[VS] Opus OS 1.5

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It is not/should not be available for download. You could have seen the theme in a desktop screenshot but this means that the user could have modded the theme by himself. If this is the case he/she will need permission from b0se to release the theme. :) Try PM'ing the person you saw the picture from.

-Couch Potato?

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I posted in the OpusLuna Black thread that I retracted the OpusLuna Red theme because it wasn't well thought out and needed more work. You may see it again some day, but I doubt it'll look like it did. :p

And yes, I have permission from b0se to release recolours.

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I would have a go at recolouring OpusOS for you guys, but b0se didn't grant me permission for it because so many people have contributed to the suite.

Is that not clear enough? I think Wirah stated that twice.. or so.

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bOse, I really like your theme, I using since I have this new PC.

I have to say that I found some bugs:

a._ In IE history and Favorite links.

b._ Download progress of the page in IE.

I'm also make a new Rainlendar skin to your theme. Please tell me what you think.

Keep the good work.


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SirPsychoSexy if you would have read the text, you would have found it, because it was anounced without image :). but theres so much text, this would be a pain up the a~~...

http://jim-phelps.deviantart.com/ | http://www.deviantart.com/view/5041772/


DaGL1969 A and B are already mentioned in this thread and B especially is a glitch which can't be corrected, blame windows for that.

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Thx man! I also searched on deviantart but the search there doesnt work anymore only for subscribers. Thx again! I just rediscovered this skin. :)

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(...) i put it in resources and 0.o

Resources\Themes\OpusOS ? that would make Resources\Themes\OpusOS\OpusOS.msstyles ?

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