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I've just updated, prolly for the latest insider preview of Windows 10, and after the installation (on boot) I get a BSOD, and after the 2x reset the repair screen, but none of the function do seem to work and I haven't found any solution on how to fix it. Can any1 help me? Got also 3 dump files.


List of functions which I tried and are NOT working:

  • safe mode
  • safe mod with network
  • reset this PC
  • recovery
  • CMD Promt > SFC /Scannow
  • CMD Promt > PowerShell
  • startup restore


How can I solve the issue, any ideas?

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dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
this command will get a good copy from the Microsoft update server. It will also remove certain license validation (pirate) hacks. 


Check this out:




copied from Tom's Hardware.

Did try everything....none is working, it seems like a deadend RIP Windows 10 Preview, it lasted almost-almost 1 year, but sadly not.


Btw, I've got various different results from that log file, most of them sad "succefully" but in the end still nothing was working at all.QPXGaru.jpg


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