Is Hillary Clinton Physically Unfit to be POTUS?

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23 minutes ago, Gary7 said:

DOC DROP FALLOUT: Republicans push to re-open Clinton email case


Comey acted like a Political Tool of Clinton. She was not put under oath, it was not recorded, Comey, Lynch et all should be fired and A new investigation done by a competent FBI Director.

Yes, waste more money on something that will turn into nothing. Again. How many do you want? 8 FBI investigations to tell you the same thing? 

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Take it for what you will but one thing's for certain, she's been coughing a lot in some of her interviews recently as before in the past as well. Nothing new on Trump as of yet so maybe that'll change in the coming weeks. Media too focused on Hillary atm.

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It cannot be denied that this is happening a lot. It could be something simple, but she may want to stamp out any conjecture ASAP before this becomes something she cannot stop. All I know is that allergies, at least the seasonal ones, don't cause coughing fits that last this long. I also recall in another interview/speech she had 5 full minutes of coughing. Whatever it is she probably needs to see a doctor for it if she hasn't already.

Regardless, I don't think it's actually anything serious. But alas, what better thing for the media to focus on than the irrelevant?

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Assange (WikiLeaks) says more Clinton & Foundation leaks soon, maybe next week, ramping up to a big release.


Her polls are sinking, and have been since FBI Director Comey eviscerated her on national TV. No charges, but untrustworthy. 

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20 hours ago, Morisato said:

Take it for what you will but one thing's for certain, she's been coughing a lot in some of her interviews recently as before in the past as well.

Speaking of "recently" theres more:

I doubt the radio interview room has high level of 'allergen'.

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18 hours ago, Emn1ty said:

All I know is that allergies, at least the seasonal ones, don't cause coughing fits that last this long.

Yeah i also doubted it was seasonal allergies. And I'm not the only one:


And talk about seasonal allergies, there interesting stuff happened:

Because Hillary's 4.5min coughing fits was seen by public,

MSNBC were quick to push narrative that pollen-allergen at Cleveland were "high" citing only single source from (wayback archives Sept 5th)

Some readers did a crosscheck with other allergen trackers sites to see if what MSNBC reporting were true.


After being quickly debunked, MSNBC cut/edited the portion of said article that now its no longer mentioned the high-pollen-allergen part.


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Over 70% Of US Doctors Surveyed Say Hillary's Health Concerns Are "Serious, Possibly Disqualifying"




On a day when Hillary Clinton proclaimed the media biased (against her), labeling the GOP as "sad, misogynistic sexists," a survey of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) found that nearly 71% of physicians thought concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are "serious - could be disqualifying for the position of President."




This 'sexist' call follows a lambasting of any and everyone who even mentions her health as "conspiracy theorists" with a political axe to grind. Ultimately, the media frenzy culminated in an article written by the WaPo's Chris Cilizza who concluded that "the questions about Hillary Clinton's health are absurd"...




... a statement which could pass for absurd judging by the Clinton campaign's furious response to demonize any member of the mainstream who dares to even bring them up.

*  *  *


Which means that, according to AAPS, over 70% of US doctors and surgeons are absurd right-wing tin-foil hat-wearers...



Concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are "serious—could be disqualifying for the position of President of the U.S.," say nearly 71% of 250 physicians responding to an informal internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). About 20% said concerns were "likely overblown, but should be addressed as by full release of medical records." Only 2.7% responded that they were "just a political attack; I have confidence in the letter from her physician and see no cause for concern."


While more than 81% were aware of her history of a concussion, only 59% were aware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and 52% of the history of deep venous thrombosis.


More than 78% said the health concerns had received "not enough emphasis" in the media, and only 2.7% that there had been "too much emphasis."


Nearly two-thirds said that a physician who had a concern about a candidate's fitness to serve for health reasons should "make the concerns known to the public." Only 11% said a physician should "keep silent unless he had personally examined the patient," and 10% that the candidate's health was "off limits for public discussion."

Eighty-eight respondents submitted comments.


