Style XP Reg. Key

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*ahem* :shifty:

Good save Keldyn. :shifty: I guess Homer might consider me a good person then. :D :p

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ok so i had style xp 1.0. then i upgraded to the style xp 2 beta (4.01 or somthing) and now it says it wants a registration code.

can some one help me out?

strange mine updated fine hasent asked for a new key

No warez allowed SIR !

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TGTSoft are scum, I wouldn't even bother with their products :no:

This is the correct answer.

And if they don't take watercolor out of their product (which is a very old version i might add), they may have some trouble.


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Oh well, if anyone wants any TGTsoft warez or some sexy cracks i can get anything. Any thing to steal money from tgtsoft. They dont deserve for us to pay for there copied products. But damn i want a reg key for 2.0 stylebuilder im having a heart attack over the fac t that i can use the added shellstyles support

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I question the morals of anyone who willingly supports a company that leeches off the hardwork of others.



Hey... i never SAID I paid for it or even used it.

I merely mentioned i was gonna make money off em them

If nobody BUYS it .. i wouldn't fare very well now would i !

and basically what ur sayin is...

its ok to steal..... from a thief..?

if tgt soft is stealing... so r u.

THATS why most people BUY software.

THAT, morally, should NOT be questioned.

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