I'm dreaming of a white Christmas (UK version)

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I took a picture of a tree in my back yard a few moments ago using my phone's camera.


(The file is too big to upload, and I don't use third party image hosting, therefore I'll probably need to be walked through how to do this)


The reason I created this thread is because The last time I remember Wolverhampton, UK. having snowfall this close to Christmas without going over the 25th of December, was back in 2010.


I find snowfall at Christmas to be special, and (even though I'm 42 years old) magical.


Please share your recent Christmas feeling pictures of any snowfall you may have.

(Everyone's free to share, but this was mostly for those who felt the last few Christmas's gone just felt like any regular day, as it were).



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Yeah, it's pretty unusual to get snow before Christmas here so it was a lovely surprise. I took my son out in the snow and he was so excited by it all. Here's a couple of pictures I took yesterday:





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14 minutes ago, LimeMaster said:

Oops! Didn't realize this thread was region locked. :o

It's not region locked, my point was that the last time UK had snow during Christmas before or during the 25th was 7 years ago, everyone is free to share their image, it just needs to be personal, and not commercial or Google searched images.

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1 hour ago, The Evil Overlord said:

I took a picture of a tree in my back yard a few moments ago using my phone's camera.


(The file is too big to upload, and I don't use third party image hosting, therefore I'll probably need to be walked through how to do this)


The reason I created this thread is because The last time I remember Wolverhampton, UK. having snowfall this close to Christmas without going over the 25th of December, was back in 2010.


I find snowfall at Christmas to be special, and (even though I'm 42 years old) magical.


Please share your recent Christmas feeling pictures of any snowfall you may have.

(Everyone's free to share, but this was mostly for those who felt the last few Christmas's gone just felt like any regular day, as it were).

I grew up in Wolverhampton. It hasn't been white in many, many years.

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(4 of 4)

My neighbour's Van

Also it shows a little snowbank on the road, where the cars have left ruts... I believe the snow reached 6 inches deep in some areas here. Some areas have reported deeper.



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4 minutes ago, The Evil Overlord said:

(3 of 4, in order to avoid the filesize lockout)


Yes, my daughter was trying to make an igloo (just to the left of the snowman)



Angus wants its snow back mate! :)

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Just an observation, it's a little strange going outside into my back yard at 2 in the morning, and being able to see quite clearly for quite some distance. A little akin to an early evening's light in bad weather. Usually it's difficult to see clearly the same distances on a clear night.

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8 minutes ago, The Evil Overlord said:

Anyone else have pictures they took to share?

no :p 


heheh ill get some tomms morning on way to work, the hills up the back of me have proper snow :)


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2 hours ago, Dan~ said:

Had nothing but down down south.


i’d take a picture but we all know what rain looks like

Been a steady -4C for me since Friday, but no snow :(

2 hours ago, The Evil Overlord said:

Make sure you're not driving when you take the pix

I will stop I promise....Dad :p 


Wrap up warm and keep that house heating on tonight ladies, reports of it dropping to -15C in some parts of the UK tonight (please let it be here so i cant get to work  in the morning) 

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6 minutes ago, Mando said:

Been a steady -4C for me since Friday, but no snow :(

I will stop I promise....Dad :p 

Damn, and here I thought it was 'cold' and its 60F /16C! :p But the irony of the whole thing is: At Amazon they have, in the parking lot, bins of snow/ice melt chained to the light poles, and they also have a sign that will turn blue if it drops to freezing, to alert you about the dangerous conditions!

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