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I did a fresh install and this build does not allow me to uninstall default apps.

Then I decided to install Forza Apex which is 18 GB. It merely shows a progress bar with no numbers like MBs downloaded or transfer rate.

Have we degraded into so much brain dead state that all these nice stats are not considered important anymore?




Then I am finding it difficult to backup and restore these 18 GB apps whenever I do a fresh Windows install. Has Microsoft covered us on that front? Hate to download 18 GB everytime. Some powershell script to install apps?

I agree this looks like a step back. I haven't downloaded the latest preview myself.

The way it was now looked pretty good to me, no need to change it.

Let them know by giving feedback, they changed the look of the explorer icon back very quickly after the "backlash" it got

Hiding useful stuff like MB downloaded, % complete, size of downloaded stuff, speed of downloading etc is the new normal at Microsoft. They did the same to Windows Update and no longer show size of updates. It's part of the "Modern" design which means screw the customer.

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