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hi all

I want to enable and disable shader in MPCH Media player Classic

the MPCH have shader option using HLSL shaders

I want the shader to read each file extension before it plays the file

so if the video file name is video.GR.Mp4 it will play it in Grayscale shader 

if it is not and standard file name Video.Mp4 without GR. unique extension so it plays standard without shader or end the shader

here is the shader I have for grayscale

// $MinimumShaderProfile: ps_2_0

sampler s0 : register(s0);

float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR {
    float c0 = dot(tex2D(s0, tex), float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0));

    return c0;

I want to add if or block stantement or bloean to detect file name before it call the shader in order to go to the procedure or disable it or goto end direct without it


any thoughts or help

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