One said that "the public interest will ALWAYS override either privacy rights or rights of self-determination in the case of a presidential candidate."


Another mentioned Clinton's "so called loss of memory claimed during her FBI questioning about her email server."


Beyond the specific questions, one remarked that "I think that the candidate should be honest with the public about his/her health!"


The history of the concussion was concerning: "The public must watch the movie Concussion to realize that such an injury does affect thought process."

A poll of 833 randomly selected registered voters by Gravis Marketing showed that nearly half (49%) were not aware of the "well documented major health issues that Hillary Clinton has." Nearly three-fourths (74%) were unaware of Bill Clinton's statement that Hillary suffered a "terrible" concussion requiring "six months of very serious work to get over." The majority (57%) thought that candidates should release their medical records.



"Both physicians and other voters think that health concerns are relevant when choosing a presidential candidate," states AAPS executive director Jane M. Orient, M.D.


"However, more than 40% of physician respondents were unaware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and the vast majority of voters were not aware of all of Clinton's problems or their potential serious long-term implications for cognitive function."

Now that's a lot of "absurd conspiracy theorists."

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The WaPo Wants Everyone To Stop Discussing Hillary's Email Scandals, Now



Earlier this week we reported that in the latest gasp of outrage by the mainstream media, and the Clinton campaign, numerous pundits unloaded on several traditional media outlets for daring to cover Hillary's infamous multiple coughing fits. The primary target of the anger was NBC which "faced harsh criticism" for posting a 91-word report, which had no opinion or commentary aside from reporting the facts of what happened to Hillary.


Ironically, and exposing the media's own hypocrisy and bias, some commentators such as the WaPo's Chris Cillizza asked if we can "just stop talking about Hillary's health now", a few years after he had no problems talking about John McCain's health.




The anger culminated with a WaPo editorial  by the same Cillizza, who concluded that "the questions about Hillary Clinton's health are absurd":



The article was heavy on the usual mainstream media rhetorical fallback devices, accusing anyone who is curious about Hillary's health as being a conspiracy theorist, to wit:



Beyond the Clinton conspiracy theorists who believe she had something to do with Vince Foster's death and that she was secretly responsible for everything from Y2K to the SpaceX explosion last week, it's hard to plausibly insist, based on the available data, that Clinton is ill. Aside from the doctor's note, she keeps a very rigorous schedule for a 68-year-old — traveling all over the country to raise money and campaign. (For the past month, she's done a lot more raising money than campaigning.)

Cillizza went so far as "telling" what Trump "should not" do, because supposedly the WaPo is an objective arbiter in the matter:



What Trump cannot — or, at least, should not — do is continue to engage with these wacky theories that emerge out of the fever swamps on the very fringe of the conservative movement. Every single person who believes in the Clinton health conspiracy is already for Trump. What he needs to do is find ways to reach voters who have doubts about him but may carry even graver doubts about Clinton's ability to do the job in an honest and transparent way... Every second he or his surrogates spend talking about Clinton's health is a lost moment for his campaign. And with 63 days left until the election, he simply can't afford that.

But most apropos, Cillizza also said that



"Clinton's botched handling of her private email server, the questions raised by the Clinton Foundation's foreign donors — these are ripe issues for Trump to make a case against Clinton."

Sure enough, just days later, Trump - and more to the chagrin of the "unbiased media", Matt Lauer did just that, leading to another furious response, which went so far as hinting Lauer himself was a member of the notorious "alt right", a term that has come to encompass a group which is the subject of all mainstream witch hunts, and who refuse to adhere to the carefully scripted narrative by the likes of Jeff Bezos' Washington Post.

* * *


So fast forward to last night, when a WaPo editorial has once again decided to opine on what is and isn't admissible discussion topics: this time focusing on "Hillary's email story" saying this it is "out of control."







