[VS] Opus OS 1.5

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@ Bant, just because people are loving bOse's new VS, you should not be drinking your haterade.. Man this is a perfect example, that you cant be in the spotlight all the time, you gotta share it, share the wealth, maybe he was inspired, OR maybe he made it on his own without seeing your olive version, but honestly, Reluna was cool, and now Opus OS is here, give it the respect it deserves, and spotlight. So what if you dont get a million downloads for Olive Reluna, I respect you as an artist, i like your work, but as a person you need to grow up. Yeah I know your a bigshot here, and yeah i know i will get burnt by many for saying this, you think your all that and a cracker jack box bud... a lot of your posts are negitive remarks, on various subjects, just want you to realize that bOse puts a lot of hours and hard work into his projects and doesnt need your rude posts, if you wanna flame and rant, like i just did ... go talk to your dog.. :x .your a little upset your not getting all the attention... basically what it comes down to is, Bant just likes to Rant....thats it, thats all....I am done..with thinking about this this negitive punk, I needed a childish outburst moment... :D ;) :blink:

Quote from bOse "Why? Because any thoughts you had should have been sent to me directly, instead of childish outbursts in public forums which only aimed to lesser someone elses work. Especially when they are unfounded.

Why? Because I care about peoples opinions, I try and get as much feedback as possible from the people who support my themes. I do not have a Zob (or whatever it is) which somehow means I sit on a high chair above everyone else."

I agree with you bro.... :yes:

Much Respect to bOse,

On to better news... A great original VS bOse, this one will be in many screenshots, and desktops to come for many years....i know you, and your a classic guy, you have skills, and so does this VS.. :cool:

Edited by jace
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Lovin' the theme!

Here are two Rainlendar skins adapted from the ones I made for Opus Luna, I will post the link after the go-ahead from b0se.


Making Rainlendar skins are easy, I would never have the time/perseverance/originality to make a whole VS

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Lovin' the theme!

Here are two Rainlendar skins adapted from the ones I made for Opus Luna, I will post the link after the go-ahead from b0se.


Making Rainlendar skins are easy, I would never have the time/perseverance/originality to make a whole VS

Excellent stuff thanks! Please by all means post them, want them myself :)

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not very fair to ask me to stop posting on the boards if people are going to continue attacking me, is it? this is my final post in this thread, it would be nice if it could be left alone.

theres no haterade drinking, no spotlight jealousy...i was never in it for credit or glory, i figured sharing my hard work would make a few people happy.. i knew i was going to face this kind of reaction from you all... of course you band together and side against me.. im the jerk that never lets you ask for stuff in my threads... its easy for me to see the similarities because i worked my ass off to create olive.. bose, you have graphic ability, but creativity? apollo is your most recent truly original vs.... and what i see is gradients and vertical lines..dont tell me to look harder, because thats just the emperors new clothes all over again....

you never had to download reluna to see what it was, the monthly desktops threads, the reluna thread, all had inspiration for you. i wont back down from my accusations, your sudden burst of creative energy that comes very close to looking like my theme is proof enough. If it DIDNT look alike, i would be the first to say something, the fact that you have to put them side by side, and look at them a bunch of times kinda illustrates how similar they are, doesnt it??

zod, the im better than you sig, the attitude, its all a facade to scare off the whiney bitches from my threads. but you know the funny thing? as soon as i started with all that ****, people started to respect me more, what, do people like ###### telling them off? I didnt like being an ######, but it kept the lameasses out of my threads and it seemed to change my status around here(not that i care about my status on a messageboard). i posted nicely recently in my reluna thread and somebody COMPLAINED about me going soft... what the **** is wrong with you people? it was an experiment.

anyway, why dont i want any average joe asking for what they want in my threads? because often times, people dont know their opinion until theyve read somebody elses. and its this same sort of 'follow the leader' attitude that has this group of people in your thread ready to lynch me.

oh, and for future reference, innovative does not mean soft.

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Now I am scared to leave my Reluna and Opus OS visual styles (which IMHO are both great, original styles) both in the same folder in case they start attacking each other.

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not very fair to ask me to stop posting on the boards if people are going to continue attacking me, is it? this is my final post in this thread, it would be nice if it could be left alone...

