"All Lives Matter" = New racial slur according to BLM co-founder Marissa Johnson

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3 minutes ago, ambiance said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one to sees the obvious agenda behind it.

Oh ?  and what agenda is that my white Mike Tyson ?

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6 hours ago, ambiance said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one to sees the obvious agenda behind it.

You are asserting that I have a (negative) agenda by caring about all lives? Weird man... weird.

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BLM was originally based on real problems, gun violence and police brutality. now its just about how much they hate white people.


I posted this another thread, but I feel it also ties in here.


I understand the black community wants their recognition of previous struggles and etc etc

but I have my gripes

-No black living today is facing true inequality (slavery, right to vote, etc)
-Segregating yourselves into things like BET creates... segregation
-Many whites helped blacks in the civil rights movement
-Truth is, whites don't even give AF.. until the victim card gets played about everything, then we're like oh really?
-Literally the only community bringing up race anymore is blacks, and it seems to stem more from paranoia and insecurity than anything else..

With all that said, I'm not saying racism and profiling don't still exist. I'm not claiming to know what it's like to be black. I'm just saying at some point the black community is going to need to seriously start taking responsibility for their lives. All races are dealt crummy cards, and all races contain privileged people. Is it 100% equal across the board? Probably not. But what is nitpicking every little thing gonna do? Playing victim at every chance? Nothing. The sad thing is, there are MANY whites (including myself) who are ready to stand aside blacks in true unfair treatment.. but this is mainly a case by case sort of thing. Fighting for what is right does not see color.. at least not anymore.

Of course this isn't all blacks. Many move in silence and are attempting to do something with themselves, despite whatever handicaps they may actually face.

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17 minutes ago, Circaflex said:

-No black living today is facing true inequality (slavery, right to vote, etc)
-Segregating yourselves into things like BET creates... segregation
-Many whites helped blacks in the civil rights movement
-Truth is, whites don't even give AF.. until the victim card gets played about everything, then we're like oh really?
-Literally the only community bringing up race anymore is blacks, and it seems to stem more from paranoia and insecurity than anything else..


1. It doesn't matter, as the struggle continues today. One of my best friends is black and I notice it all the time when we go out together, or when he shares his experiences. Additionally, inequality does in fact exist today for many blacks.

2. We've had WET(White Entertainment Television) for decades, BET doesn't bother me.

3. True

4. False

5. Again false, unless you are living under a rock. Paranoia and insecurity have nothing to do with real life racist experiences many black people still deal with today. In fact, when I'm mingling with white acquaintances, especially work colleagues in the military, the race issue will sometimes rear its ugly head. You see, there are many closet racists, and it only seems like  blacks are bringing up race, when in fact, they are bringing to light issues with those closet racists. I'm a white dude from Southern California and I am not naive enough to act as though black folks are the problem.

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2 hours ago, JHBrown said:

1. It doesn't matter, as the struggle continues today. One of my best friends is black and I notice it all the time when we go out together, or when he shares his experiences. Additionally, inequality does in fact exist today for many blacks.

2. We've had WET(White Entertainment Television) for decades, BET doesn't bother me.

3. True

4. False

5. Again false, unless you are living under a rock. Paranoia and insecurity have nothing to do with real life racist experiences many black people still deal with today. In fact, when I'm mingling with white acquaintances, especially work colleagues in the military, the race issue will sometimes rear its ugly head. You see, there are many closet racists, and it only seems like  blacks are bringing up race, when in fact, they are bringing to light issues with those closet racists. I'm a white dude from Southern California and I am not naive enough to act as though black folks are the problem.

I think you and I are biased on this topic to give a truly fair analysis.  But we are biased in opposite sides of the bell curve

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3 hours ago, JHBrown said:

1. It doesn't matter, as the struggle continues today. One of my best friends is black and I notice it all the time when we go out together, or when he shares his experiences. Additionally, inequality does in fact exist today for many blacks.

2. We've had WET(White Entertainment Television) for decades, BET doesn't bother me.

3. True

4. False

5. Again false, unless you are living under a rock. Paranoia and insecurity have nothing to do with real life racist experiences many black people still deal with today. In fact, when I'm mingling with white acquaintances, especially work colleagues in the military, the race issue will sometimes rear its ugly head. You see, there are many closet racists, and it only seems like  blacks are bringing up race, when in fact, they are bringing to light issues with those closet racists. I'm a white dude from Southern California and I am not naive enough to act as though black folks are the problem.

Except forces like BLM are trying to redefine what racism is. That racism can only be committed by the privileged, and that those without power cannot be racist (unless they are white). The problem with BLM is not their cause, but their complete inability to apply their logic equally across the board. The moment their logic ceases to be exclusive to themselves is the moment I'll give them my ear.

