Falcon 9: JCSAT-16 commsat (mission thread)

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T-minus 30 minutes and counting. Today's launch is timed for 1:26 a.m. EDT (0526 GMT) at the opening of a 120-minute launch window. SpaceX's webcast is due to begin around 1:06 a.m. EDT (0506 GMT), and you can watch it here.

The JCSAT 16 satellite team has been instructed to switch the spacecraft to internal battery power.












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Webcast music has started.


Ed the Sock.jpg


so there.......


T-minus 25 minutes and counting. Here are some statistics on today's flight:

28th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010

33rd launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006

26th Falcon 9 launch from Cape Canaveral

8th launch of the upgraded Falcon 9

2nd SpaceX launch for SKY Perfect JSAT Corp.

4th Space Systems/Loral satellite launched by Falcon 9

13th Falcon 9 night launch

8th Falcon 9 launch of 2016

11th Falcon 9 first stage landing attempt





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T-minus 10 minutes and counting. The terminal countdown autosequence has started. Any hold after this point will result in an automatic abort and recycle.


T-minus 9 minutes, 30 seconds. Prevalves leading to the Falcon 9's Merlin 1D first stage engines are opening, permitting super-cold liquid oxygen to flow into the engines to condition the turbopumps for ignition.


T-minus 8 minutes and counting. Good chilldown continues on the first stage engines, and closeouts of the upper stage's gaseous nitrogen attitude control system are underway. The first stage's helium pressurant is also now in topping mode.


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