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  orphic said:
If you think Dean is better than Bush, you must be some sort of neo-fascist.

Do you even know wtf you are talking about???

The republican party attracts the "Neo- Fascist" vote in this country. You must have your handy pocket political spectrum all twisted up :laugh:


I strongly urge anyone that wants Bush out of the white house to support General Wesley Clark.

In my opinion Dean will not get enough votes in the ass backward American south, in part because some of them apparently don't know that the Civil War has long been over and done with :blink: and the still have enormous hostilty toward "Yankees". Trust me... I live in Texas, I come face to face with this stupidity on a daily basis :crazy: They will use that as an excuse for not even concidering Dean... inspite of what their own political views may be. Not to mention that the Southern Baptist Convention and unsaid number of these so called non-denominational church/cults have had their lips firmly planted on Bush's ass since before he was elected and will urge their congregations to vote for him. Then you have the dumb mindless ****s that vote like they are placing a bet on a football game :huh: I remember one of my co-workers saying after the 2000 election that he voted for Bush because he thought Bush would win :blink: ??? WTF??? What the hell kind of reason is that? He didn't want to be on the losing side, I guess :rolleyes: . I told him that if everyone was like him this world would have already have come to an end and that is the ****ing truth! ... but anyway, my point is that there are too many obstacles for a candidate like Dean... even if he wins the popular vote, the republicans have tinkered enough with the districts in Texas and several other states that it would be next to impossible to win the electorial college vote. In reality the election has already been rigged in Bush's favor. Why? because people a too stupid to care about what politicians are doing when we aren't looking.

The only chance now to get Bush out of office is to get a good over-qualified candidate like Clark nominated. That will essentially give people that are middle of the road a reason to think about why in the world they would even concider re-electing that over-rated puppet that we have in office right now.

Edited by intensityx
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