.  

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1 hour ago, FloatingFatMan said:

And who is responsible for the environment they live in?


Yep, they are. When you crap in your own porridge, you don't get to complain your porridge has poop in it.




i didt get to choose where i lived when i was a child... 

i didn't get to choose being roughed up by cops from age 12-17, they chose that.


i didnt join gangs nor get in trouble... i played sports and videogames... decent grades in school...


do NOT stereotype...

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59 minutes ago, oldtimefighter said:

And... Another great discussion on Neowin by a bunch of white dudes about issues of concern to people of color in the US. #facepalm

Why should Neowin be singled out here?   It is a discussion for debate a lot of places and if "white dudes" do not help discuss it and work through the issues, they will never get better or get resolved.  This is not just a concern for people of color.  This is a concern for everyone and everyone needs to work together and figure it out.  If you cannot participate in the convo, that is fine.  Others can.

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2 hours ago, Open Minded said:

No no no.  It just can't be that.  Nope.  It's from not having enough money.  You know, socioeconomic background.  /s


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now this is how messed up it is sometimes...


my wife is white, and I'm black...

i went into a store one day with my wife, to do some shopping, we were greeted and told to have a good day.  got what was needed and left.


i forgot something i wanted and ran back in really quick to get it, was given an odd look when i walked in, and followed and asked if i needed help (after saying im all set the other million times werent enough) all the way to the item i wanted.


nobody can convince me that this doesnt happen.

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7 minutes ago, Showan said:


i didt get to choose where i lived when i was a child... 

i didn't get to choose being roughed up by cops from age 12-17, they chose that.


i didnt join gangs nor get in trouble... i played sports and videogames... decent grades in school...


do NOT stereotype...

are you not stereotyping by asserting the color of your skin affects you as a person? Why are you stereotyping?


Question: Do you think all lives matter?

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Why is it that only Blacks are referred to as African Americans. The USA is a melting pot of people from all over the world. No one refers to Chinese Americans, or Canadian Americans, Or German Americans and so forth. The only race that has a real issue here is The American Indian. The White man stole their land, put them on reservations.  I say Redmen Lives Matter.

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9 minutes ago, ctebah said:

Again, I used an example of a single mother.  You do understand that the world doesn't revolve around you, right?  A single mother, or father, living pay to pay on two jobs may not be able to, as you put it, simply walk away and move to a nicer neighborhood.  


If people could do that, we wouldn't have "hoods"...


Obviously not, but in the absence of parents, children may often not be taught the difference between rights and wrongs.  

A lot of people consciously choose to live in "hoods" and not better themselves as well.   Some people want change and to be better off, and cannot.  Some people do not want to be better off, and don't.

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Just now, Rippleman said:

are you not stereotyping by asserting the color of your skin affects you as a person? Why are you stereotyping?


Question: Do you think all lives matter?

this is the dumbest question ever.  BLM doesnt equate to nobody else but blacks matter.


it equates to we are human as well, bleed the same blood as well, breath the same air as well...


dont hold the color of my skin against me is what it means...


the color of my skin does effect my life depending on the day of the week... can you say the same?

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10 minutes ago, ctebah said:

Again, I used an example of a single mother.  You do understand that the world doesn't revolve around you, right?  A single mother, or father, living pay to pay on two jobs may not be able to, as you put it, simply walk away and move to a nicer neighborhood.  


If people could do that, we wouldn't have "hoods"...


Obviously not, but in the absence of parents, children may often not be taught the difference between rights and wrongs.  

Are you making the assersion that there are no poor kids from single parents from other races? According to stats, what you are speaking of seems with the black community as a whole that no other race seems to have a out-of-balance ratio with. 

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1 minute ago, techbeck said:

A lot of people consciously choose to live in "hoods" and not better themselves as well.   Some people want change and to be better off, and cannot.  Some people do not want to be better off, and don't.

Yep.  A lot of people like to live as victims and a lot of them want better lives.  The choices are always there but the means to accomplish them may not be.

