"All Lives Matter" = New racial slur according to BLM co-founder Marissa Johnson

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1 hour ago, Gary7 said:

I say get out of the 60's many people were discriminated against, the Irish, The Asian. We rounded up Japanese during WWII , has that happened to Blacks. All lives matter we are all Brothers. But you have people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that make a living out of stiring up racial hatred. I am sure that this is Not what Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream was all about.

It's not what his dream is all about and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were two of King's closest allies when King was alive, SHAME on them for what they are making his dream out to be!

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2 hours ago, Gary7 said:

Why is it that only Blacks are referred to as African Americans. The USA is a melting pot of people from all over the world. No one refers to Chinese Americans, or Canadian Americans, Or German Americans and so forth. The only race that has a real issue here is The American Indian. The White man stole their land, put them on reservations.  I say Redmen Lives Matter.

Actually, you do hear other terms. Irish American, Italian American... Americans generally seem to be way more fixated on the origins of their ancestors than anyone else and seem to forget, they're all actually just... Americans.

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2 hours ago, Showan said:

this is the dumbest question ever.  BLM doesnt equate to nobody else but blacks matter.


it equates to we are human as well, bleed the same blood as well, breath the same air as well...


dont hold the color of my skin against me is what it means...


the color of my skin does effect my life depending on the day of the week... can you say the same?

I know you're not talking to me here, but FWIW, I don't even see the colour of your skin, or care 2 whits about it. You're just some guy I chat to on the internet sometimes, no better or worse than anyone else.  Your ethnicity is of even less interest to me than who won the latest series of some random reality TV show, and I'm so disinterested in that my brain almost shuts off just thinking about it. :p


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31 minutes ago, dead.cell said:

What are your thoughts?

I'll try to be as constructive as possible.


"All Live Matters" is a counterproductive mechanism towards "Black Lives Matter", because there are people who created ALM who are intentionally try to sway the fact that politics & the corruption of law enforcement towards black people are a thing. The fact that there are people who say that there is no issue with my people is a major problem and they need to revaluate their sense of history and economy.


BLM wasn't meant to say that only black people matter, it's meant to say that we deserve to be more than considered as a minority, that we have to work twice as hard to get half of what caucasian people do, generally.


I'm going to give you something in a different meaning, a different perspective, something that really hit me. 


Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says "Bob Deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob has no food.


If we want to defeat this issue, we need to understand that we all came from the very same tree that made us all seeds. I can't exactly say we though, because there are people who say that the issue doesn't exist, that we're playing the race card, the victim card. That's not fair at all. It's bad enough that my great grandparents used to tell me about how having long hair as a man can result in not being able to land a job in my early adult years. That we have to be lectured on how to be the perfect black man in order to be successful.


I can continue talking about this, buy my fingers are hurting, or maybe it's just my head.


As for the comment above me, there are other types of Americans, but I am in no way an African American. Jamaican American isn't exactly a common name either, but we all have a thing for talking about where we're from as a black person. Being Jamaican and Cuban, I don't even look at African American at all as a representation of myself or my family. Except my grandma, she watches African movies, so I stay away from her lmao.

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42 minutes ago, Emn1ty said:

For the same reason that rape laws favor women and not men, or why affirmative action and quotas for student demographics are idiotic and hurt other demographics that aren't propped up by the system. The reality is we can't help everyone, but we can help as many as makes sense before we starting hurting everyone else. It's not about reducing people to a stat, it's about observing that sacrificing the needs of the many for the needs of the few isn't always worth it.

Those two have nothing to do with what I've been saying.


The reality is that we are not helping everyone but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be.  The benefits of lifting even one person out of poverty outweigh any costs associated with doing so.  You aren't sacrificing the needs of many to create a better life of a few.  It's a pathetic excuse.    

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2 hours ago, ctebah said:

Want to take it one step further?  It was her choice to have children, but it wasn't her choice to raise them by herself.

Sure it was. There are always options, including adoption if she could't do it solo.


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2 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

I know you're not talking to me here, but FWIW, I don't even see the colour of your skin, or care 2 whits about it. You're just some guy I chat to on the internet sometimes, no better or worse than anyone else.  Your ethnicity is of even less interest to me than who won the latest series of some random reality TV show, and I'm so disinterested in that my brain almost shuts off just thinking about it. :p


I see color...I just dont care and think of anyone differently.  And really I find different ethnicity more appealing than my own for a few different reasons.


I was taught to treat others how I wanted to be treated.  I surround myself with people who think the same.  I know i am not perfect and have things people probably judge me on depending on what I say or how I look.  Dont judge unless you want someone to judge you.

