'Deodorant Challenge' leaves teen with second-degree burns

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A 15-year-old girl in England was left with horrific burns after deodorant was sprayed on her in the latest school craze. 


Jamie Prescott, 42, said her daughter Ellie may need a skin graft after taking part in "The Deodorant Challenge" with her South Gloucestershire classmates.


The game involves spraying deodorant onto a person's bare skin for as long as possible, and has left Ellie with an injury so bad it is still weeping three weeks on.


Ellie described her injuries as "really painful" and said yellow liquid leaks out of the wound.


"It's a hole in my arm and there's all this yellow stuff coming out," she said. "My friend did it a year ago and has a scar, but said it wasn't as painful as mine. When I show people my injury they lift up their sleeves and show that they've all had it done too."


Prescott posted photos of the burns on Facebook to warn other parents of the "horrendous" craze.


It has been shared more than 2,500 times since being posted on May 4.





Tide challenge, kids snorting condoms, and now this?  I say we refuse medical treatment to anyone dumb  enough to do any of these "challenges" and sterilize the parents so they cannot have any more kids.  Seriously, this  generation is full of morons.

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11 minutes ago, Dot Matrix said:

What kind of deodorant leaves a chemical burn? ?

that's what i was wondering 0_o

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14 minutes ago, Dot Matrix said:

What kind of deodorant leaves a chemical burn? ?

Lots of spray/aerosol deodorant.  I used to use it years ago but after applying it, I would feel a little burn after.  But was a quick application and was not sprayed for a long time.  It was the old spice deodorant.  There is even a lawsuit....



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More like a burn from the cold, compressed sprayer.


I wish these types of people would just take the anthrax challenge and leave the world with a little more oxygen for those with an I.Q. higher than a rock.

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14 minutes ago, Rohdekill said:

More like a burn from the cold, compressed sprayer.


Not necessarily.  When I used it, normal application I would feel a burn.  And that was like a min or two after.  But there are some other chemicals that can cause a reaction to some.

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really?   there's a chemical that i'm kind of allergic to in some deodorant that if i use it for a few days, it'll make my skin peel.


but i thought it would have been the cold, the compressed gas freezing the skin

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“It takes real commitment, such as the deodorant challenge, to burn yourself with aerosol deodorant,” said Smart.  “People who use it do not hold it close enough to their skin and spray for a long enough period of time to cause damage.”



Future leaders of the world....

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53 minutes ago, techbeck said:

Tide challenge, kids snorting condoms, and now this?  I say we refuse medical treatment to anyone dumb  enough to do any of these "challenges" and sterilize the parents so they cannot have any more kids.  Seriously, this  generation is full of morons.

The internet is largely to blame as much as I don't want to say it. Sites like YouTube and such help promote it (or at least do nothing against it) but Vine in particular was one of the worst offenders, they're not around anymore thankfully but they started the whole internet trend of 'film yourself getting injured for lols'


We all remember how popular the Fail Vine videos were/are.....

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1 minute ago, Brandon H said:

The internet is largely to blame as much as I don't want to say it. Sites like YouTube and such help promote it (or at least do nothing against it) but Vine in particular was one of the worst offenders, they're not around anymore thankfully but they started the whole internet trend of 'film yourself getting injured for lols'


We all remember how popular the Fail Vine videos were/are.....

Possibly...but I think it is parenting more than anything else.  I have a ton of kids in my family, and non do this.  Because they have common sense and are parented. Hell, the only challenge I did growing up was who can jump their bike the farthest.  Most I ever got was scrapped up a little.  Everyone, even kids, have a mind.  If you look at a tide pod, condom, deodorant and think, hey lets eat, snort, and spray this stuff and see what damage it can do, then let darwin take over and  be done with it.   It is not rocket science to realize these things do damage.  I think it has to do more with people getting dumb and dumber every generation.

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2 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

The internet is largely to blame as much as I don't want to say it. Sites like YouTube and such help promote it (or at least do nothing against it) but Vine in particular was one of the worst offenders, they're not around anymore thankfully but they started the whole internet trend of 'film yourself getting injured for lols'


We all remember how popular the Fail Vine videos were/are.....

