MS Edge: Abuse of Protocols to Load Local Files, Bypass HTML5 Sandbox, Open Popups and more

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Not sure if anyone's seen this, but it appears to have been posted 24 hours ago. I thought it was a good read on Microsoft Edge security, regarding an issue that was reported last month involving the abuse of protocols, and how they can be used to manipulate applications, escaping the HTML5 sandbox and so on.  The article is quite detailed in their approach, leaving room still for research regarding protocols introduced with Windows 10.



On October 25th, the fellows @MSEdgeDev twitted a link that called my attention because when I clicked on it (being on Chrome) the Windows Store App opened. It might not surprise you, but it surprised me!

As far as I remembered, Chrome had this healthy habit of asking the user before opening external programs but in this case it opened directly, without warnings.

This was different and caught my attention because I never accepted to open the Windows Store in Chrome. There are some extensions and protocols that will open automatically but I’ve never approved the Windows Store....


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