"All Lives Matter" = New racial slur according to BLM co-founder Marissa Johnson

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5 minutes ago, _Alexander said:

Black lives is a subset of all lives to a non-racist.

I understand that, but it is counter productive when somebody expresses a grievance to say: You know what we all have grievances.

That's exactly what you are doing when you reply ALL LIVES MATTER.

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Just now, Stoffel said:

I understand that, but it is counter productive when somebody expresses a grievance to say: You know what we all have grievances.

That's exactly what you are doing when you reply ALL LIVES MATTER.

I am in the "you are not special, deal with it" school of philosophy.

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2 minutes ago, _Alexander said:

I am in the "you are not special, deal with it" school of philosophy.

I assume you are white?

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2 minutes ago, _Alexander said:

And not special.

But you probably had a very different experience growing up compared to a person of color.

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I agree with most of what Mr.XXIV had to say. The BLM movement was meant to protest the targeting of black people and to show that their lives and individuality also matter. I cannot speak about the actual motives of the group today and the factions within the group and how they are organized because I have not looked too deeply into their activities (I have read articles from all sides arguing one thing or another but many of these articles come from partisan secondary sources with serious conflicts of interest; I do not personally know anyone from the movement who can tell me about the inside) . 


Unfortunately, the creation of in-groups and out-groups through the process of racialization is still very much a part of humanity. As humans we have a nasty tendency to group people together based on what makes them different from us, sometimes using the most absurd criteria. Racialization and dehumanization has been done on the basis of physical features, place of origin, religion, sexuality, etc. Through racialization we destroy people's individuality, which I believe is one of true injustices in the world (and I would like to emphasize the word world because these issues are not unique to the United States; certain places are much worse and others are much better than the United States but this core problem does exist everywhere). Personally speaking I believe that we ought to put more emphasis on individuals as opposed to the group. Every individual deserves to live a peaceful and free life, so long as that individual does not commit serious crimes against others such murder or rape. Sadly there are groups all over the world that continue to promote group-specific politics/movements and, even worse, there are groups of all types that specifically promote hatred and violence towards the perceived "other". With that being said, I believe the BLM movement could broaden their collation by embracing all lives matter. Rather than being a side distraction, an inclusive all lives matter movement can bring together people from all walks of life to create a group that respects humanity and human individualism and fights for the freedom, relative equality, right to life and individuality of everyone. 

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11 hours ago, FloatingFatMan said:

I swear, the USA has got to be just about THE most racist place on the planet, and all caused by a minority of people..  I really feel sorry for all normal folks there, having to put up with all the complete and utter a-holes ruining it for everyone else.


We are all ONE race, folks;  the human race.


Of course you're in here, like always bashing the US.


Well, my time in Europe hasn't been so pleasant, get treated different for being an American, my buddy was called the N word within 1 week of moving to Germany. Stop acting like your country is better.

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3 minutes ago, Stoffel said:

But you probably had a very different experience growing up compared to a person of color.

That, to me is the root of the problem, I grew up in environment that values law, order, and education.

I wasn't taught that I was a victim of injustices or that any other group of people owned me anything.

I had a mother and a father growing up and all our wealth was accumulated in the past 15 years of hard work.


BlackLivesMatter is a product of a toxic black culture IMO

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13 minutes ago, Stoffel said:

But you probably had a very different experience growing up compared to a person of color.


OK, so I grew up poor and without a father as a dark skinned Puerto Rican, I CHOSE to not live like that and busted my ass to get where I'm at now and to raise my children in nicer crime free areas, that was an active choice I made, I too was not handed anything by society and in many cases being a Puerto Rican and a veteran have been a hindrance and yet I have manged to stay away from what was expected of me, where was my privilege? Are you going to ignore me and keep with the BS race baitnign nonsense? 

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9 hours ago, ctebah said:

Thanks for proving my point.  Many aren't even given a shovel.  

Many are given a shovel, but desire a bulldozer.


Being the son of not so rich farmers I was given a shovel in the form of scholarships, but never did I expect the downhill ride too many of today's shovel recipients expect. Not even close, I busted my ass instead of blaming better-offs for not getting more or calling me out if I screwed up.

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13 minutes ago, Anibal P said:


OK, so I grew up poor and without a father as a dark skinned Puerto Rican, I CHOSE to not live like that and busted my ass to get where I'm at now and to raise my children in nicer crime free areas, that was an active choice I made, I too was not handed anything by society and in many cases being a Puerto Rican and a veteran have been a hindrance and yet I have manged to stay away from what was expected of me, where was my privilege? Are you going to ignore me and keep with the BS race baitnign nonsense? 

Are you denying that people of color in general have to deal with more prejudice than white people?

That was my only point with that reply. It is easy to have a philosophy of "you're not special, deal with it" if you never had to deal with prejudice.