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On 3/7/2016 at 5:12 PM, ambiance said:

Of course, but this isn't about everyone.

Look lets settle this issue once and for all.. honestly. I'm quite dismayed and this isn't an angry rant at you. I'm dismayed because a GREAT man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great champion not just for black rights, BUT everyone. period. I honestly think that, this generation of young black people are terribly destroying and urinating all over his legacy.


IF this generation of black people would learn about him, this mess with racial hatred and disharmony wouldn't be happening. His "I have a dream speech" started off with a GOD driven message; "All men are created equal"


I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."  LINK

I think honestly there has been a disservice to this generation in that they are following an ideology of brute force, violence and killing. that will never accomplish ANYTHING and I know who's behind it: George Soros. Who's bankrolling BLM? 



The major liberal donor group Democracy Alliance (DA) will be holding its annual meeting from Tuesday evening through Saturday morning in Washington, and meetings will be held to discuss funding the movement.

Wealthy donors including Tom Steyer and Paul Egerman are expected to attend the DA annual meeting.

The Los Angeles Times has reported that Steyer, a hedge fund billionaire, gave the most to political campaigns of any single person in the 2014 midterm elections, contributing a whopping $74 million–almost three times as much as the second biggest donor, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg gave $27.7 million.

The DA was started in 2005 by major liberal donors, including George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay, who hoped to build a permanent infrastructure to support leftist causes.

These guys are the ones who are bankrolling this movement to destroy by divide and conquer tactics. @ambiance I think you're not on board with the BLM movement by guessing, I don't know, but I hardly think that most who support this movement even know who's using them for someone else's cheap political thrills.

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31 minutes ago, T3X4S said:

I think you and I are biased on this topic to give a truly fair analysis.  But we are biased in opposite sides of the bell curve

Having a friend who is black makes me bias on this topic? Anyhow, history does show you and I disagreeing on this topic. It's ok though. :)

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Just now, JHBrown said:

Having a friend who is black makes me bias on this topic? Anyhow, history does show you and I disagreeing on this topic. It's ok though. :)

I too was in the military. I served along side of black, Vietnamese and Hispanic and other peoples. We didn't have time to cry and moan about race, we had to depend on each other to cover each others 6. All this black lives matter started because of the Ferguson riots and then exploded around the nation.


Not all cops are bad

Not all black people are bad


But there is a concerted effort to instigate a race war and the new black panthers, as I showed in the video are part of the problem. if they start shooting at white people, whites will retaliate for sure.  then all hell breaks loose. 

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3 hours ago, JHBrown said:

In fact, when I'm mingling with white acquaintances, especially work colleagues in the military, the race issue will sometimes rear its ugly head. You see, there are many closet racists, and it only seems like  blacks are bringing up race, when in fact, they are bringing to light issues with those closet racists. I'm a white dude from Southern California and I am not naive enough to act as though black folks are the problem.

This was several years ago, in '91, but when I was in boot camp, a group of African-Americans formed "The Ghetto" in our company and would regularly throw blanket parties for people that stood up for themselves after they were giving them ######.  My bunkmate was African-American and a great guy.  The others had no intention of getting along with anything else and were always starting ###### with others.  I had no issues with people of color until that experience, and it took me a long time to get over it.   There mostly definitely is a problem with profiling, but I've also heard stories about white people walking into "black" neighborhoods.  You can't say "I want everyone to respect me" if you don't respect others.  Riot and looting isn't respecting anyone.  Especially when it's destroying property of people that aren't even involved.



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9 minutes ago, chrisj1968 said:

I too was in the military. I served along side of black, Vietnamese and Hispanic and other peoples. We didn't have time to cry and moan about race, we had to depend on each other to cover each others 6. All this black lives matter started because of the Ferguson riots and then exploded around the nation.


Not all cops are bad

Not all black people are bad


But there is a concerted effort to instigate a race war and the new black panthers, as I showed in the video are part of the problem. if they start shooting at white people, whites will retaliate for sure.  then all hell breaks loose. 

I agree. I'll check out the video I missed.

2 minutes ago, farmeunit said:

This was several years ago, in '91, but when I was in boot camp, a group of African-Americans formed "The Ghetto" in our company and would regularly throw blanket parties for people that stood up for themselves after they were giving them ######.  My bunkmate was African-American and a great guy.  The others had no intention of getting along with anything else and were always starting ###### with others.  I had no issues with people of color until that experience, and it took me a long time to get over it.   There mostly definitely is a problem with profiling, but I've also heard stories about white people walking into "black" neighborhoods.  You can't say "I want everyone to respect me" if you don't respect others.  Riot and looting isn't respecting anyone.  Especially when it's destroying property of people that aren't even involved.



