[VS] Opus OS 1.5

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Great VS b0se. Fancy yet functional, I love it!!


I've been reading this thread from begin to end now and I must say that Bant does have a point. Some things do look similar to Reluna Olive.

For example the systemtray looks exactly the same, the startmenu looks alike.... well and some small things.

But then again, there are so much visual styles made in the past that you can easily say that things tend to repeat eachother. Everybody gets their inspiration somewhere and even if you don't plan it, it can always occur that you design something that is similar to something you've seen somewhere.

Innovative... no. One hell of a great VS... YES!!!


Oh and b0se please do something about the resize margins of the captionbar. The area in which you can grab the captionbar to resize is way too small!!!

I can barely aim correctly on my notebook (with a touchpad.... grrr damn touchpad, I hate those things) and resize my windows.

Edited by Schmoove
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I disagree with the ones that think this theme is a rip of reluna olive.

It clearly has a different feel - color isn't exactly the same, inactive windows aren't the same at all, buttons are completely different, scrollbar do not look the same either.

Calling this a reluna rip is totally inappropriate, it's clear that it has been done from the ground up. It's not even a mod. It's different.

What about the fact that all the luna theme are totally inspired with the original luna?? What about the never ending MacOS themes?? I don't see the point of bragging about that.

Kol did a reluna olive interim job - it was fine, he asked the permission to zod. b0se didn't, hooo feel the wrath. b0se didn't copy anything more than you did. I agree it's not innovative. None of the Luna themes are, not even the famous, great, godly Reluna.

Great clean VS b0se.

And if I can suggest something, I think it would be interesting to try to make the inactive windows not a complete gray, but with a hint of the main color. A really washed out blue or green. That would be interesting to see - I might try to do something in PS if I have some spare time today

Edited by zeflash
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Much ado about nothing.

I appreciate the hard work of all skinning artists. And both vs, Reluna and Opus OS, are great work (using Opus OS right now! :D ) But for me "innovative" means "changing the look and feel of the gui completely". But visual styles are just skins, they change the colors, textures and edges of the windows, but that's all. The gui behind the skins stays the same. WinXP stays WinXP (besides: you can not only look at your desktop, you can work with it :yes: ) . So in my opinion it's nearly impossible for any visual style to be "innovative". Visual styles are a nice toy to add a little bit of beauty to the windows gui, but they only change very few aspects of the gui.

So please end that useless discussion. Man, there are hundreds of songs out there using the same chord changes!

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Right, just got back online...

Thanks for the comments everyone!!!

bant: You're an idiot. For these reasons:

1. The start menu style in your updated Reluna is a 'rip' of the style of my Apollo start menu. Do I care? No.

2. I have never even USED Reluna - to be perfectly honest with you, I saw a screeny and didn't like it.

3. The olive went through many iterations, the testers (who did a fantastic job - cheers guys) helped me recolour it. The fact it ended up a similar colour to Reluna is a pure coincidence.

4. Do you really think I need to copy your theme? I find that offensive, I have my own idea's and skills which I use to create a variety of themes.

5. To even have a go at me using the word innovative is pathetic, you really have no valid grounds of argument.

Did I read someone say I copied your start panel? If so that is a joke, go check out the start panel on Apollo, b0zen etc, which were released long before your Reluna update. If you look carefully, you'll notice that the top, and bottom parts of the start panel (name area, and log off area) are EXACTLY the same graphic, just mirrored! (minus the inner shadow) :?)

- I've just compared the themes. Graphically they are COMPLETELY different. The colour is similar (not even THAT similar tbh, OS is much ligher and less saturated), but so what? If everyone whinged about similar theme colours we'd only have about 10.

1. My taskband buttons are set back (go in), yours, like most others, stick out. Their states are completely different.

2. My start panel has a new (and hence innovative, don't you think? Even if only a small amount) places style.

3. Start button is different.

4. Glyphs are different.

5. Buttons are different (both tool and dialog)

6. Tabs are different (mine are the same as the original Luna style)

7. Colours are different.

8. Caption buttons are different

9. Captions bars are different

10. Opus-OS is based on rounded rectangles, reluna is based on circles.

10. Do I need to go on....?

I developed Opus-OS from the BLUE colour scheme, as everyone who saw my beta post days ago will know. So the Olive scheme was a complete recolour of the Blue, so how is that copying your work?

Theonly> thing that makes it look similar to Reluna is the Combo box background. For that I give you credit, I didn't know you could add an image file background before. But as you know, the center of that Combo box is filled with a static and flat colour, so the only thing you see is a border. Which limits what you can do with it completely, so *any* theme with a soft approach will always have similar combo boxes if skinned instead of plain BorderColor.

I honesly urge anyone who thinks I ripped *ANYTHING* from Reluna to apply Opus-OS, and then Reluna a few times. You *will* see how different they actually are.

So bant: Grow up, your 'Im better than you attitude' is pathetic.

On a better note:

Thanks for the reports guys, I'll get onto them!

Thanks for all your support too, its much appreciated...

Edited by b0se
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About changing the colors - I'm sorry, I was checking the VS on a laptop and apparently the LCD doesn't do justice to faded colors ! it's already actually greenish, which is indeed looking better (I was right, in a way :) )

But I still believe the inactive title bar would look better with a hint more of green in it!

This VS is awesome. To the neowin admins, can we have a Olive lite version theme for the website ? ;)

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mmm yeh back to my question........ how come taskbar icons are so miniscule????

Are you using another font size than Normal? I think when I tried using Large fonts the icons were looking weird

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Are you using another font size than Normal? I think when I tried using Large fonts the icons were looking weird

Ahhhh thanks! Now i can see this VS in all it's true glory lol...... this should be noted in the readme! (i was using large)

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the neowinians are a fickle crowd... I remember that bant was the most popular cat around here... especially round the launch of his reLuna. Now it's Bose's turn... but there is way too much d*ckrydin going on here... y'all need ta grow up.

@ bose:

Nice work... wouldn't use it myself... but can't fault it....

didn't the first screeny have a silver toolbar? that would be cool to get back....

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Beat me to it! Yes its the Large Fonts is designed for an Ultra minimal look (I forgot to take it out)...

This is the last I'll say on the matter, use this image to make up your own minds!

Note the Original Luna Olive caption button - thats what I originally based theme colour on. Take a careful look at Opus OS and Reluna - they are completely different!

Thanks again for your support, and I'm working on bugs as we speak:

Lighten Control fill (you'll notice Firebirds text area's are slightly green, URL bar and Neowin text area's)

Fix progress bar bug (I hate this one!)

Add gradient toolbar to zip

Fix IE favourites mouse overs

If if've missed something, let me know!


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