Is Hillary Clinton Physically Unfit to be POTUS?

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Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health


A frequently referenced video, shown below, alleging that Hillary may have seizure-like conditions emerged several weeks ago and has so far failed to lead to a conclusive explanation whether Hillary may have ongoing health problems and potential residual aftereffects from a blood clot in her brain sustained three years ago.




Recall in January 2013, CNN reported that then Secretary of State Clinton was treated with blood thinners at a New York hospital to help dissolve a blood clot in her head. Back then doctors were confident she would make a full recovery. Clinton was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday due to the clot that was discovered during a follow-up exam related to a concussion she suffered this month, her spokesman, Philippe Reines, said. The clot was located in the vein between the brain and and the skull behind Clinton's right ear and did not result in any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said in a statement.


Going further back, in 2005 then Senator Hillary fainted during a speech in Buffalo, NY, where she received medical attention on site. “About five minutes into the speech, she said she was queasy,” said Erie County Democratic Chairman Len Lenihan, who was at the Women’s TAP fund-raiser at the private club. "Clinton left the podium and continued her talk sitting in a chair but eventually left the room, saying she needed a break, Lenihan said. She returned to the podium a short time later but fainted before resuming her speech. “It became clear she was faint. She was sort of brought down gracefully,” he said.



The room was cleared, and Clinton immediately received medical attention from, among others, a doctor who attended the event.

And so, questions about Hillary's health remain, especially after photos emerged over the weekend showing Hillary demonstrating unease while climbing stairs.



This has led to further speculation about the identity of a man, allegedly part of her secret service, who some has been dubbed as her "handler", a person who is supposedly her personal doctor


As Mike Cernovich points out, here’s a picture of Hillary’s handler before he joined Secret Service. He’s in casual attire



We saw this first “doctor” during Hillary’s recent freeze-up. As the following captures show, Hillary’s handler appears always ready to reassure Hillary, moving Secret Service Agents out of the way, urging her to "keep talking". According to Cernovich "this handler is not an ordinary SS agent."





Further adding to the mystery, Cernovich also points out - in an unconfirmed report - that the so called "handler" appears to carry a Diazepam pen.




The device in question is a Diazepam auto-injector pens are used for for Acute Repetitive Seizures. Diazepam is one of the medications prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures.



These details emerge just a day after the American Psychiatric Association has told its member not to call presidential candidates mentally ill, envisioning recent allegations involving Donald Trump.
As The Hill notes, "following a bad week for Donald Trump, in which he insulted a Gold Star family and declined to endorse Speaker Paul Ryan before doing it anyway on Friday, many have started to question whether Trump has a personality disorder."





"We're asking ourselves -- I didn't say this, but this is what everybody is saying: Is Donald Trump a sociopath?" MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked earlier this week.

 California Democrat Wednesday launched a petition calling for Trump to undergo a mental health evaluation, suggesting he may have a narcissistic personality disorder. More than 25,000 have signed it as of Sunday.

While much of this may be in good humor, and meant to focus attention on Trump's bombastic statements, perhaps the time has come for a serious look into Hillary Clinton's own health history, especially since most polls still have her beating trump, and she may very well be America's next president.

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22 hours ago, Javik said:

Is that why you republicans are always trying to spit on the poor by taking away their welfare and trying to deny them healthcare? (very Christian BTW)

is that why the democrats have expanded government and given free handouts? have you not heard of the saying, "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, he can feed himself a lifetime?" Democrats are only concerned in economic slavery.. it was plantations in the south during the civil war. afterwards, fast forward to today, they are enslaving the poor by making them dependent on the government welfare, and those social services.


EVERY social services and system.. like Lyndon Johnsons utopian society of welfare and wealth redistribution have come from the democrats.


From Washington to Bush.. we accumulated 9 trillion in debt. Since Obama.. 10 trillion for the grand total of 19-20 trillion roughly. Biden even stated, "am I saying we need to spend money to keep from going bankrupt?" -yeah he said. I learned one big thing among others.. but the largest thing  I learned about Democrats is.. "they love to spend money as long as it isn't theirs" -Chrisj1968 circa 2000



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2 hours ago, FunkyMike said:

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health


A frequently referenced video, shown below, alleging that Hillary may have seizure-like conditions emerged several weeks ago and has so far failed to lead to a conclusive explanation whether Hillary may have ongoing health problems and potential residual aftereffects from a blood clot in her brain sustained three years ago.


