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I have an old laptop, hp pavilion dv9575ep that was overheating so I took it apart and applied thermal paste to gpu and cpu. I removed all the 3 ribbon cables. I know where they connect but I have no idea what is the correct way to do it. Should the exposed part be facing the motherboard? Or does it depend? I took some screenshots, . Looking at the ribbons it seems the exposed part (with wires showing should go down(facing the motherboard) but I kinda remember some looking up. Sorry for the naive question. Btw, does connecting it wrong damage the hardware?

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Hmm this may sound silly but most connectors are usually designed to connect only in one way, do they have any grooves on one side? I used to repair the things for a living, but that was 13 years ago lol HP/Sony/Compaq, the cables we wirked with could only go in one way up.

19 minutes ago, Steven P. said:

Hmm this may sound silly but most connectors are usually designed to connect only in one way, do they have any grooves on one side? I used to repair the things for a living, but that was 13 years ago lol HP/Sony/Compaq, the cables we wirked with could only go in one way up.

By looking at the ribbon cable connectors I see that there are metal contacts in the motherboard side so I suppose I have to connect the ribbon cable facing down(side exposed)  the motherboard. But I am almost sure I remember one of the two being up. :s

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