Is Hillary Clinton Physically Unfit to be POTUS?

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2 hours ago, Torolol said:


Wow they really go into depth when they are faking Hillary's crowd. I have read the articles about Hillary hiring actors to turn up during her events ... but this is just ...



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HuffPo "Revoked Publishing Access" Of Journalist After 'Hillary Health' Story: "It's Orwellian...I'm Scared"


Over the weekend we posted about how the media's coverage of Trump and Clinton's health had become "outright bizarre" (see "American Electorate Loses As Partisan Media Coverage Of Candidate Health Turns Outright Bizarre").  We also asked whether Google had taken measures to censor searches related to Hillary's health condition (see "Is Google Censoring Search Results To Protect Hillary?").   Turns out that the Huffington Post may have just joined in on the bizarre behavior by censoring a journalist with the audacity to question Hillary's health.


On Sunday night, an obviously shaken Huffington Post contributor, David Seaman, posted a video to YouTube after the HuffPo had taken measures to revoke his publishing access and delete two articles he had previously published on Hillary's health...a move that left him "a little scared" and "spooked out".


According to Seaman, he has a long standing relationship with the Huffington Post which has included "100's of successful articles" that have been published under the banner. 


Seaman reported the move by Huffington Post by live streaming a video of his reactions on YouTube (full video below). 




"Huffington Post, where I was a contributor, they have revoked my publishing access and they've deleted both of my articles that were published earlier over the weekend.  Both of my articles have been pulled without notice of any kind.  Just completely deleted from the internet.  And both of those articles mention Hillary's health which is both a hashtag on Twitter and I linked to a video that a YouTuber, Paul Joseph Watson, had uploaded back on August 4th showing signs that Hillary Clinton's health is quite poor."


"Whenever a video concerning a presidential candidate's health is viewed more that 3.5 million times somebody who is under contract to the Huffington Post and AOL should be able to link out to that."



Seaman goes on to point out that completely removing a published article from the internet is unprecedented and leaves him "a little scared" of being the next person to be "vanished" for criticizing the Clinton campaign. 




"I've honestly never seen anything like this.  This is happening in the United States in 2016.  It's frankly chilling.  I'm a little scared.  I'm doing this video also to say, I'm not suicidal right now; I am not a particularly clumsy person; I don't own a car at the moment.  So if I'm to slip in the shower over the next couple of days or something silly like that you have to really employ probability and statistics here because I'm not a clumsy person, right, and I'm also not a depressed person right now.  I'm a person who is spooked out though."


"For Huffington Post to delete those posts without any notice, that is Orwellian.  That is something I've read about happening in mainland China."




Fortunately, we've discovered a cached version of one of the articles published by Seaman (which can be read here).  In it, Seaman questions whether his readers truly believe Hillary to be healthy noting that he can't express an opinion because he "needs to keep [his] job and platform."  Seaman goes on to point out that "we all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons."   




I realize some readers might be wondering after watching Paul Watson’s video... how is she strong, or healthy, after seeing all that?


Look guys, I need to keep my job and platform. A lot of people read the Huffington Post and AOL properties. We all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons.


Just ask longtime broadcaster Dr. Drew Pinsky. “CNN has canceled Drew Pinsky’s HLN show, Dr. Drew On Call, just eight days after Pinsky made comments on a radio show questioning the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Pinsky’s show, which is six years old, will air for the last time Sept. 22,” The Daily Beast reported.


Unfortunately for Seaman, it turns out that even posing a question about Hillary's health is a little too much for the Huffington Post.  



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Dr.Drew, David Seaman, whom else would lost his/her job just because they dared to question Hillary's Health?

No wonder AP reporter who witnessed first hand the Hillary's "seizures" said Hillary was 'normal'.

Edited by Torolol
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Maybe HuffPo took them down because sitting behind a keyboard commenting on health is a little stupid, no? That guy isn't a doctor, and not really qualified to be commenting on people's health.

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14 minutes ago, Dot Matrix said:

Maybe HuffPo took them down because sitting behind a keyboard commenting on health is a little stupid, no? That guy isn't a doctor, and not really qualified to be commenting on people's health.

Huffing is no better.

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2 hours ago, Dot Matrix said:

Maybe HuffPo took them down because sitting behind a keyboard commenting on health is a little stupid, no? That guy isn't a doctor, and not really qualified to be commenting on people's health.

