[VS] Opus OS 1.5

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Theme has neen tweaked loads! Like I said I spent a lot of my time helping ThreeDrives last night.

Thanks to ThemeNorth, the solid progress bar is fixed!

Adding a nice variations tonight....

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Update very soon guys!

Here's the new text shadow, still continuous, but a lot lighter. Looks great with ClearType...

Thank you for taking my thoughts into consideration (as you always have.. lol.. even though you don't remember, I came up with the name Bozen for you... )


This theme is amazing because you care!

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Excellent work bose. I would like some darker colors.

Truthfully the only similarity (excluding the color because colors cannot be copyrighted) I see between the two is the taskbar. But guess what Bant, ever hear of the expression 'Great minds think alike'? Ideas have been mimmicked from people who never knew of each other's existance in the past, and will continue to happen. Seems rather childish that you would try to strike him down in his own thread with very little to go on.

I just had to get that in.

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/me wonders why people don't do their own colour updates

Maybe because "Some" have never updated a Theme or know how to.

Just because you may know how to doesn't mean everyone else does OK? :)

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Maybe because "Some" have never updated a Theme or know how to.

Just because you may know how to doesn't mean everyone else does OK? :)

Not a flame but thankx for defending the people that arn't very good at graphix yet :D

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i gave 5 people a heads up when they messaged me yesterday on how to start a colour theme

4 of them replied "wow that is easy"


Do you know of an online tutorial that can show this - save people messaging you? :)

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If you remember, I mentioned a new colour long ago in the beta. Well, spook (practically) hit the nail on the head with one of his recolours, which I was quite surprised about!

Here it is, named Deep

(Click for biggie - go on, do it!)


Yay or nay?

Yay methings! :D Damn nice to use, my favourite by far tbh.

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Very nice. Could I request a red variation? That would top this thing off.

Edit: Suggestion. The white on the mouse over of an active window is beautiful. Could that be standard even if no mouse over? ;)

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