LeBron: "I'm a soldier."

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What is it with sports athletes comparing themselves to men and women who give their lives everyday for their country? It was funny when Kellen "Souljah" Winslow, Jr. said it, but this is getting ridiculous. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't football more of a "violent battle" than basketball?

I'm curious to see if this will get any scrutiny. Everyone ripped Winslow for a few weeks; somehow I doubt LeBron will get the same treatment :rolleyes:

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haha, thats funny. i hate winslow though.

I hate Winslow as well. I do admit, Winslow's comments were more "insulting" as he used derogotory words as well, and he also was criticizing officials. The reason I said Winslow's comments were funny was because he actually believed what he was saying.

But, in no way is it funny hearing some guy who gets millions of dollars compare himself to a guy who gets MAYBE minimum wage and protects the rights of that athlete. More and more I'm liking Carmelo. Doesn't talk, doesn't gloat, doesn't put himself above even his own teammates.

But, that's for another thread :)

"sol?dier ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sljr)


One who serves in an army.

An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.

An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.

A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws.

One of a group of honeybees that swarm in defense of a hive.

intr.v. sol?diered, sol?dier?ing, sol?diers

To be or serve as a soldier.

To make a show of working in order to escape punishment."

So you are telling me that LeBron James, Kellen Winslow, Jr., etc. refer to themselves as followers of an organization. No, thanks, I don't buy that one bit. Maybe they are undeveloped ants? No.

They know exactly what they mean, and so do you. And it's not about hating someone or liking someone. Although I understand your post and your intentions, professional athletes are not soldiers.



\Sol"dier\, v. i.

1. To serve as a soldier.

2. To make a pretense of doing something, or of performing any task. [Colloq.U.S.]

3. A brave warrior

I do know what they mean. Unfortunately, some people like to make an issue out of anything. And in this case, you are making an issue because of your dislike of Lebron. Either that or you just like to put up a fuss over nothing. Professional athletes can be soldiers, I am a soldier, ANYONE can be a soldier. It's an attitude...not a job.

first of all soldier is not always someone who fights a war in Iraq. its definately used as a slang term (noawadays) to describe someone who is hardworking and loyal. I think LeBron fits that category really well especially considering his age and how he is his teams star player.

you guys sound like you wanna lynch him for using 1 "wrong" word.

LeBron used it in different context. He's a soldier in meaning he'll recover quickly to get back out on the court and do what he loves. Winslow is a 'fkn souljah' because he's an arragont prick. He was referring to the scenario of "it's either me or him" and he broke someone's ribs, etc.

I can't believe you guys. Everybody ripped Russ Limbough earlier this year for making a candate point. Everyone knows he out spoken and he made a comment, true or not, and because he's not a star he gets his ass ripped. Lebron makes a different comment that is just as nonesensible as Libough's statement and it's funny? You guys are hypocrites. :crazy:

BMac you are comparing two totally different things. LeBron said he's a soldier, a hard worker, tough guy or whatever he meant. Limbaugh said something that could be viewed as racist even though I didn't think it was. He maybe just needed a few of his Oxy's to calm him down or whatever. If LeBron said Larry Bird was overrated because he was white then you could compare the two. Otherwise, quit trying to make a point when the two don't even relate to each other.

No it's not so different. In today's time there are many young men and women overseas fighting for our safety and the freedom of the Iraqi people. They are soldiers. Lebron is a guy who dribbles. He may do it well but still. You need to be aware of the current emotional state of the people and Lebron's comment were over the line. I don't condon Limbaugh's statements but Lebron's statement was wrong and he needs to apologize.

LeBron didn't mean it the same way -- at all -- as Winslow II did. Winslow's comment was made in rage and malice, while LeBron was just saying he's tough and can take it. While Winslow may have been saying the same thing, he said it in a rude context. LeBron's was much more figurative, as has already been pointed out.

BMac, your what he said and running with it. In no way did he make light of the soldier's in iraq. He used it in a different context, so if someone says that a game is a war or fight or battle they are making fun of the military. NO!!! I guess no one can ever use those words again without you getting upset.

LeBron didn't mean it the same way -- at all -- as Winslow II did. Winslow's comment was made in rage and malice, while LeBron was just saying he's tough and can take it. While Winslow may have been saying the same thing, he said it in a rude context. LeBron's was much more figurative, as has already been pointed out.

i agree. :yes:

what the hell. Its a figure of speech. Lebron did not mean "I'm fighting to protect our freedom!" He's just saying he's tough. You people overreact so much. Sme thing with winslow.

No, Winslow's comments were rude and full of malice and anger. Did you not see the videotape of it? He made it sound like he was better than everyone out there on the field and as though he was doing the job of a "soldier" on the field. I've lost most of my respect for Winslow (as a person, at least) since he made those comments.

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