Racism definitely isn't only a white thing. There are bad Apples no matter the ethnicity. Thanks for sharing your military experience. My grand parents were racist towards blacks and mexicans, however, during my first couple of years in the Air Force, my life was saved by a black Staff Sergeant. 18 years later, we are best friends, and I have learned so much from this man and his family. I could never walk in a black man's shoes, however, I know their struggle is real.


I believe this thread is full of the profiling you mentioned. Many generalizations, when most probably have never spent an hour getting to know a black family, and have never walked in their shoes. These threads are always like that, and another member made an excellent point in saying, a bunch of white dudes talking about the struggles of the black community. 


Note: I'd like to apologize to any black members here who might be offended when I use the word black, instead of African American. The black friends and colleagues I know, prefer black, over African American.

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11 minutes ago, JHBrown said:

I believe this thread is full of the profiling you mentioned. Many generalizations, when most probably have never spent an hour getting to know a black family, and have never walked in their shoes. These threads are always like that, and another member made an excellent point in saying, a bunch of white dudes talking about the struggles of the black community. 

Which you just did yourself. (Generalizations)

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On 3/6/2016 at 7:34 PM, Pishaw said:

No. What I'm saying is that if we treat people differently because bad things happened to their ancestors 200-400-600 years ago when do we stop?


White trash is as white trash does.


Look, we all get what you are. Be a man about it though. Don't lie about being racist. Own it. You don't care for people that don't look like you. Fine. You are a piece of crap, but it's not against the law. Just don't be a punk about it. Use that word in public, and say it loudly. Let everyone know how backwards you really are.


I mean, you're not ashamed of yourself, are you?

Did you just read the last line of my post or what? Because I'm not sure how you can get any of what you said out of the entire post I made and not just the last line of it.


And it's not that I don't care about people that don't look like me. It's that I don't care about anyone that isn't me and the few people in this world that I love. Skin color plays no part in who I care for and who I don't. I may be selfish but I'm not racist and my love/hate knows no discrimination and I treat others as they treat me.


I'm not sorry if that hurts your shallow little ego.

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5 minutes ago, Circaflex said:

Which you just did yourself. (Generalizations)

Well my being a decent amount of Cherokee indian, I would take offense to be called "part American Indian". I'm just Cherokee. Let's try not to get lost in names or labeling if we can help it. Every Black person I worked with EVER preferred Black versus African American and the old term Negro. (not used in racial slur but as to how the reference to black people changed over time). I simply ask them what they prefer. matter of fact, asking is probably a respectable thing to do in the first place.

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Holy ######. This entire 10 page thread is retarded. 


Of course all lives matter, the point of the whole black lives matter movement are blacks trying to say black lives matter... too. They're not trying to equate themselves as being superior to anyone, they're trying to remind everyone that their rights are getting trounced on. That's the debate that should be happening.

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it is. it bears proof that our humanity has been reduced to hatred, name calling, semantics and craziness. We are 7 billion plus people on this rock and we decide to decimate ourselves over who's life matters more.


my bible theology education is proving to be more true day by day: Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity(sin) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. emphasis mine in parenthesis. so we see that we are the by product of our own demise and suffering. I'm looking at this from a different perspective.


This is how we got the different tongue and nations Tower of babel 

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2 hours ago, JHBrown said:

Note: I'd like to apologize to any black members here who might be offended when I use the word black, instead of African American. The black friends and colleagues I know, prefer black, over African American.

African American my fat smelly butt. They're Americans, pure and simple.  This stupid differentiating by ancestral origin is just another barrier being put in the way of true equality, and until people stop doing it, racism will not go away.


No other country does this. You don't get African French, or Spanish English, or Irish Italians, or Italian Germans. Only America seems to do it, and it's perpetuating the bigotry. Stop it.


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2 hours ago, shockz said:

Holy ######. This entire 10 page thread is retarded. 


Of course all lives matter, the point of the whole black lives matter movement are blacks trying to say black lives matter... too. They're not trying to equate themselves as being superior to anyone, they're trying to remind everyone that their rights are getting trounced on. That's the debate that should be happening.

That might be how it started, but that's not what it's become. Now, it's more about how black lives are more important than anything else, and if they don't get their way, they'll just smash up yet another neighbourhood.


Sorry, but when you start rioting and destroying everything in a mindless rage, you cease to matter, period. You become little more than a savage and deserve the treatment you get.