I'm not saying that, because you are black, latino,... you can't make it because the whole world is against you.

What I am saying is that if you aren't white, you have to deal with some extra "stuff". Again this doesn't apply to everybody

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28 minutes ago, Dinggus said:

Of course you're in here, like always bashing the US.


Well, my time in Europe hasn't been so pleasant, get treated different for being an American, my buddy was called the N word within 1 week of moving to Germany. Stop acting like your country is better.

I was stationed in England for four years, RAF Lakenheath to be exact, and have to agree with your assessment. As an NCO, I, along with other leaders, had to handle racial profiling in housing situations with some of our black GI's. Other off base racial situations were also common. 

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2 hours ago, Open Minded said:


Well Bob should get off his lazy ass and get a job so he can get some food then. 

Okay? And? You're not very..open mined.


The Bob saying I didn't even get from Reddit, someone wrote it on Tumblr and there was no source. And I didn't say it was mine, so stay out of the topic, me and another person already recognized that it was something that I caught onto.


Also, redditors? Terrible user base. Yea, I went there.

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2 hours ago, Javik said:

Not to mention complete thugs. The intimidation tactics they use are just as bad as those the KKK used to use, but they somehow expect to play by different rules because they're black. It's pretty sad really, society is going full circle.

Yeah it's funny and completely ironic to see that they want segregated dorm rooms on college/university campuses. 


It's almost like the last 65 years didn't happen to these people.

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2 hours ago, _Alexander said:

Black lives is a subset of all lives to a non-racist.

Blindness to privilege is a degree of racism, failure to act in the face of injustice and all that.  More importantly, racism's true evil isn't an individual expression, but one taken by the state on behalf of a racial majority.  Our government has been ######## with black people and its culture for ages.  That is an advantage even the poorest white person has over even the most successful Uncle Tom, which can drive even the most well meaning to emotional and crazy things.

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1) Given the number of black people who voted for Hillary Clinton in South Carolina I have to ask how representative 'Black Lives Matter' are of the average black person. I ask this given the policies that the Clintons have pushed at various points (Bill and Hillary) have had a negative impact on the black community yet the black community overwhelmingly turned out to vote for Hillary thus I wonder whether 'Black Lives Matter' represent a very small portion of the black community.


2) There have already been people from 'Black Lives Matter' who denounced Marissa J. Johnson for her grandstanding at a Bernie event so lets be careful in assuming that Marissa J. Johnson speaks for all black lives matter members.

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2 hours ago, Dinggus said:

Of course you're in here, like always bashing the US.


Well, my time in Europe hasn't been so pleasant, get treated different for being an American, my buddy was called the N word within 1 week of moving to Germany. Stop acting like your country is better.

I have never claimed that, nor will you see me do so. We have plenty of our own social problems thanks. They're not, however, particularly focused on the colour of someone's skin and far more about how people behave.

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10 hours ago, Javik said:

Actually it does. Everywhere you go progressives are playing the same tune. <XXX> has too many white men and not enough women and POCs. Fire white men and replace them with women and black people now or the diversity police will use the progressive media to defame and harass you. Straight white men are the easiest demographic to discriminate against in this day and age.

Yeah, actually. How many hate crime laws do you know of that were put in place to protect white people? how many affirmative action plans there have been to put more poor white men into jobs?

actually it doesnt...  your trying to make this a very broad thing in order to water it down.  



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8 hours ago, Mr.XXIV said:

Okay? And? You're not very..open mined.



According to you, maybe.  Then again I really don't care what you think of me.  Maybe that's the difference between myself and the BLM people.  Thicker skin. 

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10 hours ago, Stoffel said:

Are you being thick on purpose? I'm being serious. At least 3 people have tried to explain this to you, but you keep going back to your same remark.

It is "assumed" that white lives matter, what the BLM movement is pointing out is that Black lives ALSO matter. Because they feel rightly, or maybe not in your eyes, that they have been dealt the short end of the stick for many years. So when they point out their grievances and you shout ALL LIVES MATTER it takes everything away from the point they are trying to make.

Their point has never been that ONLY Black lives matter and everybody else doesn't. 


I am making a great assumption here by say that you did read the OP. If not please do so. Below is the gist of it:

A prominent activist in the Black Lives Matter movement explained on Fox News recently why she and fellow activists believe the phrase “all lives matter” is a racial slur.




“‘All lives matter is a new racial slur,” Marissa J. Johnson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Seattle, said on Bret Baier’s “Voter Revolt” special. “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Lives Matter.’”


Take your complaint's to Marissa J. Johnson. She is the one that is saying "All Lives Matter" is a racial new racial slur. I did not say that she did. I say All Lives Matter so that makes me a Racist according to her. Now I am done replying to any more of your biased posts. Have a great day.