I'm looking forward to see more of various denials / rebuttals / dismissals from Clinton's Fans. :)

Edited by Torolol
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7 hours ago, chrisj1968 said:

is that why the democrats have expanded government and given free handouts? have you not heard of the saying, "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, he can feed himself a lifetime?" Democrats are only concerned in economic slavery.. it was plantations in the south during the civil war. afterwards, fast forward to today, they are enslaving the poor by making them dependent on the government welfare, and those social services.


EVERY social services and system.. like Lyndon Johnsons utopian society of welfare and wealth redistribution have come from the democrats.


From Washington to Bush.. we accumulated 9 trillion in debt. Since Obama.. 10 trillion for the grand total of 19-20 trillion roughly. Biden even stated, "am I saying we need to spend money to keep from going bankrupt?" -yeah he said. I learned one big thing among others.. but the largest thing  I learned about Democrats is.. "they love to spend money as long as it isn't theirs" -Chrisj1968 circa 2000

Different face, same right wing nonsense. Cutting off welfare and leaving people destitute doesn't "teach them to fish", in fact it reduces social mobility. It's just a way to rationalise your own narrow selfishness, Republicans are the party of self interest, the fact that so many of them think that they're Christians just makes it all the more funny.

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4 minutes ago, Co-ords said:

her brain is fried... could be siflis she got from her loving hubby!!

That's amusingly ironic, her brain is fried... want to try spelling Syphilis again?


Also, again very Christian. Loving the love and tolerance right here.

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On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎07 at 10:47 AM, wakjak said:

How long will it take the Trumpettes to call to arms over the suicide death of Anti-Hillary researcher Victor Thorn? How many will attempt to link it to the Clinton death machine?

Considering the vast number of people who opposed the Clintons, then "committed suicide", it is pretty suspicious.

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10 hours ago, Torolol said:

I'm looking forward to see more of various denials / rebuttals / dismissals from Clinton's Fans. :)

some amusing comments I picked up on zh:



IndyPat Aug 8, 2016 6:26 PM


I can't wait for the debates.
To see this Mandingo come out and jab the witch with his Valium cattle prod every 4 minutes is going to be exciting.

This truly has been the best election year I've ever experienced.


E.F. Mutton Aug 8, 2016 9:05 AM


They just need to keep the alien in her chest from hatching until after the election.

Then say hello to President Zorg


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9 hours ago, Javik said:

That's amusingly ironic, her brain is fried... want to try spelling Syphilis again?


Also, again very Christian. Loving the love and tolerance right here.

Loving a comment which has zero substance (ad hominem based on spelling and to quoque).

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19 hours ago, Javik said:

Different face, same right wing nonsense. Cutting off welfare and leaving people destitute doesn't "teach them to fish", in fact it reduces social mobility. It's just a way to rationalise your own narrow selfishness, Republicans are the party of self interest, the fact that so many of them think that they're Christians just makes it all the more funny.

Welfare should be given to people who have a genuine medical condition which prevents them from doing any paid work and for people actively looking for any job they can reasonably perform. People who chose not to work out of pure laziness or those who reject a job they are more than capable of doing should not be supported.
Just out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?

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On 8/9/2016 at 7:44 PM, Javik said:

That's amusingly ironic, her brain is fried... want to try spelling Syphilis again?


Also, again very Christian. Loving the love and tolerance right here.


How the ###### do people even misspell things in an era where almost every applications in which you type either auto-corrects or notifies you of misspellings?

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On 8/9/2016 at 2:18 PM, Emn1ty said:

Loving a comment which has zero substance (ad hominem based on spelling and to quoque).

I think one could say that about this thread ... in general.  Zero substance ... better suited for the Conspiracy Thread section.


Is it not tu quoque?

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14 minutes ago, jjkusaf said:

I think one could say that about this thread ... in general.  Zero substance ... better suited for the Conspiracy Thread section.


Is it not tu quoque?

It is indeed tu quoque. Though this doesn't seem like much of a conspiracy to me so much as observing behavior and drawing conclusions. Whether it's true or not based on these observations are open discussion (though I doubt anyone here is a physician of any sort and can make accurate judgements).

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On 8/8/2016 at 8:54 PM, FunkyMike said:

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health



Further adding to the mystery, Cernovich also points out - in an unconfirmed report - that the so called "handler" appears to carry a Diazepam pen.




The device in question is a Diazepam auto-injector pens are used for for Acute Repetitive Seizures. Diazepam is one of the medications prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures.