And before anyone starts pointing the race finger at me, 1.  I don't care,  and 2. This applies to any colour person who takes part in riots, including the hundreds of white people in the London riot a couple of years ago.


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On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 9:37 PM, Emn1ty said:

Except forces like BLM are trying to redefine what racism is. That racism can only be committed by the privileged, and that those without power cannot be racist (unless they are white). The problem with BLM is not their cause, but their complete inability to apply their logic equally across the board. The moment their logic ceases to be exclusive to themselves is the moment I'll give them my ear.

It seems more like that is the part of actual racism that you can't come to grips, and since your privilege is undeniable, that it does make you a racist in a way you can't control though inaction - so you become defensive.  That it isn't about you as an individual.  That it inherently must be exclusive.


A riot is the language of the unheard.


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1 hour ago, Dashel said:

It seems more like that is the part of actual racism that you can't come to grips, and since your privilege is undeniable, that it does make you a racist in a way you can't control though inaction - so you become defensive.  That it isn't about you as an individual.  That it inherently must be exclusive.


A riot is the language of the unheard.


So because I don't agree with you (or BLM) I am racist and can't come to "grips" with my undeniable privilege? Seems rather convenient that if I have a dissenting opinion that I am suddenly lumped into "you're one of them". And not only am I racist, but I don't know it! It's some subconscious thing that I cannot control. Please, explain to me how my privilege is undeniable. Explain to me how because I think that everyone should be treated equally makes me a racist? How does not approving of logic that has special exemptions (which are there to further a racist agenda) makes me a racist?

I wasn't being defensive before, I was pointing out the major flaw of BLM and many of their supporters; that racism is exclusive to people of a certain status and/or skin color (which conveniently excludes themselves as a possible candidate for racism). Riots are the language of violence and angery, not the unheard.


A riot is the language of the unheard, indeed. And Martin Luther King Jr. also said:



There's no doubt about that. I will agree that there is a group in the Negro community advocating violence now. I happen to feel that this group represents a numerical minority. Surveys have revealed this. The vast majority of Negroes still feel that the best way to deal with the dilemma that we face in this country is through non-violent resistance, and I don't think this vocal group will be able to make a real dent in the Negro community in terms of swaying 22 million Negroes to this particular point of view. And I contend that the cry of "black power" is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we've got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.

Language of the unheard, and language that won't be heard. (emphasis mine)

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1 hour ago, Dashel said:

It seems more like that is the part of actual racism that you can't come to grips, and since your privilege is undeniable, that it does make you a racist in a way you can't control though inaction - so you become defensive.  That it isn't about you as an individual.  That it inherently must be exclusive.


A riot is the language of the unheard.







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The Good/Bad Binary: The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people. If we are not aware of having negative thoughts about people of color, don’t tell racist jokes, are nice people, and even have friends of color, then we cannot be racist. Thus, a person is either racist or not racist; if a person is racist, that person is bad; if a person is not racist, that person is good. Although racism does of course occur in individual acts, these acts are part of a larger system that we all participate in. The focus on individual incidences prevents the analysis that is necessary in order to challenge this larger system. The good/bad binary is the fundamental misunderstanding driving white defensiveness about being connected to racism.


Individualism: Whites are taught to see themselves as individuals, rather than as part of a racial group. Individualism enables us to deny that racism is structured into the fabric of society. This erases our history and hides the way in which wealth has accumulated over generations and benefits us, as a group, today.  It also allows us to distance ourselves from the history and actions of our group. Thus we get very irate when we are “accused” of racism, because as individuals, we are “different” from other white people and expect to be seen as such; we find intolerable any suggestion that our behavior or perspectives are typical of our group as a whole.



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If you want to protest about police taking lives and abusing their position, ill stand with you.

If you want to protest and say that all lives matter, so stop singling out black people and treat everyone equal, ill stand with you

If you want to protest and say black lives matter, ill not stand with you. As a white person I would be unwelcome, as the undertone of BLM indicates that only black lives matter above all others.


If you want to push for equality, then you need to ensure you approach the topic using a term that is inclusive to all and not individual to just one community.

All lives matter, so stop singling out black people because of their skin color. Its not right, its not fair and in this day and age, has no place in society. Much like a cause to specifically sympathize with BLM over all other lives.


I hope the above makes some sense and hopefully makes people realize, its not racist to say all lives matter, but in fact draws other human beings in to your cause by allowing them to join you as a fellow human being to say that abuse of a person because of their skin color is wrong.


BLM just shouts of "we are special because we are black". You're no more special than the next human being. It appears militant to anyone who is not black and puts another wall between communities, which is the total opposite to what BLM is apparently supposed to be doing.

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