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On 29/07/2022 at 22:01, SidVicious said:

He looks so stoned.

He looks terrible.


A monumental loser who lost the House, Senate and White House. He will be recorded in history as one of the most pathetic one term losers in U.S politics as will his knuckle dragging maga followers.


The maga movement had their chance and blew it because they attached themselves to an absolute loser. The shameful evangelical movement turned against their Gawd of the bibel to support Trump.


Even Fox is with team Death Santos these days and Fox have the power to influence viewers.. The obese, one term loser Donald is done...the end!

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On 02/08/2022 at 03:37, primortal said:



I fail to understand why they make fake videos on the Trump crime family when there is so much actual crime and lowlife behavior to focus on. I honestly don't see the point.

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Stay classy, Don!  🤣




And yes... Trump really posted that.  I checked on Truth(?) Social... 



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On 04/08/2022 at 04:46, MightyJordan said:



Jones had better hope for a mistrial due to attorney incompetence. If not, he is screwed.





boo hoo.gif

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Thoughts on early voting?  Does it favor cheaters?  🤔


I voted early in the last few elections because I didn't want to stand in line for HOURS on election day.  I still cast an in-person vote at the same church where I always vote... I just did it a week earlier.  It's for convenience.


But these jagoffs think the only way to vote is for everyone to do it in-person on the same day even though most of the US adult population has to work on a Tuesday.



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On 03/08/2022 at 23:44, foolsfolly said:


Jones had better hope for a mistrial due to attorney incompetence.  If not, he is screwed.



Maybe his lawyer will use the "no reasonable person would believe his conspiracy theories" defense...



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