Wife ripped open husband's scrotum by lifting him up by his testicles using her fingernails

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Wife ripped open husband’s scrotum by lifting him up by his testicles using her fingernails
Harley Tamplin for Metro.co.uk | Monday 1 Aug 2016 3:52 pm


A woman ripped a hole in her husband’s scrotum when she picked him up by his testicles during a row.


Andrew Collings was left with a 2″ by 1″ hole in his scrotum after the attack at the hands of his now ex-wife Catherine Collings, 51.


During a campaign of violence against her ex-husband, Collings also left him blind in one eye after poking his eyes with her fingers.


And on the day she ripped a hole in his scrotum, she beat Mr Collings, who lost a leg in a car crash when he was 20, with his crutch.


Despite the string of horrific violence, Collings has avoided jail, having been handed a suspended sentence at Exeter Crown Court.


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Where's the outrage?  


Had this been a man doing 1/4 of what this thing did to her Ex the usual SJW types would be foaming at the mouth to crucify the man 

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1 minute ago, Anibal P said:

Where's the outrage?  


Had this been a man doing 1/4 of what this thing did to her Ex the usual SJW types would be foaming at the mouth to crucify the man 

and she only gets a 2 year suspended jail sentence?    wow

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You said exactly what I was thinking Anibal. If this had been a woman the press would be going mental.

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32 minutes ago, kalel83 said:

I would rather have a hole in my scrotum then loose sight in one of my eyes.. 

Well for those of us who use that gear regularly such as myself, are for more likely to take the eye.

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26 minutes ago, adrynalyne said:

Well for those of us who use that gear regularly such as myself, are for more likely to take the eye.

He didn't loose functionality of either of his testicles or his penis.


He did loose eye sight in one eye.



If it was he lost something, sure I am with you. But just taking a temporary wound, nope. He has nerve damage, but it doesn't say it prevents him from having babies or maintaining an erection.


The hole will heal. Nerve damage can tune out (I deal with some from a surgery).

That eye will not come back.



Also that gif is brutal. He just lays there for 3 kicks..

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Permanent injury, temporary... who cares. Crimes perpetrated against men shouldn't be swept under the carpet. If this was a man trying to rip a woman's clit off, the world would be going absolutely bonkers and calling for his head on a spike.

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Gets off because she's a female.  Where are all the feminists calling for equal rights now?

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Mr Collings was left in ‘excruciating pain’ after the attack on his genitals left him with a ‘burning pain consistent with a nerve injury’.


But he did not seek medical help to stitch up the wound because he wanted to protect his wife.


Prosecutor Jonathan Barnes said the couple had been married for 30 years and had a number of grown up children.


He said police became involved when Mr Collings went to hospital in April 2014 with a dislocated lens in his left eye – and his right eye was also damaged.


He told the surgeon he had fallen into a hedge but later told the truth when the medic said ‘blunt trauma’ had been used on both eyes.


Mr Collings said she wouldn’t stop her attacks because ‘she was enjoying it’.


In a police interview, Collings, from Torquay, Devon, admitted she had attacked her husband but said it was ‘not one-sided


She confessed to grabbing him by his genitalia but said he ‘had provoked her’.


Kevin Hopper, defending, said Collings suffered from anxiety and personality disorders, adding: ‘These are nasty and deeply unpleasant offences.’


Collings pleaded guilty to two charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm and three counts of causing actual bodily harm.


Recorder Simon Levene said: ‘You have admitted five offences over a prolonged period against a victim, your husband, already grievously disabled.


‘In effect he has lost the sight in one eye as a result of a series of assaults which are unforgivable.


I will treat you as a man inflicting this damage on his wife – very very severe injuries indeed.’


She was handed a two year jail sentence suspended for two years.


An indefinite restraining order was made banning her from any contact with her ex-husband.

The ex-husband is clearly a victim of nazi feminism.


You wanted to empower women. There you have it.

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13 hours ago, Anibal P said:

Where's the outrage?  


Had this been a man doing 1/4 of what this thing did to her Ex the usual SJW types would be foaming at the mouth to crucify the man 


No outrage? There is all kinds of outrage by the usual insecure white dudes right here on Neowin on this thread.



9 hours ago, kalel83 said:

Also that gif is brutal. He just lays there for 3 kicks..


I can't tell if you are joking or don't know how gifs work?



21 minutes ago, Mirumir said:

The ex-husband is clearly a victim of nazi feminism.


You wanted to empower women. There you have it.


What kind of nonsense is that?


Drunk this early in morning? Oh wait, you are in Russia right? What time is it there?

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7 minutes ago, oldtimefighter said:


No outrage? There is all kinds of outrage by the usual insecure white dudes right here on Neowin on this thread.




I can't tell if you are joking or don't know how gifs work?




What kind of nonsense is that?


Drunk this early in morning? Oh wait, you are in Russia right? What time is it there?

You always add so much to a conversation by belittling people based on no evidence what so ever.


Ad hominems and strawmans. Keep it classy.

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40 minutes ago, trag3dy said:

You always add so much to a conversation by belittling people based on no evidence what so ever.


Ad hominems and strawmans. Keep it classy.

Wait... What? Someone else had a serious comment on this thread?

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21 minutes ago, oldtimefighter said:

Wait... What? Someone else had a serious comment on this thread?

Pretty sure nobody else attacked others like you did. 

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