My hats off to you. Sites like Youtube desensitize kids to the dangers of doing retarded stuff like eating Tide Pods.  Once kids see this stuff being done and the excitement it causes, the challenge is on for them to do it and publish this stupidity.  I don't place all the blame on stupid kids and put much of the responsibility on grown ups that tacitly approve the behavior by allowing this kind of stuff on adult media like Youtube.

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22 minutes ago, techbeck said:

Possibly...but I think it is parenting more than anything else.  I have a ton of kids in my family, and non do this.  Because they have common sense and are parented. Hell, the only challenge I did growing up was who can jump their bike the farthest.  Most I ever got was scrapped up a little.  Everyone, even kids, have a mind.  If you look at a tide pod, condom, deodorant and think, hey lets eat, snort, and spray this stuff and see what damage it can do, then let darwin take over and  be done with it.   It is not rocket science to realize these things do damage.  I think it has to do more with people getting dumb and dumber every generation.

oh I don't disagree, parenting is 100% a factor. 

I'm 25, my generation and forward grew up with the internet. The parents of these generations did not so are largely unfamiliar with what is around on the internet a lot of time. Because of this many parents don't know where to begin cracking down on internet activity and they don't want to just stand over their child's shoulder as they surf the web.


with each generation now common sense is slowing going out the window and this is due to partially the internet but also partially ourselves/the government. many parents are afraid to so much as spank their child for fear of them being taken away; this mindset is very damaging and is causing the most harm i think in the long run

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5 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

with each generation now common sense is slowing going out the window and this is due to partially the internet but also partially ourselves/the government. many parents are afraid to so much as spank their child for fear of them being taken away; this mindset is very damaging and is causing the most harm i think in the long run

Said every previous generation. The only thing that's changed is the internet allows for anyone to instantly be shown as an idiot, with a megaphone. People aren't getting more stupid, we're just seeing more of them.


Outside of that, I'll agree that the nanny state parents impose on their child (and everyone else) is out of control. You can't even leave a 10 year old alone in the car while running into a store to pay for gas now, without some nosy mom calling the police.

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30 minutes ago, shockz said:

Said every previous generation. The only thing that's changed is the internet allows for anyone to instantly be shown as an idiot, with a megaphone. People aren't getting more stupid, we're just seeing more of them.


Outside of that, I'll agree that the nanny state parents impose on their child (and everyone else) is out of control. You can't even leave a 10 year old alone in the car while running into a store to pay for gas now, without some nosy mom calling the police.

i'm not talking basic tasks; I'm thinking even more basic (this hurts and is causing actual damage...I should stop)

the little voice inside your head type of common sense.


yes the internet has made it more obvious but still internet aside you see it everywhere. I had a client who couldn't figure out our automated text system (it's an IBM watson setup to walk through an instruction set). The message on her phone was 'Text GO to continue' and the client complained they couldn't find the GO key on their phone.......


edit: case and point with this article that just came out


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39 minutes ago, tsupersonic said:

As a millenial I have to say, WTF is it with this generation of kids and their stupid challenges? 

It's the Y2K Generation. One of the dumbest and entitled generations.

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27 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

i'm not talking basic tasks; I'm thinking even more basic (this hurts and is causing actual damage...I should stop)

the little voice inside your head type of common sense.


yes the internet has made it more obvious but still internet aside you see it everywhere. I had a client who couldn't figure out our automated text system (it's an IBM watson setup to walk through an instruction set). The message on her phone was 'Text GO to continue' and the client complained they couldn't find the GO key on their phone.......


edit: case and point with this article that just came out


These have all been issues long before now. I remember in the 80s people literally looking for the "any" key. I know some 50 somethings that can't tell time either. Singling out this generation is silly.


People I work with didn't plenty of dumb, dangerous things back when they were kids... In the 60s.

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31 minutes ago, warwagon said:

It's the Y2K Generation. One of the dumbest and entitled generations.


Kids, I don't know what's wrong with these kids today
Kids, who can understand anything they say?
Kids, they are disobedient, disrespectful oafs
Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy, loafers

You're acting out a stereotype that goes back to ancient Greece.