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29 minutes ago, ctebah said:

Walk away to what?  If a single mother lives in the hood and works two jobs (spending less time with her children) and doesn't have a Degree, and can ONLY afford their current place, where is she supposed to "walk away to?"  And since she's spending less time with her children, who may be growing up surrounded by gangs, drugs and crime, guess what they may be inclined to do?  There are thousands of similar examples.


Just because you or me chose a life without committing crime doesn't mean that a child in poverty knows how to make the same choice.  

Lets take this pleasant stereotype of a typical person who's in a bind and deconstruct it. Why doesn't she have enough money? Probably because she's paying for the expenses of her children (thus the need for two jobs). Perhaps she doesn't have a degree either cause she had to drop out to take care of those kids or just didn't prioritize her education (a choice, there are plenty of grants for people who are in financial oblivion). And who chose to bring those kids into this environment? She did. It was her own choice to have children, and she's coping with the results of her own life decisions.

Children aren't some random occurrence you can't plan for, much to the chagrin of people who like to use them as scapegoats for why people can't manage their own lives. She had a choice to not have kids, and not put herself in a position where she's financially strained. ###### does happen, but having kids to pay for isn't "###### happens", especially not multiple children.

These are all clever excuses to paint a sad story. And while you can probably find someone who genuinely is in a bad situation not of their own doing  that does not represent the majority of these people. You have many choices in life, and you can't blame the results of those choices on anyone else. You can't write policy and recondition society to the least common denominator.

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25 minutes ago, Showan said:


have you actually studied what the black pathers did?


black panters weren't anti white.  they were anti corrupt white cops.  


i dont condone some of the things the panthers did dont get me wrong, but they were the end result of oppression.  enough pressure make anyone crack.



the kkk chose hatred... 2 different ends of a spectrum...

Apologies.  I should have said "New" Black Panther Party...not the original Black Panthers.  

20 minutes ago, Showan said:


have you ever been pulled over just for being white?  have the cops ever come to your neighborhood and rough you just because they could?


you honestly have NO clue.


I was born from nothing.  I was never a gang banger, nor a drug dealer... but because of the color of my skin and the neighborhood I live in, i was considered trash and treated as such.

this is referring to me and me only.  the kid who got in NO trouble. the kid who kept his grades up... etc etc...


when you looked at as scum, try telling the law that they got corrupt ones on the team...


i dont want a handout from anyone, more than willing to work for it.  but my skin color should hold NOT be the deciding factor of my fate...

Actually...yes...yes I have.  My vehicle doesn't "match" the neighborhood I live in and last year a cop tailed me for a good mile before turning on his lights as I pulled into my neighborhood so I pulled into my driveway while opening the garage door.  His first question was "oh, you live here?".  Then he proceeded to say that he pulled me over because I didn't have month/year stickers on my Texas plates...which we don't have month/year stickers.  So...alrighty then.  


Also, don't presume to know me or the neighborhood I grew up in...hell I was "white trash".  I joined the military with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few bucks to my name.  As I mentioned previously...blaming others or rioting absolutely does nothing to further the advancement of one's personal life.  I'm aware that there are bad cops and racism is still prevalent...but are movements such as BLM really the answer?  Is reverse racism the answer?

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6 minutes ago, Showan said:

now this is how messed up it is sometimes...


my wife is white, and I'm black...

i went into a store one day with my wife, to do some shopping, we were greeted and told to have a good day.  got what was needed and left.


i forgot something i wanted and ran back in really quick to get it, was given an odd look when i walked in, and followed and asked if i needed help (after saying im all set the other million times werent enough) all the way to the item i wanted.


nobody can convince me that this doesnt happen.

Yea, it happens and just ignorant people really. 


MY sister is as white as they come.  She does not tan, she burns.  She is very fluent in spanish.  When she visits Mexico, you would be surprised at all the stuff that is said about the gringos up north.  I dont speak spanish so never noticed when I went with her.   Ignorant racist people all over the world.  Sad really and even worse when you have to deal with it day to day.

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