SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System (updates)

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There's a reason for the change of name as well as the design & technologies going into it. The rate of advancement over (even) the past three years has been insane.


- Technology that was "state of the art" has now been superseded and evolved by even better gear or compacted to 50~15% of it's originally envisioned size, etc.;

- Materials that were being finalized for use have evolved radically (this can't be understated ... the rate of change in the past five years compared to the prior THIRTY are nearly equal now), including some SpaceX-proprietary ones that they WON'T discuss out-of-chain or beyond need-to-know -- Academia is only hearing whispers about these materials and that's it;

- Design techniques are now oriented around multi-purpose/multi-role. Anything else is viewed as "waste of space/dead weight" unless it's absolutely critical to functionality;

- The new overall design is to ensure modularity, adaptability, upgradability and future-proofing. SpaceX fully intends on refitting these as well as proving new technologies as time goes on.


:yes: Bigger deal than BFR/BFS already were. My only concern is feature creep at this point.

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Makes ya wonder if there's some previously-discarded tech that the SpaceX boffins are taking a very close look at -- something that required an "open-minded approach" to get working correctly ...


Gwynne wouldn't set a goal like that if SpaceX didn't have the ability.

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I'm going to take the conservative outlook on this.



For now, the technology that we have constrains us to one star...our technically, it is a starship...a multi planet ship in this star system.


This one was for Gwynne.


I would be comfortable in stating that nothing has changed from a few months ago...except that we have an acceleration in development...meaning a cash injection speeds thing up.


Best of these better be Enterprise...or I will be really ticked. 



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They must have changed something which drastically sped development and lowered costs. 


I say this because in their recent quest for a $750m BoA organized loan, they received enough offers for the full amount at good rates but are only taking $250m. They don't need the rest.

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