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42 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

yes the internet has made it more obvious but still internet aside you see it everywhere



? Blaming the internet and how easy it is to share these things is basically a cop out or something to blame besides the obvious.  I see it everywhere that parents do not parent like they used to.  And when they try, there is someone that has to get their dickskinners in the middle of it.   I am sure the internet helps to share these kind of things...but people have been getting dumber for a while now.

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6 minutes ago, techbeck said:

(y)  Blaming the internet and how easy it is to share these things is basically a cop out or something to blame besides the obvious.  I see it everywhere that parents do not parent like they used to.  And when they try, there is someone that has to get their dickskinners in the middle of it. 

yep that's exactly what i was saying in another post above. parents are afraid to actually parent for 'fear' that the 'government gon take my baby'

I'm hearing stories of children even starting to recognize this and will go to authority figures like a cop claiming their parent/s hit them when they were simply spanked for something they did wrong and the cops TAKE ACTION against the parents.


there comes a point where we're coddling TOO much. we need to let parents actually parent their children again. let parents learn from their mistakes like everyone else and become better parents over time.

there's too much government involvement anymore imho.


note: I live in the US so my point of view may be slightly biased based on what I've seen in my areas

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2 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

I'm hearing stories of children even starting to recognize this and will go to authority figures like a cop claiming their parent/s hit them when they were simply spanked for something they did wrong and the cops TAKE ACTION against the parents.


Cannot even spank your kids these days  without someone getting upset.  I was spanked, open hand, as a kid and it did not hurt at all.  It embarrassed me and got my attention, but that was it.  I also was punished to the second my parents told me to.  I was sent to my room often where I only had a desk, bed, and alarm clock.  I had to sit on many hard chairs in the middle of a room for hours until I could say sorry and show that I learned my lesson.  But parents do not want to take that time and effort anymore.   They are to busy with their own lives that TV, internet, and video games are the new parents.   I could go on and on and on......

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6 minutes ago, Brandon H said:

yep that's exactly what i was saying in another post above. parents are afraid to actually parent for 'fear' that the 'government gon take my baby'

I'm hearing stories of children even starting to recognize this and will go to authority figures like a cop claiming their parent/s hit them when they were simply spanked for something they did wrong and the cops TAKE ACTION against the parents.


there comes a point where we're coddling TOO much. we need to let parents actually parent their children again. let parents learn from their mistakes like everyone else and become better parents over time.

there's too much government involvement anymore imho.


note: I live in the US so my point of view may be slightly biased based on what I've seen in my areas

Growing up in the 80's, I remember a few times where classmates either called the cops on their parents for spanking them, or making up a story about something in class and the teacher getting police involved, only to (not surprisingly) find out it was false. This isn't a new thing. I'm confused as to why you think it is? The internet only amplifies things that have been happening for well, ever.

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5 minutes ago, techbeck said:

Cannot even spank your kids these days  without someone getting upset.  I was spanked, open hand, as a kid and it did not hurt at all.  It embarrassed me and got my attention, but that was it.  I also was punished to the second my parents told me to.  I was sent to my room often where I only had a desk, bed, and alarm clock.  I had to sit on many hard chairs in the middle of a room for hours until I could say sorry and show that I learned my lesson.  But parents do not want to take that time and effort anymore.   They are to busy with their own lives that TV, internet, and video games are the new parents.   I could go on and on and on......

Surprise: Kids still get spanked. Just not at walmart/public. Which is probably a good thing, the last thing I need to see or hear is a kid getting spanked and then screaming their head off at the store. Your broad stereotypes of parents now is making you look silly, my group of friends is between 25-36, many of them parents and they are engrossed in their children lives than theirs, let alone buried in their phone or sitcoms. And their kids certainly know the limits or else they're in for a world of pain.

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4 minutes ago, shockz said:

Growing up in the 80's, I remember a few times where classmates either called the cops on their parents for spanking them, or making up a story about something in class and the teacher getting police involved, only to (not surprisingly) find out it was false. This isn't a new thing. I'm confused as to why you think it is? The internet only amplifies things that have been happening for well, ever.

i'm not saying the act in itself is new, more that cops are siding with the kids instead of believing the parents more and more


Its the believing the false claims and acting on them that I have a problem with and is more prevalent now

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