@Bant you dont have to worry, your all alone on this one, your theory's are lame, as your rudeness toward many. Thank GOD this is your final post in this thread, cause your getting really old, and so is your lame excuses that people are ripping your work. The only ripping thats going on is from your mouth. I am happy to see you leave. Ciao :whistle: :laugh: :p Here is a song....na na na...na na na....hey hey hey...goodbye... :woot:

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You just burned up a lot of your respect credits by being the jerk about this, Bant. You used to be a nice guy, easy to talk to in your threads with your newest and latest styles, but now you have become like KoL, Binary, and all the others who think they are hot **** because they create VS's for people, and because of it, we all should bow down and kiss the ground they walk on and never dare ask for a modification because what they make is perfect in every respect.

If you don't want people making VS's that might similar to yours, either don't make them at all, or make them for personal use and never post them to these boards. You really sound like you are calling a molehill a mountain over nothing. You are not losing money over this, you have no IP other than what people give you. You have nothing to bitch about.

Now I am scared to leave my Reluna and Opus OS visual styles (which IMHO are both great, original styles) both in the same folder in case they start attacking each other.

I have deleted all of Bant's themes off of my computer. Not that he will give a damn what I do or don't do, but he is now been added to my growing list of people on these forums whose work I will not use because they can't be adult about anything.

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KoL does NOT act in any way, shape or form, like youve described. i dont know about binary, but i have a feeling hes not as bad as you think either.

anyway, im sure opus OS will rock the desktops for a long time bose, congratulations.

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Guys, this is the end of this Bant/b0se discussion.[/b]b>


I agree Radish..it is getting o:shifty:fty:

@deep_sky..that is a matter of your opinion, know both Kol, and Binary, they are nice, down to earth people who work hard at what they do. They do not act as you have said, i know for a fact, they are willing to help out when they can, when they are not busy with there day to day lives. Kol has helped me many times, he is a stand up guy who knows the game.

The other stuff i agree with you on...by the w:whistle:tle:

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You can't argue the fact that Opus Os is very similar to ReLuna. The fact also remains that Reluna is just what it's name implies. A reworking of Luna. A lot of the widgets in all 3 are almost exactly the same. Now if Bant had created something truly unique and the b0se had copied from it that would be different. As it stands both themes owe a lot to Microsoft's work.

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man, so much flaming...

binary, kol, and bant all make great themes. do we agree? yes.

binary, kol, and bant all have a variety of influences and inspirations, sometimes even overlapping. do we agree? yes.

there's really not much more too it. we should be about moving forward, sharing ideas, etc. perhaps a collaboration between you two? that would make my day. :)

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Can we stop having this discussion about Bant/b0se - both have explained themselves and that's all that needs to be said, I don't want any side comments from members that aggrivate the issue.

This thread is created for members to post their comments on the theme, offer improvments and any other ideas - not become a flame pit due to opinions of members.

And I don't want to hand any official warnings out - so you members best be on my good side.


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:omg: :omg: :omg:

I think I'm off to do the QuickNotes & True Launch Bar skins again for another of the best skins made by the one and only b0se! :D

It's awesome!!!

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THere are similiar in some ways. But those ways are either because both inspired by Luna underneath or both commonly used styles. oh.. they are both orunded, many theme are rounded. You canb see a whole therad about teh devlopment of this. Similiar creations but both original.

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anyway, im sure opus OS will rock the desktops for a long time bose, congratulations.

If I knew that comment wasn't laced with sarcasm I'd thank you for it.

Ok, this is the last thing I'll say (I've said that once already), please bare with me Rad its not a flame!

Opus OS took no influence from Reluna Olive whatsoever, whether you believe it or not. It was developed in a blue colour, and the Olive theme was simply added to adhere to the 'Luna' colours (plus I love it). Couldn't recolour for silver hence it was omitted. Apply both themes one after another and and play with the GUI and you will no doubt agree with me.

I am not limited to themes by the way, there are more graphical ways of being creative, check out Opusworks if you think otherwise.

Lets end this now, and keep to the topic like Rad has said :?)


Opus OS 1.5 will be out tonight, bugs ironed out, colours optimised, and matching Rainlendar (thanks Zetter) and Yz Dock (thanks Marvilla @ DT2).

Fixed shellstyles also (there's a control panel bug I missed).

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At this point it's hard to make a style that's completely original, that people will like. There's gotta be some influence in there from others. It just happens. There's only so far you can go with an interface and keep it usable. This is why gray-blue themes are so popular, easy on the eyes and easy to work with. b0se and Bant have made some great visual styles and I appreciate the hard work and time that goes into them. I just hope we can all get along as well and get back to innovating, I mean skinning.

Member of the "Innovation is Dead" Alliance"

Once again thanks to all of you skinners out there for your hard work and your time. It is appreciated.

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