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7 minutes ago, Mr.XXIV said:

I'll try to be as constructive as possible.


"All Live Matters" is a counterproductive mechanism towards "Black Lives Matter", because there are people who created ALM who are intentionally try to sway the fact that politics & the corruption of law enforcement towards black people are a thing. The fact that there are people who say that there is no issue with my people is a major problem and they need to revaluate their sense of history and economy.


BLM wasn't meant to say that only black people matter, it's meant to say that we deserve to be more than considered as a minority, that we have to work twice as hard to get half of what caucasian people do, generally.


I'm going to give you something in a different meaning, a different perspective, something that really hit me. 


Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says "Bob Deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob has no food.


If we want to defeat this issue, we need to understand that we all came from the very same tree that made us all seeds. I can't exactly say we though, because there are people who say that the issue doesn't exist, that we're playing the race card, the victim card. That's not fair at all. It's bad enough that my great grandparents used to tell me about how having long hair as a man can result in not being able to land a job in my early adult years. That we have to be lectured on how to be the perfect black man in order to be successful.


I can continue talking about this, buy my fingers are hurting, or maybe it's just my head.

as an observation I see Bob isn't getting any food because he is rude and disrespectful of anyone but himself, so Bob isn't getting any food because he doesn't appreciate anything.  Maybe if Bob would be polite, respectful and appreciative he would get some food too...  Maybe I am wrong but I am a white person living in a mostly black community and the people that live around me are extremely rude, disrespectful and very violent towards each other and anyone that so much as looks at them... it's a terrible thing.  There are exceptions of course, the black family that lives next to me are amazing people, thoughtful, they treat us and each other with respect and their daughter comes over to our house and plays with our daughter most days.  Hell we even exchange Christmas gifts and bring each other treats on other holidays.  They are AWESOME people.  I am assuming the extreme different behavior derives from where one is raised and how they are brought up as kids, which to all of us depends on how we act and think as adults.  If we are to beat the hatred and the racism we have to teach our children proper respect for others not to hate.

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4 minutes ago, FloatingFatMan said:

Sure it was. There are always options, including adoption if she could't do it solo.


What mother would chose to raise her children by herself?  And mothers should chose adoption over working two jobs to pay for their children upbringing?  I have a friend in the exact same position.  She has no immediate family and works anywhere between 2-3 jobs to care for her one son.  Thankfully, she is able to do it somewhat successfully but the neighborhood they are in is anything but desirable.  I completely understand your responses though, it seems you're a bit short on empathy.  

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11 minutes ago, ctebah said:

What mother would chose to raise her children by herself?  And mothers should chose adoption over working two jobs to pay for their children upbringing?  I have a friend in the exact same position.  She has no immediate family and works anywhere between 2-3 jobs to care for her one son.  Thankfully, she is able to do it somewhat successfully but the neighborhood they are in is anything but desirable.  I completely understand your responses though, it seems you're a bit short on empathy.  

Empathy I have plenty of, I just have little sympathy for people who get themselves into tight situations, and then just throw their hands in the air, blame society for all their bad decisions, and then just give up.


FWIW, my sister raised 4 kids solo, after we got rid of her piece of filth, scumbag, wife beating, rapist junkie drunk piece of shite husband. She worked her ass up from zero qualifications, through to getting a nursing qualification, getting a decently well paid job, and bringing 4 kids up -well-.  Her eldest is now a well paid personal stylist, her two boys have well paid jobs in construction, and her youngest has just started university where she's doing a law degree. And yes, she lives in a pretty ###### area too, the one I moved away from.  


So no, I've got bugger all sympathy for whiney people who just blame everything but themselves for their choices in life.  I don't care WHAT kind of crappy situation they had, there is -always- a way out of it. Maybe if you all didn't live in such a selfish country (by that I mean, most of you seem to hate anything to do with social care), you'd realise that.


Anyway... Almost 11pm here, I'm off to bed. Night!


Edited by FloatingFatMan
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18 minutes ago, Ravensky said:

as an observation I see Bob isn't getting any food because he is rude and disrespectful of anyone but himself, so Bob isn't getting any food because he doesn't appreciate anything.  Maybe if Bob would be polite, respectful and appreciative he would get some food too...  Maybe I am wrong but I am a white person living in a mostly black community and the people that live around me are extremely rude, disrespectful and very violent towards each other and anyone that so much as looks at them... it's a terrible thing.  There are exceptions of course, the black family that lives next to me are amazing people, thoughtful, they treat us and each other with respect and their daughter comes over to our house and plays with our daughter most days.  Hell we even exchange Christmas gifts and bring each other treats on other holidays.  They are AWESOME people.  I am assuming the extreme different behavior derives from where one is raised and how they are brought up as kids, which to all of us depends on how we act and think as adults.  If we are to beat the hatred and the racism we have to teach our children proper respect for others not to hate.

