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I get slow loading when reading new pages (fine once cache'd)


It takes like 5 seconds to load a page. Says "waiting for ***.com". Then after that the page loads up slow. The pictures take an extra 10 seconds to reappear.


I know this happening on FireFox as well as Chrome.


I tried looking around and they suggested I use Google DNS. So I did so, noticed no difference.


I'm on Linux Mint 18.2 (so Budman doesn't get confused again)


Is this a fault on my IPS, or? My Dad, on the same network, notices this as well...


Any pointers here? If you need more info, ask. (Writing this at 12AM)


Edit: I have a fast internet, too. 100/10

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So use the tools the browsers give you in what is taking so long..




So we can see exactly what part of the page is taking so long, be it the specific domain does not resolve?  Something else?


Maybe its just packet loss on your isp connection?  Your saying your speedtests show 100/10 all the time?  Do a sniff on your machine when you load a page.. We can see if lots of retrans are happening, etc.. Wireshark is your friend...  Yes runs on linux ;)

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I get 100 on a good day, but, still, net is fast on speedtest.




I just thought changing DNS would help as it helped others.



I did this with gmail:




Want to help me with wireshark? I never used it before.. (downloaded)


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Well clearly there is some IPv6 going on there.. I would guess that is your problem..


Turn off ipv6 and see if you like your internet better..


Also not seeing your full speed pretty anytime you test points to a problem.. If you were a few Mbps what your paying for ok - but your at half of what you should get..


Your client is going to try ipv6, then when that doesn't work it will then do ipv4.. So yeah you can see delays on the switch, etc.  If you do not like the performance your getting - turn it off.. Does it work better?


edit:  BTW - here is mint forum saying that disable ipv6 fixed their google sites being slow

[SOLVED] All google related sites are REALLY SLOW

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10 hours ago, Mindovermaster said:

I tried looking around and they suggested I use Google DNS. So I did so, noticed no difference.

I really dislike when someone just says, "use google dns." Instead, you should benchmark various dns servers and see which one gives you the best performance, for all you know, googles dns could be worse than your isps.

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2 minutes ago, Circaflex said:

I really dislike when someone just says, "use google dns." Instead, you should benchmark various dns servers and see which one gives you the best performance, for all you know, googles dns could be worse than your isps.

Yep, this is a great tool for exactly that..

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I dislike it when people say benchmark dns and pick the one that are 2 ms different - like that is going to make a difference <rolleyes>.


Can you benchmark these dns servers with the domains you use?  And at different times so to test how well the cache is updated after ttl expires by other users on this same forwarder asking for the domain and letting it be cached before I might need it, etc..





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56 minutes ago, BudMan said:

Well clearly there is some IPv6 going on there.. I would guess that is your problem..


Turn off ipv6 and see if you like your internet better..


Also not seeing your full speed pretty anytime you test points to a problem.. If you were a few Mbps what your paying for ok - but your at half of what you should get..


Your client is going to try ipv6, then when that doesn't work it will then do ipv4.. So yeah you can see delays on the switch, etc.  If you do not like the performance your getting - turn it off.. Does it work better?


edit:  BTW - here is mint forum saying that disable ipv6 fixed their google sites being slow

[SOLVED] All google related sites are REALLY SLOW

But IPv6 is set to ignore via network settings... So would that be at my router level, perhaps?


Edit: Scratch that... IPv6 is disabled in my router as well.

Edited by Mindovermaster
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6 minutes ago, BudMan said:

I dislike it when people say benchmark dns and pick the one that are 2 ms different - like that is going to make a difference <rolleyes>.

I don't believe that is what I said, but on to your point I 100% agree. That is why I question people when they say to switch to google/open dns without validating anything. If the difference is 2ms, obviously switching dns will not solve the issue. I just think, blindly following some forum users advice of "use google dns" is a bad idea.

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56 minutes ago, Mindovermaster said:

Edit: Scratch that... IPv6 is disabled in my router as well.

Simple sniff would show.. I thought that clients6 said v6 on it... I just checked it does have ipv4 address and ipv6 address..  So can not tell for sure from that info..  Take a sniff and post it up so we can see if packet loss, lots of retrans, etc. etc.  How long something takes to respond from when you send syn, etc


What I would suggest you do is clear your browser cache, close your browser - start up wireshark.. Then go to some sites you say are slow and some that you say are fast.. And then post that sniff.

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@BudManI'm using WireShark 2.2.6 from my repository. Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do?


@CircaflexI'm using an Arris modem. I can't remember which model, but it's on TW's (spectrum) modem list.

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9 minutes ago, Mindovermaster said:

@BudManI'm using WireShark 2.2.6 from my repository. Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do?


@CircaflexI'm using an Arris modem. I can't remember which model, but it's on TW's (spectrum) modem list.

Is it an old modem? Or was it recently replaced? Have you upgraded your speeds since purchasing/leasing said router? Have you ever received your full advertised speeds? Is it possible, your modem is to old to handle the newest speeds? It being on their list really doesn't mean much. Flip it over, grab the model or login to the modem gui and it should give you the model there as well.

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48 minutes ago, Circaflex said:

Is it an old modem?

Or was it recently replaced?

Have you upgraded your speeds since purchasing/leasing said router?

Have you ever received your full advertised speeds?

Is it possible, your modem is to old to handle the newest speeds? It being on their list really doesn't mean much. Flip it over, grab the model or login to the modem gui and it should give you the model there as well.

No, we just bought it about a year ago. We bought it ourself, as we didn't want to pay $10/month (TimeWarner back then) to rent their modem.

I already see massive speeds. We used to get 17/1. Now it's usually 100/10 (120/11 when on VPN)

I'm not hurdling over my monitors to look at it. doesn't work...

It works fine, don't worry, it can run at the given speed from the ISP.


@BudManWhen I start it up I see this:




Since starting it, I don't see much happening...

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7 minutes ago, Mindovermaster said:

No, we just bought it about a year ago. We bought it ourself, as we didn't want to pay $10/month (TimeWarner back then) to rent their modem.

I already see massive speeds. We used to get 17/1. Now it's usually 100/10 (120/11 when on VPN)

I'm not hurdling over my monitors to look at it. doesn't work...

It works fine, don't worry, it can run at the given speed from the ISP.


@BudManWhen I start it up I see this:




Since starting it, I don't see much happening...


7 minutes ago, Mindovermaster said:

It works fine, don't worry, it can run at the given speed from the ISP.

Clearly that isn't the case, you state you should be getting 100/10, yet your speed results show 54/12. Something is not working as it should... If your dad is noticing this too, on a different device, clearly something is wrong. Whether its your modem, router, or ISP, but something seems to be "off" if it isn't just your device.



Edited by Circaflex
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You have to capture on the interface your using... It sees a lot of interfaces there.. Scroll down and pick the interface your on.. Your wired right... So should be like eth0, or rel0 or igb0, etc.. depending on the brand of nic you have.

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I do have wireless on my motherboard, but it is not enabled. So am wired, yes.


I cant find eth0, or like anything you said. Has the following:









usbmon (different numbers)


Unless one of those things refers to my eth0?

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@CircaflexSometimes, it is slower, some days it is higher. Know anything about fluctuation? And that was only ONE scan to ONE server. I just did it once to prove a point.

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