why you haven't seen me on here and almost didn't... What has been going on with me...

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so many things going on that has went on and will go on...

I am going to be walking in March with a BS in Information Assurance then Starting the MS program in Network Defense in April at Capella University.

What a crazy crazy year last year. I had just finished the courses and had just spent time with the family for the holidays and then life just happened.


When i mean life just happened, that is an understatement to the utmost end. I was in the hospital for what I thought was FOOD POISONING, but it turns out that I had Diabetic Keto- Acidosis which I was unaware that I had diabetes. My Sugar was well 849 which I am told most folks go into comma around 400-500.

You know it is serious when they put you in intensive care and the HOSPICE people ask you if you need help creating a will and where you would like to spend your final hours.


Some folks don't recover from this, but thanks to my wife Latisha for standing strong with me and keeping me motivated. I was in the hospital from the 28th of Dec to the 2cnd of Jan. What a way to spend NEW YEARS, right, that is why this graduation is going to special to me. 


I know for me it is earned hard only took 25 years to complete that I started my Journey in 92 took a break..went in the ARMY...  then went back at it in 2011.





Edited by redvamp128
Put image in signature instead of in post.
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Good to hear, sounds like you're going to do well and congratulations on the hard work and the degree!  And thank you for your service in the Army.   (Y)

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I'm relatively new around here redvamp and don't know you however I wish you well with your health issues. I have heart disease and spend time in the ED often and a couple of years ago I developed two different staph infections that had me in Intensive Care for weeks. I know what you are going through and beware of PTSD! If you have trouble maybe talk to your doctor about a short term antidepressant. There is no shame in it mate. Take care!

9 minutes ago, JR1966 said:

I'm relatively new around here redvamp and don't know you however I wish you well with your health issues. I have heart disease and spend time in the ED often and a couple of years ago I developed two different staph infections that had me in Intensive Care for weeks. I know what you are going through and beware of PTSD! If you have trouble maybe talk to your doctor about a short term antidepressant. There is no shame in it mate. Take care!

I almost forgot to mention I also had 2 abscesses that were about 1 inch wide by 2 inch deep that had to have surgery on .


I am one of the OLD NEOWIN Folk... Joined  October 5, 2001 back when it looked something like this ..

Which was about 1 year after Neowin was created FYI.



And my A1C level is 16 which they would want it to be at 8  which normal people it is around 4-6.


I take insulin 2x a day 20ml and 4 Metformin pills a day....  and have to eat right now.. and no more skipping meals.


Oh and also to note before the holidays.. I was 327 LBS now my current weight is 254.     Though I would not recommend that for weight loss because that is over 50lbs in less than 30 days.



I'm sorry to hear about your illnesses but glad you are fighting past it. Keep on doing what you're doing, never give up!


It's good to have you back redvamp128. :)

Well, apparently you joined Neowin 16 days before I did, yet I don't remember you (and I was a lot more active back then).  Nevertheless, I'm sorry to hear you went through all that and I'm glad you're still with us.

51 minutes ago, Darrian said:

Well, apparently you joined Neowin 16 days before I did, yet I don't remember you (and I was a lot more active back then).  Nevertheless, I'm sorry to hear you went through all that and I'm glad you're still with us.

There was brief period where I was without a computer.. then I was active again for a brief period then inactive for a while.. then after all the arguments over trivial stuff I would just comment on the main posts.  


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