Last I heard, you don't need to be qualified in something to speak your mind about it (appeal to authority).

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Smoking Gun? FBI Reveals Hillary Could Not Recall Briefings Due To Concussion, Clot


With much of the recent discussion focusing on Hillary Clinton's general health condition, and mental acuity in particular, we wonder if the FBI just threw her under the bus with the following statement which links Hillary's "inability" to remember her transition instructions with her 2012 concussion and blood clot:



CLINTON stated she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from State during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in early 2013. However, in December of 2012, CLINTON suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot. Based on her doctor's advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received. CLINTON did not have any discussions with aides about turning over her email records, nor did anyone from State request them. She believed her work-related emails were captured by her practice of sending email to the email address of her staff. CLINTON was unaware of the requirement to turn over printed records at that time. Her physical records were boxed up and handled by aides.


The original, on page 9 of 11:




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On 8/30/2016 at 6:05 PM, Dot Matrix said:

Maybe HuffPo took them down because sitting behind a keyboard commenting on health is a little stupid, no? That guy isn't a doctor, and not really qualified to be commenting on people's health.

That hasn't stopped left wingers from doing exactly the same thing wrt Republicans, or fellow Democrats and independents they disagree with, since the 1970's. It's straight out Rules for Radicals.


Glass houses etc.


Back to the health issue....

Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion: FBI report

Hillary Clinton told the FBI she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling sensitive information as she made the transition from her post as U.S. secretary of state, due to a concussion suffered in 2012, according to a report released Friday.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a summary of the July 2 interview it conducted with the Democratic presidential candidate, as well as other details of its investigation into her use of a private email server while heading the State Department.

Clinton, who is challenging Republican Donald Trump for the White House in the Nov. 8 election, has been dogged by the fallout from her private email account for more than a year.

Republicans have repeatedly attacked Clinton over the issue, helping drive opinion polls that show many U.S. voters doubt her trustworthiness.

Clinton has said that in hindsight she regretted using a private email system while secretary of state.

Said the report, "Clinton said she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from (the) State (Department) during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in 2013.

"However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head). Based on her doctor's advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received," the report said.

According to the report, Clinton told the FBI that she did not set up a private email server to sidestep the law requiring her to keep her business communications a matter of public record.

Clinton has claimed it was public knowledge to many State Department employees that she was using a private server because they received emails from her email domain.

But State Department employees interviewed by the FBI said many emails from Clinton appeared to be from "H" and did not show her private email domain.

The documents also show that Clinton contacted former Secretary of State Colin Powell in 2009 to ask about his use of a personal BlackBerry phone.

In his reply to Clinton via email, Powell told Clinton to "be very careful" because the work-related emails she sent on her BlackBerry could become public record.

"I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data," Powell said.

The FBI released its report on Friday afternoon before the Labor Day holiday weekend, a time many Americans are preparing to travel.

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Dr. Drew Asked To Retract Hillary Health Comments - Received "Scary, Creepy" Phone Calls



Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via,

Eight days after Board-certified medicine specialist and TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky expressed his grave concern over Hillary Clinton’s health and the healthcare she was receiving, his popular show on HLN, the sister channel of CNN, was cancelled.




Appearing on KABC’s McIntyre in the Morning, Pinsky said he and his colleague Dr. Robert Huizenga became “gravely concerned……not just about her health but her health care” after analyzing what medical records on Hillary had been released.


Pinsky pointed out that after Clinton fainted and fell in late 2012, she suffered from a “transverse sinus thrombosis,” an “exceedingly rare clot” that “virtually guarantees somebody has something wrong with their coagulation system.”


According to sources close to Pinsky, the medicine specialist had been asked to retract his statements on the democratic nominee’s health and also received a series of nasty phone calls and e-mails over the his comments.

“CNN is so supportive of Clinton, network honchos acted like the Mafia when confronting Drew,” a source told Richard Johnson of Page Six“First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.”


What followed, according to a source close to Pinsky, was a series of nasty phone calls and e-mails which were described as “downright scary and creepy.”


The fact that Dr. Pinsky was asked to retract his comments, and even received “scary” calls and emails over what he said, can lead one to believe that it was indeed his concern for Clinton’s health that lead to his show being cancelled.


But according to a spokeswoman for Pinsky, the show’s cancellation had been decided weeks before Pinsky’s comments, as part of a HLN revamp that includes the end of Nancy Grace’s show.


