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Republicans are making it sound like Fentanyl was invented on January 20, 2021



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On 22/08/2022 at 08:12, MightyJordan said:



Wait... so the UK has plummeting wages, soaring inflation, poverty, hunger, collapsing rescue services, out-of-control wildfires, and polio?


Clearly it was Biden...    🤣




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In 2005, Timothy O’Brien, then a reporter for the New York Times, had published a book called “Trump Nation: The Art of Being the Donald.” In the book, O’Brien cited people who questioned a claim at the bedrock of Trump’s identity — that his net worth was more than $5 billion. O’Brien said he had spoken to three people who estimated that the figure was between $150 million and $250 million. 


Trump sued. He later told The Post that he intended to hurt O’Brien, whom he called a “lowlife sleazebag.” 


By filing suit, Trump hadn’t just opened himself up to questioning — he had opened a door into the opaque and secretive company he ran. 


The lawsuit had given O’Brien's attorneys the power to request that Trump turn over internal company documents, and they used it. They arrived at the deposition having already identified where Trump’s public statements hadn’t matched the private truth. 


Trump may not have realized it yet, but he had walked into a trap.   🤣 


Trump had brought it on himself. He had sued a reporter, accusing him of being reckless and dishonest in a book that raised questions about Trump’s net worth. The reporter’s attorneys turned the tables and brought Trump in for a deposition. 


For two straight days, they asked Trump question after question that touched on the same theme: Trump’s honesty. 


The lawyers confronted Trump with his own past statements — and with his company’s internal documents, which often showed those statements had been patently false or invented. The lawyers were relentless. Trump was vulnerable — cornered, sweating, unprepared, and UNDER OATH!! 


Thirty times, they caught him.


Trump had lied about sales at his condo buildings. Inflated the price of membership at one of his golf clubs. Overstated the depth of his past debts and the number of his employees. 


That deposition — 170 transcribed pages — offers extraordinary insights into Trump’s relationship with the truth. Trump’s lies were unstrategic — needless, highly specific, easy to disprove. When caught, Trump sometimes blamed others for the error or explained that the untrue thing really was true, at least in his mind. 


“A very clear and visible side effect of my lawyers’ questioning of Trump is that he was revealed as a routine and habitual fabulist,” said Timothy O’Brien.


This is why Trump’s lawyers told him to plead the 5th in his recent deposition.   🤣




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This opinion piece on FoxNews.com (!) has over 9,000 comments.


Most of the comment threads start with "Hillary's emails" or "Obama took 30 million documents"


Read it if you want a good laugh.  Or if you want to cry a lot... 🤣



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On 24/08/2022 at 00:29, Michael Scrip said:

This opinion piece on FoxNews.com (!) has over 9,000 comments.


Most of the comment threads start with "Hillary's emails" or "Obama took 30 million documents"


Read it if you want a good laugh.  Or if you want to cry a lot... 🤣



Russian troll factories hard at work.

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