Or maybe, just maybe, it was a marker for her to use to sign autographs at rallies....





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32 minutes ago, Raze said:


Or maybe, just maybe, it was a marker for her to use to sign autographs at rallies....






How dare you bring a plausible, reasonable explanation into this discussion! :p

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1 hour ago, Emn1ty said:

It is indeed tu quoque. Though this doesn't seem like much of a conspiracy to me so much as observing behavior and drawing conclusions. Whether it's true or not based on these observations are open discussion (though I doubt anyone here is a physician of any sort and can make accurate judgements).

How so?  Do you honestly believe the video posted in the OP is indicative of a seizure and/or seizure like symptoms?  One could argue that when Trump mocked the disabled reporter ... he was having a seizure.  Also, regarding the video in the OP ... the guy stated he talked to psychologist and psychiatrist but did not mention who ... he referenced a study which he obviously didn't read and came up with inaccurate statements regarding said study.  Finally, do you honestly believe that some blown up/distorted picture of some guy holding an object is really a Diazepam auto injector...manufactured in the Czech Republic?  Also this auto injector is used in conjunction with Atropine and Pralidoxime (i.e. in the US the Mark 1 kit...though we do not use this particular Czech Republic autoinjector) ... which helps treat soldiers who have been hit with a nerve agent.


Observations ... well people can make "observations" regarding 9/11, the moon landings, etc....that doesn't mean that conspiracy theories aren't born from those "observations".

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8 minutes ago, jjkusaf said:

How so?  Do you honestly believe the video posted in the OP is indicative of a seizure and/or seizure like symptoms?  One could argue that when Trump mocked the disabled reporter ... he was having a seizure.  Also, regarding the video in the OP ... the guy stated he talked to psychologist and psychiatrist but did not mention who ... he referenced a study which he obviously didn't read and came up with inaccurate statements regarding said study.  Finally, do you honestly believe that some blown up/distorted picture of some guy holding an object is really a Diazepam auto injector...manufactured in the Czech Republic?  Also this auto injector is used in conjunction with Atropine and Pralidoxime (i.e. in the US the Mark 1 kit...though we do not use this particular Czech Republic autoinjector) ... which helps treat soldiers who have been hit with a nerve agent.


Observations ... well people can make "observations" regarding 9/11, the moon landings, etc....that doesn't mean that conspiracy theories aren't born from those "observations".

There are conspiracy level analyzations being done here, but to say any of the behavior she was exhibiting in some of those shots was "normal" is a stretch just as much as it is to claim she's having a seizure. It could simply be that she's weird, it could just be she's getting senile. But it's not a conspiracy to notice the behavior is odd and could be indicative of something.

The difference between here, and 9/11, is that people rationalize evidence... and ignore evidence to the contrary because "that's what they want you to believe". I don't see that happening here. In fact, this isn't much different to some of the footage we see of Hitler when he was suffering from multiple mental disorders and other problems.

What conclusions are drawn are subject to being proven, but the fact remains - the behavior is odd. That doesn't mean this shouldn't be taken with a hefty side of salt. The Trump example has the added benefit of context - it was an impression. Exaggerated movements and even behavior is common when doing an impression.

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20 minutes ago, Emn1ty said:

There are conspiracy level analyzations being done here, but to say any of the behavior she was exhibiting in some of those shots was "normal" is a stretch just as much as it is to claim she's having a seizure. It could simply be that she's weird, it could just be she's getting senile. But it's not a conspiracy to notice the behavior is odd and could be indicative of something.

The difference between here, and 9/11, is that people rationalize evidence... and ignore evidence to the contrary because "that's what they want you to believe". I don't see that happening here. In fact, this isn't much different to some of the footage we see of Hitler when he was suffering from multiple mental disorders and other problems.

What conclusions are drawn are subject to being proven, but the fact remains - the behavior is odd. That doesn't mean this shouldn't be taken with a hefty side of salt. The Trump example has the added benefit of context - it was an impression. Exaggerated movements and even behavior is common when doing an impression. is conspiracy'ish when, in the first video, people are saying "she is having a seizure".  That was not a seizure ... hell a med tech could tell you that ... that was just being goofy.  You (not "you"...just talking about people who are buying into this) then compound that false assumption by going down her past medical history ... as to somehow justify your false interpretation of her behaviour.  Her being goofy + past hx of blood clot = seizure.  /sigh  People aren't "rationalizing evidence" when that conclude that her bizarre behavior is the same as a seizure.  Maybe folks need to look up or do more research on seizures?  Also, when people look at some distorted/blown up image of some black object and automatically assume it is a Diazepam auto injector from Czech Republic ... that isn't rationalizing the "evidence"...that is just making stuff up. 


