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How come when I changed my notebook password I received an email from Microsoft informing me of the change. Personally I rather have no password.

Entering the password today I was informed I didn't have an internet connection. Why do I need an internet connection just to use my notebook?

Every update of Window's 10 causes my Wi-Fi software settings to turn off.

Window's 7 was quicker and didn't cause problems like this.


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You would get an email from Microsoft if you were signing into windows with an online account instead of a Local (offline) account. When you change your Microsoft Online password they email you in case someone else changed the password other than you.


As far as requiring an internet connection to sign into windows, I usually only see that if someone mistypes the password.

@garymca77, you only need the internet connection when changing passwords if you have a Microsoft Account on your profile. After logging in with that account, it will sync the password to the PC, so you won't have to connect to the internet, just so you can log in to your laptop. If you decide to change the password, it will also change the password on that account as well. I guess this was done to simplify logging in. And that was since Windows 8.


Now, why the wifi card is automatically turned off, possibly a driver issue. I never encountered this on both my (now dead) Lenovo G580 and on my new HP Laptop 15.



If you reinstall Windows 10 without a network connection, you will be able to set the operating system up without a Microsoft Account.  You will probably still have to choose a password, though.  You can also skip creating the Microsoft Account when installing Windows 10 and connected to a network, but you actually have to choose an option explicitly to do so, as the default option is to set up a Microsoft account.




Aryeh Goretsky




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During the setup of Windows 10, it is possible to create a local account with having to use a Microsoft account. If not, then simply removing the network cable or disabling the wireless before the account creation stage will allow you to create a local account.


There is also ways to have an account automatically log in, so you don't have to enter your password every time.

when you set up Windows 10, you inadvertently set up an online microsoft profile login. this is the default, unless you pick do not use an online account in setup.


you can easily change it back to a traditional "offline" account.


  • Open Settings > Accounts and click Your info.
  • After confirming that the account is set up to use a Microsoft account, click Sign in with a local account instead.
  • Enter the password for your Microsoft account to confirm that you're authorized to make the change, and then click Next.
  • On the Switch To A Local Account page, enter your new local user name and password, along with a password hint, as shown here.
  • Click Next to sign out from the Microsoft account and sign back in using your new local account.
  • This change doesn't affect any files or installed Windows desktop programs.

    If you've set up any apps from the Windows Store, you'll need to sign in again. You can continue to use any Microsoft cloud services as well; you'll just need to sign in individually.
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