Treasury Removes Jackson From $20 Bill, Will Replace Him With Harriet Tubman

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15 hours ago, Torolol said:

I agree that Tubman picture should depict her totting her gun, afterall she not known to make pose like what other politicians did in other dollar domination.

Yup. Many people don't know her other roles beyond the general meme. She was an Army nurse, Union spy, armed Army scout, she led a raid which freed 700 slaves, and was later a sufferagist who worked with Susan B. Anthony. During her Army scout period she carried the famous Sharps rifle. Maybe that role should be depicted.


A very formidable woman.

Edited by DocM
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19 hours ago, DefyTheOutcome said:

Would she? It is quite easy for summon the dead and speak on their behalf. I do not like this kind of projection.

Wtf you talking about summoning the dead. No such thing.

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On 22/04/2016 at 1:07 AM, DocM said:

That said, I welcome a black, Methodist, gun-toting Republican woman on the bill. 



Please don't hijack the thread to promote guns and religion. It's not appropriate.

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36 minutes ago, theyarecomingforyou said:

Please don't hijack the thread to promote guns and religion. It's not appropriate.

Don't be silly.


It's historically accurate. If we're going to honor Tubman all her brave actions are in play, and her military role cannot be denied. Neither can be her carrying that pistol since its mentioned in every accurate account of her UGRR days.


It would be like honoring General Patton without discussing tank battles.




General Tubman


Earl Conrad 




June 2, 1863   


The following dispatch, quoted in part, appeared on the front page of The Commonwealth, a Boston newspaper, on Friday, July 10, 1863:




Col. Montgomery and his gallant band of 300 black soldiers, under the guidance of a black woman, dashed into the enemy’s country, struck a bold and effective blow, destroying millions of dollars worth of commissary stores, cotton and lordly dwellings, and striking terror into the heart of rebeldom, brought off near 800 slaves and thousands of dollars worth of property, without losing a man or receiving a scratch. It was a glorious consummation. 


After they were all fairly well disposed of in the Beaufort charge, they were addressed in strains of thrilling eloquence by their gallant deliverer, to which they responded in a song.


“There is a white robe for thee,” a song so appropriate and so heartfelt and cordial as to bring unbidden tears. 


The Colonel was followed by a speech from the black woman, who led the raid and under whose inspiration it was originated and conducted. For sound sense and real native eloquence, her address would do honor to any man, and it created a great sensation... 


Since the rebellion she had devoted herself to her great work of delivering the bondman, with an energy and sagacity that cannot be exceeded. Many and many times she has penetrated the enemy’s lines and discovered their situation and condition, and escaped without injury, but not without extreme hazard.


The Combahee River, in South Carolina, was the first one visited by the Spaniards in the year 1520.  Vasque de Ayllon, having discovered it, gave it the name “River Jordan.”  


Although subsequently renamed the Combahee, the stream now became a River Jordan literally for more than seven hundred and fifty Negroes who, under the leadership of Harriet Tubman and the auxiliary command of Colonel James Montgomery, delivered this number of blacks into the free lines. The River Jordan has been in biblical history a reality, and in modern Negro allusion a symbol of the barrier between bondage and freedom, and it is an interesting coincidence, therefore, that the Combahee campaign should so parallel the ancient situation.  It is significant as the only military engagement in American history wherein a woman black or white, “led the raid and under whose inspiration it was originated and conducted”.  


The N.Y. Tribune ”  says that the Negro troops at Hilton Head, S.C. will soon start an expedition, under the command of Colonel Montgomery, differing in many respects from any heretofore projected.


The Combahee strategy was formulated by Harriet Tubman as an outcome of her penetrations of the enemy lines and her belief that the Combahee River countryside was ripe for a successful invasion.  She was asked by General Hunter “if she would go with several gunboats up the Combahee River, the object of the expedition being to take up the torpedoes placed by the rebels in the river, to destroy railroads and bridges, and to cut off supplies from the rebel troops. She said she would go if Col. Montgomery was to be appointed commander of the expedition…Accordingly, Col. Montgomery was appointed to the command, and Harriet, with several men under her, the principal of whom was J. Plowden…accompanied the expedition”.    Actually in this raid it was Montgomery who was the auxiliary leader.  The whole venture owed its success to the complete preliminary survey made by Harriet Tubman’s espionage troops.




Edited by DocM
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On 21/04/2016 at 0:22 PM, Dot Matrix said:

Don't worry. When Trump is President, his face will be on all our dollar bills...

I thought it would be more appropriate to put him on the two bit coin then he could have the moniker of the two bit President

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On 4/21/2016 at 5:52 PM, Eric said:

Also, Jackson is not being removed from the $20. He's being moved to the back.

Oh, the irony.... :-p

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12 minutes ago, Draconian Guppy said:

aren't more important things to be discussing/fixing  than spending money on printing new bills?

Treasury has to upgrade to new bills with enhanced security features, partly because of massive Nork counterfitting, greater durability and with Braille features for the blind. They're taking that opportunity to update designs.

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2 minutes ago, DocM said:

Treasury has to upgrade to new bills with enhanced security features, partly because of massive Nork counterfitting, greater durability and with Braille features for the blind. They're taking that opportunity to update designs.

Ok, ignore what I said if that is the case.



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Well, for anyone truly offended by this, send me all of your new $20s as often as possible, I'll be sure to dispose of them in a clean and environmentally friendly way, and you'll never have to look at them. :D

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I got no problem with this, but I don't like that Jackson is being dismissed as some slaveholding hypocrite. His place in history, and alongside American democracy, is pretty well established. 

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5 minutes ago, Roundpeg said:

I got no problem with this, but I don't like that Jackson is being dismissed as some slaveholding hypocrite. His place in history, and alongside American democracy, is pretty well established. 

Welcome to the world of SJWs.  Where if you don't help an old lady cross the street it will forever be held against you no matter what else you do in life.

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