I can understand where you're coming from. Which I still question is what if Bob was nice, but no one shared with him when they shared with each other, why was he excluded from the sharing? Remember Harry Potter? Terrible analogy, disregard that. But anyways, I grew up with a lot of Spanish people alongside black people. My family is west indian, so we respect each other greatly. But being from Miami, Florida, rudeness from people is highly common. Moving to North Carolina was such a great decision because people out here are much nicer and more diverse, less racism actually. Soon I'll have children, and I'll teach them to take care of each other and respect others, I've never been a fighter, so I'd only teach them to defend, hurting others has never been a thing for me. I don't think equality will come with a solution for another couple decades though. Chicago is at its worst right now, and thats just black on black violence if not corrupt law enforcement. I once called the cops on an almost-robbery and the cops didn't arrive til the evening when the break-in happened in the morning. Miami I'm talking about.

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1 minute ago, Mr.XXIV said:

I can understand where you're coming from. Which I still question is what if Bob was nice, but no one shared with him when they shared with each other, why was he excluded from the sharing? Remember Harry Potter? Terrible analogy, disregard that. But anyways, I grew up with a lot of Spanish people alongside black people. My family is west indian, so we respect each other greatly. But being from Miami, Florida, rudeness from people is highly common. Moving to North Carolina was such a great decision because people out here are much nicer and more diverse, less racism actually. Soon I'll have children, and I'll teach them to take care of each other and respect others, I've never been a fighter, so I'd only teach them to defend, hurting others has never been a thing for me. I don't think equality will come with a solution for another couple decades though. Chicago is at its worst right now, and thats just black on black violence if not corrupt law enforcement. I once called the cops on an almost-robbery and the cops didn't arrive til the evening when the break-in happened in the morning. Miami I'm talking about.

Yeah the people that live around me are mostly from east L.A. and Compton... so I understand the attitude because of where they are from, just saying that it's too bad things are the way they are, we are all humans and should all be treated equally as such.  I teach my children to be color blind but at the same time to only judge others by their actions and words not by their color.

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19 minutes ago, Mr.XXIV said:

I'll try to be as constructive as possible.


"All Live Matters" is a counterproductive mechanism towards "Black Lives Matter", because there are people who created ALM who are intentionally try to sway the fact that politics & the corruption of law enforcement towards black people are a thing. The fact that there are people who say that there is no issue with my people is a major problem and they need to revaluate their sense of history and economy.


BLM wasn't meant to say that only black people matter, it's meant to say that we deserve to be more than considered as a minority, that we have to work twice as hard to get half of what caucasian people do, generally.


I'm going to give you something in a different meaning, a different perspective, something that really hit me. 


Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says "Bob Deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob has no food.


If we want to defeat this issue, we need to understand that we all came from the very same tree that made us all seeds. I can't exactly say we though, because there are people who say that the issue doesn't exist, that we're playing the race card, the victim card. That's not fair at all. It's bad enough that my great grandparents used to tell me about how having long hair as a man can result in not being able to land a job in my early adult years. That we have to be lectured on how to be the perfect black man in order to be successful.


I can continue talking about this, buy my fingers are hurting, or maybe it's just my head.


As for the comment above me, there are other types of Americans, but I am in no way an African American. Jamaican American isn't exactly a common name either, but we all have a thing for talking about where we're from as a black person. Being Jamaican and Cuban, I don't even look at African American at all as a representation of myself or my family. Except my grandma, she watches African movies, so I stay away from her lmao.

Well said man. I've recently come to that conclusion myself, however it's hard to relay that to people after some of the stuff that's happened with the BLM movement. The people protesting didn't exactly do the best for their name in how they went about things, which makes others think they're being unreasonable and thus, little more than an annoyance. The media also just wants to stir more crap up just the same, doing whatever possible to get people outraged, calling in, and so forth.


People are taking offense to something that has nothing to do with them, referencing reverse racism or affirmative action because those are things they might also feel are unfair, when the BLM movement is about lives, not simply taxes or benefits.


Life isn't fair, but I do believe there is a priority system in dealing with certain issues. Black on black violence gets referenced, but I don't think anyone's saying it isn't a problem. However, when law enforcement can't properly protect the citizens or be relied upon, it's easy to see why the focus would shift away from the wrong doers within the community, to the people who cannot be trusted to protect them from these criminals.