“I know the timing is suspicious, and I know it’s hard to believe, but the two things had nothing to do with each other,” Pinsky’s rep Valerie Allen told Page Six‘s Richard Jones.


What makes Dr. Pinksy’s cancellation even more suspicious is that he is not the only one who has received repercussions for questioning Clinton’s health.


Just last week the Huffington Post banned journalist David Seaman from posting on their website for penning a commentary piece discussing questions surrounding Hillary’s health problems.


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4 minutes ago, DocM said:

The Clinton Machine is only rivaled by the DPRK when it comes to silencing it's opponents. Have to keep an eye out for their Press Secretary putting in a PO for howitzers.

sure if you wish to believe conspiracies with no proof to them.

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1 minute ago, wakjak said:

sure if you wish to believe conspiracies with no proof to them.

No doubt ... of course this whole thread probably belongs in the conspiracy section.  Some truths (like her two DVTs, the thrombosis of her transverse sinus after she fell and hit her head and her hypothyroidism) ... and then taking those truths and spinning them into some wild and exaggerated theories.  Shame that the Republicans couldn't find someone to actually challenge her on the issues ... and instead have to resort to these wild fallacies ... because they have nothing else.


January 20, 2021 can not come soon enough.  Hopefully we've learned our lesson by then.  

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Just now, shockz said:

Won't ever happen, and when this post is referenced on Jan 21, you'll no doubt claim conspiracy or voter fraud.

The Democrats do that remember 2000 if you can.

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11 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

The Democrats do that remember 2000 if you can.

The difference is this won't be a close election, down to a few counties in Florida. Not to mention nobody, unless you're a ultra left wing fringe still thinks 2000 was shady... after several investigations and post analysis were completed a year or so after, it was clearly evident that Bush won fair and square. Yet, no doubt, FoxNews will hold specials every year around election days screaming voter fraud, and their legislatures draft laws to combat a made up problem. 

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7 minutes ago, wakjak said:

sure if you wish to believe conspiracies with no proof to them.

No conspiracy theories, a fact that even fellow Democrats will admit to. 


Just this week POLITICO has a long article on how she isolated herself from the press, and their political careers are litteted with people who they've destroyed via their politics of personal destruction.


Much of this is because of Hillary being almost Nixonian in her suspicions and vindictiveness, with many of the most critical articles about her being writ by fellow Democrats. 

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2 minutes ago, shockz said:

The difference is this won't be a close election, down to a few counties in Florida. Not to mention nobody, unless you're a ultra left wing fringe still thinks 2000 was shady... after several investigations and post analysis were completed a year or so after, it was clearly evident that Bush won fair and square. Yet, no doubt, FoxNews will hold specials every year around election days screaming voter fraud, and their legislatures draft laws to combat a made up problem. 

We have had enough liars in The White House. We do not need another one with Memory lapses.

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8 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

We have had enough liars in The White House. We do not need another one with Memory lapses.

You're right, we don't need Trump in office!


10 minutes ago, DocM said:

No conspiracy theories, a fact that even fellow Democrats will admit to. 


Just this week POLITICO has a long article on how she isolated herself from the press, and their political careers are litteted with people who they've destroyed via their politics of personal destruction.


Much of this is because of Hillary being almost Nixonian in her suspicions and vindictiveness, with many of the most critical articles about her being writ by fellow Democrats. 

This isn't about "being destroyed via their politics" and you know it. Either way, neither options presented "Death" or "Destroyed via politics" have any proof or links to Clinton. Anything said otherwise is conjecture. Shame on you, you know better.

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1 hour ago, Gary7 said:

The day Trump will take the oath.

I understand you like to troll just about every post I make, which is fine, but all I'm saying is that hopefully we've learned our lesson between now and 2021 when the next POTUS gets sworn in.  So ... in 2021 regardless of who is running ... you would still want Trump as POTUS?  Haven't you said ... out of all the potential Republican folks that could run in 2020 ... you'd still want Trump to be sworn in (be it first or second time) ... really?


Neither of these two leading candidates are worth crap.  Hopefully 2020 will be different.

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16 minutes ago, jjkusaf said:

Who said anything about not voting?  :rolleyes:

You said that both were crap so I thought that you would not vote for the one with less crap. If you did that you would have to vote for Trump as The Clinton's have been know to be full of crap since the Arkansas  invasion of crap. Go there and ask any Trooper about them and they will tell you how crappy their crap is.

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