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8 hours ago, Mr Nom Nom's said:

1) Given the number of black people who voted for Hillary Clinton in South Carolina I have to ask how representative 'Black Lives Matter' are of the average black person. I ask this given the policies that the Clintons have pushed at various points (Bill and Hillary) have had a negative impact on the black community yet the black community overwhelmingly turned out to vote for Hillary thus I wonder whether 'Black Lives Matter' represent a very small portion of the black community.

I would say they are pretty representative to a degree.  You must always go bigger to be heard, that's just marketing.  Sad thing is, even though the Clinton's haven't been great, and even really bad, they are still 100x better than those that would rather put their fingers in their ears completely or make it a campaign point of stopping the 'takers'.  Its not like there is a choice, which is a compounded frustration.


The failure of the democrats is always eclipsed by how hateful the conservative right can be, as demonstrated in this thread which should be a lesson in willfully dense.

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On 3/1/2016 at 11:39 AM, Stoffel said:

The White privilege is strong in this thread!


quick question. This "white privilege" does it only apply to ppl with white skin? i'm indoors alot due to my work so i'm on the pale side. Asian btw


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On 02/03/2016 at 5:56 AM, Dashel said:

Blindness to privilege is a degree of racism, failure to act in the face of injustice and all that.  More importantly, racism's true evil isn't an individual expression, but one taken by the state on behalf of a racial majority.  Our government has been ######## with black people and its culture for ages.  That is an advantage even the poorest white person has over even the most successful Uncle Tom, which can drive even the most well meaning to emotional and crazy things.

People like you are every bit as racist as the people you claim to be fighting. Just making completely vacuous assumptions about people's level of "privilege" based on the colour of their skin is an immensely racist thing to do. One of the people involved in BLM (the guy who tried getting the dean of Mizzou fired because his car hit the guy at like 1mph) has parents that are MULTI MILLIONAIRES. Let that sink in for a minute before you blather on about privilege.

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On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 10:26 PM, Mr.XXIV said:

I'll try to be as constructive as possible.


"All Live Matters" is a counterproductive mechanism towards "Black Lives Matter", because there are people who created ALM who are intentionally try to sway the fact that politics & the corruption of law enforcement towards black people are a thing. The fact that there are people who say that there is no issue with my people is a major problem and they need to revaluate their sense of history and economy.


BLM wasn't meant to say that only black people matter, it's meant to say that we deserve to be more than considered as a minority, that we have to work twice as hard to get half of what caucasian people do, generally.


I'm going to give you something in a different meaning, a different perspective, something that really hit me. 


Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says "Bob Deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob has no food.


If we want to defeat this issue, we need to understand that we all came from the very same tree that made us all seeds. I can't exactly say we though, because there are people who say that the issue doesn't exist, that we're playing the race card, the victim card. That's not fair at all. It's bad enough that my great grandparents used to tell me about how having long hair as a man can result in not being able to land a job in my early adult years. That we have to be lectured on how to be the perfect black man in order to be successful.


I can continue talking about this, buy my fingers are hurting, or maybe it's just my head.


As for the comment above me, there are other types of Americans, but I am in no way an African American. Jamaican American isn't exactly a common name either, but we all have a thing for talking about where we're from as a black person. Being Jamaican and Cuban, I don't even look at African American at all as a representation of myself or my family. Except my grandma, she watches African movies, so I stay away from her lmao.

I think your scenario in this case is flawed and should be:


Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets up and collects a plate of food. Bob says, "Bob deserves Food". Everyone at the table responds with "Everyone Deserves Food" and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that Bob does not collect his food.


The days of Bob purposely being overlooked at the dinner table have passed. Now he is entitled to help himself to food, the same way that every other person is entitled to help themselves. Bob needs to stop relying on everyone else to give him food and stop using his skin color as a means to get a free ride, on the pretense that people still don't give him food on purpose.


Outside of this statement, I must say it really upsets me and I know black people who also get upset by those who push an agenda using their skin color. Such as "black history month" or "MOBO awards". Black and other minority skin colors want fair treatment and to be treated no different to any other skin color, but then contradict themselves by setting up groups that specifically block other skin colors from being included. You cant demand one thing, then instantly demand special events just for you.


That's not to say that an "African History Month" or "Music of African Origin" wouldn't be acceptable. But when you are specifying a skin color its just not fair. There are white South Africans who have contributed to African history, weather for good or bad, who should be recognized, but because its specifically black rather than African, it is non inclusive.


The same goes for the politically correct agenda. The passing up of one nationality to award another, just because of their skin color and not their actual talent (see the Oscars). You want to be treated equal, but then complain when you are not given recognition over others because you are black and not on the merit of your work.

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