[VS] Opus OS 1.5

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I'll be using this VS for a while, more than others that's for sure and it's definitely "eye-catching yet unobtrusive" - no doubt about that :)

Keep up the good work b0se (Y)

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ThanksCyber :-)

machima: All VS's will be updated. I have exam in 1 week so for now the only updates will be on Opus Luna and Opus OS, after that, Apollo and WinApollo...

Then Natural :-)

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Right, just got back online...

Thanks for the comments everyone!!!

bant: You're an idiot. For these reasons:

1. The start menu style in your updated Reluna is a 'rip' of the style of my Apollo start menu. Do I care? No.

2. I have never even USED Reluna - to be perfectly honest with you, I saw a screeny and didn't like it.

3. The olive went through many iterations, the testers (who did a fantastic job - cheers guys) helped me recolour it. The fact it ended up a similar colour to Reluna is a pure coincidence.

4. Do you really think I need to copy your theme? I find that offensive, I have my own idea's and skills which I use to create a variety of themes.

5. To even have a go at me using the word innovative is pathetic, you really have no valid grounds of argument.

Did I read someone say I copied your start panel? If so that is a joke, go check out the start panel on Apollo, b0zen etc, which were released long before your Reluna update. If you look carefully, you'll notice that the top, and bottom parts of the start panel (name area, and log off area) are EXACTLY the same graphic, just mirrored! (minus the inner shadow) :?)

- I've just compared the themes. Graphically they are COMPLETELY different. The colour is similar (not even THAT similar tbh, OS is much ligher and less saturated), but so what? If everyone whinged about similar theme colours we'd only have about 10.

1. My taskband buttons are set back (go in), yours, like most others, stick out. Their states are completely different.

2. My start panel has a new (and hence innovative, don't you think? Even if only a small amount) places style.

3. Start button is different.

4. Glyphs are different.

5. Buttons are different (both tool and dialog)

6. Tabs are different (mine are the same as the original Luna style)

7. Colours are different.

8. Caption buttons are different

9. Captions bars are different

10. Opus-OS is based on rounded rectangles, reluna is based on circles.

10. Do I need to go on....?

I developed Opus-OS from the BLUE colour scheme, as everyone who saw my beta post days ago will know. So the Olive scheme was a complete recolour of the Blue, so how is that copying your work?

Theonly> thing that makes it look similar to Reluna is the Combo box background. For that I give you credit, I didn't know you could add an image file background before. But as you know, the center of that Combo box is filled with a static and flat colour, so the only thing you see is a border. Which limits what you can do with it completely, so *any* theme with a soft approach will always have similar combo boxes if skinned instead of plain BorderColor.

I honesly urge anyone who thinks I ripped *ANYTHING* from Reluna to apply Opus-OS, and then Reluna a few times. You *will* see how different they actually are.

So bant: Grow up, your 'Im better than you attitude' is pathetic.

On a better note:

Thanks for the reports guys, I'll get onto them!

Thanks for all your support too, its much appreciated...

OMFG b0se, j00 pwn!

Seriously, this VS is great, I just think that Bant is a little upset that hes not getting all the attention...:rolleyes:: .

b0se, u seriously rock - this is my VS now, will be using it until your next great release:)).

Remember: J00 D4 M4N b0se!

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this is absolutly amazing, used to use Bants watercolor, but his is my vs from now on.

Great work b0se

Only 1 prob, it has a thin taskbar, so when i use wmp's tray mode, it increases the size of the taskbar.

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this is absolutly amazing, used to use Bants watercolor, but his is my vs from now on.

Argh! Don't you mean Binary's Watercolor?

Now you've made Zod even bigger. :(

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my problem with this theme has nothing to do with the fact it is another recreation of luna... its that it so closely resembles my olive theme, you know, the one i spent a good deal of time on coming up with some things that i considered pretty 'original'.

You saw the opus preview thread, you saw this progress... gradually more and more elements began to look like my olive theme.....and when? right after it was released? come on, what am i supposed to think? and then he goes and calls it innovative?

the difference between this vs and the other luna recreations is that they were all different from eachother, they were recreations of luna.... this is a recreation of a recreation...

compare the start menu, the taskbar, the tray, the all programs menu. they arent ripped... but they look pretty ****ing similar. wheres the originality and innovation? in the tabs hes used since his first theme, or the scrollbars that resemble any other scrollbar youve ever seen?

look, its a nice theme, clean, smooth, etc, but its far too similar for me not to be offended by him calling it innovative.

Cheese with your whine?

They look nothing alike IMO. Maybe in color but that's it! Good try though.

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hey b0se! very nice work! i'm only dissapointed of the startbutton, the one you showed in the preview thread was way better in my opinion (the image doesnt work any more so i cant show which one). could you please upload the startbutton or send it to me if you still have it?

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I think the problem is that Bant feels it's a slap in the face when clearly this theme was inspired in some capacity (subconsciously or not) by Reluna. The word 'innovative' is probably what set him off given the undeniable similarities.

My opinion is that it's a nice theme, probably your best to date. While there's nothing particularly new or innovative about it it's definitely usable and will undoubtedly find a home on many desktops. :)

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It wasnt copied, i was speakin to b0se before he released it and i said the systray was similar to Reluna, then i had to show him a screenshot cus he hadnt used Reluna before.

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It wasnt copied, i was speakin to b0se before he released it and i said the systray was similar to Reluna, then i had to show him a screenshot cus he hadnt used Reluna before.

Thank you for pointing that out Kriz...

This post was originally, very, very angry, forceful and defensive (as it should be to be honest). I had screenshot comparisons of the two themes lined up for everyone to see and make up their own minds, but I thought to myself...No.

Bant: I do not hate you because you are better than me. Infact, I dont hate you, because you are not better than me.

Why? Because any thoughts you had should have been sent to me directly, instead of childish outbursts in public forums which only aimed to lesser someone elses work. Especially when they are unfounded.

Why? Because I care about peoples opinions, I try and get as much feedback as possible from the people who support my themes. I do not have a Zob (or whatever it is) which somehow means I sit on a high chair above everyone else.

I say innovative because if you use the theme, you'd see how soft the feel of the GUI is, its pleasant to use, I get the impression of an interactive environment - not the usual flat style themes.

I would greatly appreciate mods from stopping any further accusations and tainting this thread any moreso, lets try and get it back on topic!


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I think the problem is that Bant feels it's a slap in the face when clearly this theme was inspired in some capacity (subconsciously or not) by Reluna. The word 'innovative' is probably what set him off given the undeniable similarities.

The weird thing is that when the WB theme SouLuna was pointed out to Bant, he basically said meh... I don't think SouLuna is a rip of ReLuna, but it's much much closer to ReLuna than Opus OS is.

So, you can that I'm baffled by Bants attitude. I hope this get's resolved peacefully, as nothing good can come of continuing it...

Nice looking theme, Bose! Downloading now to try on the wife's laptop. :)

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No more off-topic posts about this matter anymore, thanks.

Bant - if you have anymore issues, contact b0se via PM.


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What can I say, I love them both and think they are both "top-notch" work. I do agree tho that Bant should have approached the situation in PM or e-mail, instead of bringing it here. Just an opinion tho, as I think both Bant and b0se are great "artists".

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