Keyhole structure on Mars featured in Science Journal

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A wedge and dome, keyhole-shaped formation observed on Mars is now the subject of a new science paper, published in the current issue of the Journal of Space Exploration (Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016).

The paper, “A Wedge and Dome Formation Set within the Flat Plains of Libya Montes,” reveals the results of a three year analysis of NASA images that identify a conjoined triangular and circular structure on the surface of Mars.

When compared to a collection of similar keyhole formations produced by terrestrial cultures, such as the ancient Kofun Tomb in Japan, the Martian structure not only duplicates their design but, reveals a lost legacy perhaps shared between two worlds.


The Martian structure is documented in four separate images provided by NASA and the European Space Agency that confirm the keyhole formations symmetry and its unique set of geometric measurements. The authors contend that the available data set of NASA images confirm multiple points of geometric consistency within the structure and suggest a high probability of artificiality.

Contributors to the paper include two members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research, William Saunders (geomorphologist) and George Haas (sculptor), as well as two members of The Cydonia Institute, Michael Dale (geologist) and James Miller (image analyst).

A direct link to the Journal of Space Exploration paper is provided below.
Link: [],1082795


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