How many security updates do Win10 phones get?

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Hi all,


I'm considering a switch to Windows Phone 10. The Lumia 950XL is cheap now, and security on Android is woeful - even for Google Nexus phones, once they're not current model anymore.


However since patching of security fixes is quite an issue, in my opinion, and Google is lacking on that, I do wonder how often MS phones currently get security updates, and how often security updates for apps are published.


If I look at the list of published updates from the MS website (I looked at it today but unfortunately I cannot find the link anymore!) I see the latest updates are from July / August (depending on model: 950 or 650). But those are only the major releases, and that doesn't say much about intermediate security fixes, like they are published monthly for Windows on PC.


Anyone who can provide me some insights in that?


Thanks in advance,


--Tim :-)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I own a 950XL (a very nice beast) and I get security updates once a month like a PC running Windows 10.

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