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Anyone else playing it?

I'm running it on PC and having a blast with it. If you take the time to do the sidequests and hunt down

the extras, there is a LOT of content. Been playing a couple of days and only finished one area so far.


The NPC AI is pretty dumb, which is my major complaint. The "Story" will also interrupt whatever

you're doing and take over at times, which is also annoying. But other than those two things I'm

seriously enjoying myself.

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I finished it earlier today. Enjoyed the game a lot, ending... people have issues with. Including me.


It is a really good Far Cry game. I do miss the hunting/crafting, the perks system is just boring. For the running and gunning, good enough, world map is about right, things to do everywhere (and I haven't even touched the Arcade content).

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About half way through the 2nd island at the moment, this game actually looka better on my X than my 1080 :s Not sure if its because of the HDR but this game looks pretty stunning at times. Best looking open world FPS game I've played this year.


The interruptions no matter what can be quite annoying, The continual hassle of the peggies is probably my biggest annoyance with this until you clear an area, for that reason only I'm smashing through the story missions and hope to beat it tomorrow in my day off then will come back and enjoy the fishing, stashes, etc without being swarmed by attack helicopters and utes with turrets on the back when I'm just going for a walk.

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How does it compare to 3 and 4 @dwLostCat


Does it still have camp takeover piece to unlock portions of the map? That was probably my biggest annoyance with the previous two. It sounds like it's still fairly open world and you can potentially attempt missions in a number of different ways (all out warfare vs sneaking?

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Kind of?  The bigger forts are gone but there are the smaller camps to take over for the resistance.  Each area has multiple stages ending in a confontration with the area boss and the last stage is the 'boss battle'...not quite the same, fortunately.


It's ironic, because I feel like the general layout of the game is better.  If the gunplay in the early stages of the game felt less hollow I'd probably love the game.

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I have been playing it.  Got all 3 areas done and working on some quick side quests.  Few things that are annoying me.....




I don't like that you are forced to confront the bosses when the bar is full. 


Seems the bosses can kidnap you at will no matter where you are at, even safe zones, and never kill or do much harm to you.


Character customization in campaign is useless.  You never see your character.  Unless I am missing something here.  I also have not tried arcade yet.


Maybe me, but game seems lacking in the weapon/vehicle choices.  And several reskins which really are not needed.  Same goes for the clothes a well.



Anyway, few more things but I would of though these areas be better.  Fun game and I am enjoying it, but have a little ways to go yet.

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17 hours ago, techbeck said:


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Character customization in campaign is useless.  You never see your character.  Unless I am missing something here.  I also have not tried arcade yet.




In regards to never seeing your character,


there are Wanted posters everywhere that do change depending on how you currently look. That is the only time I saw where it mattered.


I beat the game about 4 days ago. First game I have beaten in a while. I loved it overall. It is not perfect but it is pretty damn fun to play and the stuff that I would label as not perfect was really small in the grand scheme of things.


The biggest thing I will say is I pretty much found my preferred load out and did not change it up that much even though I could afford other weapons. I also pretty much just used Boomer. Even when I unlocked the perk to have another Gun For Hire I found they got in the way as I always try to stealth first. I still enjoyed it though. Just felt like they could have perhaps switched things up a bit more to force the player to change their approach. I know I could have just done that on my own but I saw no real need. Again though, this is a small gripe, as I beat the game so I enjoyed it obviously.


Looking forward to the DLC which I already own since I got the Ultimate Edition or whatever it is called. Have to love that Prime 20% savings.


My favorite game of 2018 so far. I have always loved the series though. I recall writing damn near an Essay when the first game released on this very forum. That first game still goes down as one of my personal "wow" moments in gaming. I remember just swimming around with the fish for a good hour.

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I played (and beat) this as well, I really enjoyed it, I am currently going back through on the hardest setting and doing some side missions that I never got offered the first go round. I am also playing around with the homeopathic 'boosts' and doing more of the crafting this time. Anyone know what the Basil is supposed to do> I eat it but nothing seems to happen! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I'm having a ball with it also. I've beaten 2 of the 3 "bosses" but I wanna hold off on the last one, because there's no NG+ if you finish the game right? I mean I know you can go back to the map and finish everything if you want, but I'd much rather a NG+ than that. Still, I'm having a blast with it (literally) and also rather enjoying the coop the game has. I've even played some arcade stuff, though not anything mp wise, since there doesn't seem to be any community of players on PC. But I do like how as you level in arcade you get money and perk points, so that's another way to acquire that stuff.


I know the DLCs that are coming to the game are "out there" kinda things - what with this first one randomly a Vietnam thing. And another one being about zombies (because of course). Maybe the 3rd one will be a blood dragon tie in, cuz I sure enjoyed shooting the blood dragon 3 movie in the game! :D

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On 5/25/2018 at 5:19 PM, Jim K said:

First DLC (Hours of Darkness) will be available June 5th.



Fantastic. Was wondering when they were going to start dropping the content. I just downloaded Far Cry 3 classic edition last night but read about some issues with the dead zone of the analog sticks, but I still plan on revisiting it. But having something new to play in this game is going to be great. One of my favorite games of the year so far.

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