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7 hours ago, FunkyMike said:

Over 70% Of US Doctors Surveyed Say Hillary's Health Concerns Are "Serious, Possibly Disqualifying"

You mean the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ... the same group that says HIV doesn't cause AIDS, that being gay shortens lifespans by 20 years, a conspiracy that "humanists" have conspired to replace the "creation religion of Jehovah" with evolution and vaccines cause autism as well as other discredited theories?  Folks really need to do some research on this ultra conservative tin-foil hat group.


They are like the association of rejects.  Any legitimate physician would never diagnose someone without first going through their history and doing a complete examination themselves.

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On 9/7/2016 at 2:06 AM, Morisato said:


Take it for what you will but one thing's for certain, she's been coughing a lot in some of her interviews recently as before in the past as well. Nothing new on Trump as of yet so maybe that'll change in the coming weeks. Media too focused on Hillary atm.

She needs to lay off the wacKy weed.

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It's funny to me that whenever they are discussing anything about Hilary, everybody all of a sudden seems to be an expert in law or medicine.

With the emails, everybody was all of a sudden a lawyer who understands all the intricacies of negligence. Now everybody knows she is sick and about to die.


Experts to make sure everything fits your own narrative

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5 minutes ago, Stoffel said:

It's funny to me that whenever they are discussing anything about Hilary, everybody all of a sudden seems to be an expert in law or medicine.

With the emails, everybody was all of a sudden a lawyer who understands all the intricacies of negligence. Now everybody knows she is sick and about to die.


Experts to make sure everything fits your own narrative



People have a blind hatred for all things clinton. Logic flies out the window never to return. 

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11 minutes ago, wakjak said:



People have a blind hatred for all things clinton. Logic flies out the window never to return. 

I'm not even a big fan of Clinton, I really was hoping for Bernie, but i guess he's to progressives for the USA.

But yeah, people have put it in their minds that they have to hate the Clintons for some reason. Probably has something to do with the 20 year or so witch hunt from the right.

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1 hour ago, Stoffel said:

It's funny to me that whenever they are discussing anything about Hilary, everybody all of a sudden seems to be an expert in law or medicine.

With the emails, everybody was all of a sudden a lawyer who understands all the intricacies of negligence. Now everybody knows she is sick and about to die.


Experts to make sure everything fits your own narrative

Appeal to authority. It doesn't take an expert to realize something's off. It does however take an expert (nay a Professional) to diagnose it.

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5 minutes ago, JHBrown said:

Interesting. My youngest daughter has seasonal allergies really bad, and yes, she coughs a lot during the period. I guess I should go out and find her a new doctor. :rolleyes:

Naaa. She doesn't need a new doctor.  Just have random people on forums/the internet diagnose and treat her.  :D

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My mother has had a cough that sounds WORSE than that for 20 years, and miraculously, she's perfectly healthy.  So I'm not impressed with this CONSPIRACY.

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11 hours ago, JHBrown said:

Interesting. My youngest daughter has seasonal allergies really bad, and yes, she coughs a lot during the period. I guess I should go out and find her a new doctor. :rolleyes:

Which would be fine absent other symptoms or history.


Hillarys circulatory and neurological problems are on the record, as well as treatments indicating she sustained serious head trauma, and the admission that she's sustained a cerebral venous thrombosis and at least 2 more in her legs. All putting her at significant risk of other problems, some fatal.


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18 minutes ago, DocM said:

Which would be fine absent other symptoms or history.


Hillarys circulatory and neurological problems are on the record, as well as treatments indicating she sustained serious head trauma, and the admission that she's sustained a cerebral venous thrombosis and at least 2 more in her legs. All putting her at significant risk of other problems, some fatal.


Um. No.


We all are at a significant risk of dying. 

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Some are at higher risk than others. She's up there.


Clinton’s health is totally a legitimate issue. The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza struggled mightily explaining why it was proper for John McCain’s health to be an issue in 2008 but not Hillary in 2016. The best he could come up with was Clinton would be 3 years younger on Jan 20.



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10 minutes ago, DocM said:



Some are at higher risk than others. She's up there.

Yes, based on her age she is "up there".  

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