Feel free to correct me if you think I'm misunderstanding something though. Just my thoughts on it, in trying to see reason among all the craziness.

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48 minutes ago, Mr.XXIV said:

Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says "Bob Deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob has no food.


I saw this quote a few days ago and it sums up the BLM idea perfectly.

Lots of people in this thread still seem to be stuck on, if BLM then they must be worth more than the other lives.

The movement came about as an outcry that they are actual human beings that should be treated equally.

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5 hours ago, ctebah said:

Partially.  Environment plays a very significant part in the upbringing of youth.  It's very easy to tell people to get a job or do better in school but much harder to actually help them.  

Considering that Affirmative Action are enforced in the US, i would agree with FFM assessment in above and blow your post.

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15 minutes ago, Stoffel said:

I saw this quote a few days ago and it sums up the BLM idea perfectly.

Lots of people in this thread still seem to be stuck on, if BLM then they must be worth more than the other lives.

The movement came about as an outcry that they are actual human beings that should be treated equally.

Well there are Bob's all over this country that are poor and not Black. Have you ever been to Appalachia? There are plenty of Bob's that go without food These Bob's lives matter as well. Not just Black Bob Lives.  Since when did being poor and possibly homeless apply to only Blacks? There are Veterans of all races that are homeless. This BOB that you speak of that is sitting at a table where everyone gets food but Bob maybe is living with a bunch of evil minded Black people as I take it that in this analogy that Bob is Black.  As stated many times ALL LIVES MATTER!  To think otherwise is racist and against the Teaching of Martin Luther King's dream.

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4 hours ago, Gary7 said:

Then you have 1000 more chances of Getting ahead today as compared to the 50's and 60's when Blacks really had it hard. You just have to try and do it, no  one is going to do it for you. The Govt. has programs but you have to go to them, they are not going to come looking for you. Jeb Bush has nothing whatsoever to do with this. You cannot blame an entire race on the actions of a few. When I worked in Washington, my best friend was black.

Im doin okay in life.


but the thing is, for me it was made much more difficult than others.  



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2 hours ago, Gary7 said:

Well there are Bob's all over this country that are poor and not Black. Have you ever been to Appalachia? There are plenty of Bob's that go without food These Bob's lives matter as well. Not just Black Bob Lives.  Since when did being poor and possibly homeless apply to only Blacks? There are Veterans of all races that are homeless. This BOB that you speak of that is sitting at a table where everyone gets food but Bob maybe is living with a bunch of evil minded Black people as I take it that in this analogy that Bob is Black.  As stated many times ALL LIVES MATTER!  To think otherwise is racist and against the Teaching of Martin Luther King's dream.

@Gary7, I believe you are still missing the whole point. Paying close attention to what really is behind Black Lives Matter, it is not racist. I understand it, and I grew up with grand parents calling blacks the "N" word every opportunity afforded. @Mr.XXIVtouched on it quite nicely.

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6 hours ago, Showan said:

this is the dumbest question ever.  BLM doesnt equate to nobody else but blacks matter.


it equates to we are human as well, bleed the same blood as well, breath the same air as well...


dont hold the color of my skin against me is what it means...


the color of my skin does effect my life depending on the day of the week... can you say the same?

Actually it does. Everywhere you go progressives are playing the same tune. <XXX> has too many white men and not enough women and POCs. Fire white men and replace them with women and black people now or the diversity police will use the progressive media to defame and harass you. Straight white men are the easiest demographic to discriminate against in this day and age.

6 hours ago, Rippleman said:

Yes, being white is a huge disadvantage (legally) in today's age. Everyone has protection except for the white male.

Yeah, actually. How many hate crime laws do you know of that were put in place to protect white people? how many affirmative action plans there have been to put more poor white men into jobs?

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1 hour ago, Showan said:
8 minutes ago, JHBrown said:

@Gary7, I believe you are still missing the whole point. Paying close attention to what really is behind Black Lives Matter, it is not racist. I understand it, and I grew up with grand parents calling blacks the "N" word every opportunity afforded. @Mr.XXIVtouched on it quite nicely.

Im doin okay in life.


but the thing is, for me it was made much more difficult than others.  



To say that Black Lives matter and none other is as racist as one can get. All Lives Matter ! That is the point. Read The OP that is what the Founder is saying that "ALL LIVES MATTER IS A RACIST REMARK" then by God I am a racist as I believe that everyone's life matters.

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