So, what do you have.  False assumptions hinting that Hillary and company are covering up some underlying medical condition.  Bringing forth "evidence" that doesn't hold include a seizure which wasn't and some dark object in the hands of some man (whom they claim is both a doctor and a Secret Service agent) .... etc.

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Just now, jjkusaf said: is conspiracy'ish when, in the first video, people are saying "she is having a seizure".  That was not a seizure ... hell a med tech could tell you that ... that was just being goofy.  You then compound that false assumption by going down her past medical history ... as to somehow justify your false interpretation of her behaviour.  Her being goofy + past hx of blood clot = seizure.  /sigh  People aren't "rationalizing evidence" when that conclude that her bizarre behavior is the same as a seizure.  Maybe folks need to look up or do more research on seizures?  Also, when people look at some distorted/blown up image of some black object and automatically assume it is a Diazepam auto injector from Czech Republic ... that isn't rationalizing the "evidence".  


So, what do you have.  False assumptions hinting that Hillary and company are covering up some underlying medical condition.  Bringing forth "evidence" that doesn't hold include a seizure which wasn't and some dark object in the hands of some man (whom they claim is both a doctor and a Secret Service agent) .... etc.

What I will say is what I said in the first line of my post - "There are conspiracy level analyzations being done here". I'm not denying the video is taking things to the extreme, but the discussion itself need not be conspiracy in nature.

Regardless, I find this discussion pointless in the first place. Though I'm sure if similar accusations were laid at the feet of Trump many here would say it's not conspiracy, or jump on the bandwagon at minimum.

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8 minutes ago, Emn1ty said:

Though I'm sure if similar accusations were laid at the feet of Trump many here would say it's not conspiracy, or jump on the bandwagon at minimum.

Possibly ... not necessarily from me.  I think his behavior in general is "odd" and probably indicative of some underlying medical condition which was brought up during the Republican debates (you know...the whole "small hands" debacle).  Anyway, he just exhibits his odd behaviour so frequently people have become blinded by it...when Clinton does something odd ... she's having a seizure.:) 


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Fact: she has suffered from hypothyroidism and uses a treatment which is no longer the standard of care; natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) - dried pig thyroid glands. 


Fact: she has suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT: leg vein blood clot) twice;  in 1998 and again in 2009. 


Fact: in 2012 she suffered a cerebral venous thrombosis, a clot in a large vein around her brain, identified after she took a fall. She also suffered a concussion. 


These have all been widely reported.


DVTs can lead to a pulmonary embolism, which can cause sudden death, and they tend to recur (obviously.)


She takes Warfarin (a blood thinner) in an attempt to prevent future clots, but this comes with an increased risk of hemorrhage and other side effects.


Her risk of a major incident is definitely non-trivial. 


During speeches and town halls she's also appeared to 'brain lock ' - she stopped speaking & seemed searching for words. This can be an early sign of dementia.  


These aren't just being reported by the conservative press.



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On 8/12/2016 at 1:01 AM, DocM said:

Fact: she has suffered from hypothyroidism and uses a treatment which is no longer the standard of care; natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) - dried pig thyroid glands. 


Fact: she has suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT: leg vein blood clot) twice;  in 1998 and again in 2009. 


Fact: in 2012 she suffered a cerebral venous thrombosis, a clot in a large vein around her brain, identified after she took a fall. She also suffered a concussion. 


These have all been widely reported.


DVTs can lead to a pulmonary embolism, which can cause sudden death, and they tend to recur (obviously.)


She takes Warfarin (a blood thinner) in an attempt to prevent future clots, but this comes with an increased risk of hemorrhage and other side effects.


Her risk of a major incident is definitely non-trivial. 


During speeches and town halls she's also appeared to 'brain lock ' - she stopped speaking & seemed searching for words. This can be an early sign of dementia.  


These aren't just being reported by the conservative press.



I also heard that she transforms into a creature on full moons

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On 8/10/2016 at 9:05 PM, Raze said:

Diazepam is one of the medications prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures.


Diazepam is the generic name for Valium.

On 8/12/2016 at 5:30 AM, TPreston said:

She doesn't need to plead anything they have no case. Benghazi is a bust.

I wait for a Judge to decide thank you very much.

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